Nalan Jinnian told Prince An the cause and effect of his interruption in the middle of the night.

It turned out that a few days ago, Nalan Jinnian and the person sent by the governor of Shuntian to find the whereabouts of the former state treasury silver went through many investigations, and finally suspected that there was a treasure hidden in the back hill of a village in Shifeng County, about three or four days away from the capital. silver toward the treasury.

That Zhuangzi Guo family had been sold to a wealthy businessman in Shifeng County twenty years ago.

The governor of Shuntian just happened to know that the wealthy businessman later had a prodigal son in his family and accidentally killed the child of the prime minister when the late emperor was in power. Since then, the business of the family has hit a wall, and several children of the wealthy businessman have also been killed. In the end, the family was destroyed. The governor of Shuntian just accepted it. After going through this case, I know that the wealthy businessman's family business has long been exhausted!

That Zhuangzi should also be sold, but to whom, because it was not the Zhuangzi in the capital, and the Guo family's account books and materials did not record that Zhuangzi, so he had to go to the local yamen to check.

Neither Nalan Jinnian nor the governor of Shuntian found out what was wrong with Zhuangzi.

However, the governor of Shuntian and Nalan Jinnian, with the intention that they would rather kill the wrong ones than let them go, decided that all the houses and shops that were sold should be checked secretly!

Unexpectedly, at the end of the investigation, all Zhuangzi and shops were not found, but the Zhuangzi in Shifeng County was the most suspicious.

Because there are many karst caves in Shifeng County, and karst caves are undoubtedly the best hiding places.

After Nalan Jinnian received the news, he took Da Hui to see it in person.

Then Da Hui found the entrance of a cave that was sealed by stones, and when he walked in, he found a lot of gold and silver treasures!

He stepped forward to check a few things, which were undoubtedly those in the treasury records of the previous dynasty!

He asked people to count the number of these things, and then sent someone to send a letter to Wen Wen, telling her the time to go back.

The contents of the cave have just been counted, and about one-third of the silver has been lost!

At this time, it is natural to arrest the master of Zhuangzi.

Then he found records in the yamen that this Zhuangzi had been bought by Wang Xiao a few months ago!

Nalan Jinnian could only hurry back to find the list in Wang Xiao's mouth to prove his innocence.

"Isn't it?" Prince An's face was in disbelief after hearing this!

That's not a big deal!

If this Wang Xiao really stole the money from the treasury of the previous dynasty, wouldn't that have caused the family of Duke An Guo's mansion?

That is the big crime of looting and genocide!

"Could this Wang Xiao be the uncle of Princess Hui'an? Fake?"

Nalan Jinnian rolled his eyes at him.

He was too lazy to answer such an idiot question.

Prince An coughed and said, "What's the matter with the seventeenth uncle coming to my father?"

"The former emperor sent a lot of people out to be spies. The list is gone now. I want to ask the emperor if he knows anything about the list."

Prince An raised his brows: "But my father's old problem suddenly happened again last night. This time he returned to his childhood, and when he saw my father, he thought that my father was the first emperor. Even my mother and concubine did not let her into the house, Say you don't know her!"

Speaking of this matter, Prince An was extremely helpless.

When Nalan Jinnian heard the words, her already frowning brows tied into knots: "Why did you suddenly get sick again, hasn't it been a long time since you got sick?"

Prince An's heir was also very helpless: "Yes, but Uncle Seventeen, you also know that this disease is so nonsensical, and it happens suddenly when you love it. Sometimes when you wake up, your memory may return to normal. My father It’s common for the king to call me the royal father today and Xiao Jinnian tomorrow! Should I have someone wake up the concubine and let her wake the royal father?”

Nalan Jinnian twitched the corners of her mouth when she heard the word "Xiao Jinnian", knowing that he did it on purpose, but she was not in the mood to take care of him.

Nalan Jinnian glanced at the sky, it was still an hour and a half before dawn, but the officials had already begun to enter the palace for the morning.

Time was running out, and he had to notify Wennuan to let her be prepared, and then nodded: "Okay."

He was also worried that he would scare Prince An, so he came to find Prince An's heir.

Prince An immediately sent someone to notify Princess An.

After Prince An got dressed, the two went to wait outside Prince An's courtyard together.

Princess An quickly asked the palace maid to send a message: "King Jin, the prince, the princess invites you in."

The two heard the words and walked in.

The awakened Prince An sat there angrily, puffed up.

Prince An and the Crown Prince sat beside him and coaxed softly, "Sleep later, I'll give you something delicious to eat when you wake up."

"I want to eat braised pigeon, beggar chicken, and pickled fish." Prince An reported a series of dish names, and at the end he pointed in the direction of Anguo Gongfu and added, "I want to eat what the chef of Anguo Gongfu cooks!"

"Okay, okay, okay, eat it from the cook of the Anguo Gong's Mansion." Prince An was helpless, it was really hard for him, she didn't even remember the princess, but she remembered that the food in the Anguo Gong's Mansion was delicious!

Prince An's heir and Nalan Jinnian walked in, and the two of them saluted: "My son/elder brother has seen the father/elder brother, mother concubine/elder sister-in-law."

Nalan Jinnian said apologetically to Princess An: "I came to disturb you in the middle of the night, it really bothered the imperial sister-in-law and the imperial brother to rest."

Princess An smiled and said, "It's okay, your royal brother woke up a long time ago, and is making a fuss about rushing to the palace for the morning court. Come, sit down and talk to your royal brother, he is confused again!"

Prince An glared at Nalan Jinnian and asked Princess An: "Who is this person? Is he the prince? Who is his prince? Can the prince be falsely identified? Don't call me the prince! The father will rule your sins! Punish your nine clans!"

Princess An pulled his hand helplessly: "This is the Seventeenth Emperor's younger brother, your little Jinnian! Didn't you say that he was smart and clever since he was a child?"

"Fart! My Seventeenth Emperor's younger brother is only one year old, so tall! How can this man who looks neither male nor female is the Seventeenth Emperor's younger brother of this prince!"

Prince An's crown prince gave Nalan Jinnian a helpless look: Look, your imperial brother is here again!

"Father, he is really the Seventeenth Uncle!" Prince An said helplessly.

"Presumptuous! Who is your father? This prince's son is still in the womb of the princess! Come! Come! Send this prince to the heavenly prison! Are you treating this prince as a fool? Such a big man actually Pretending to be this prince's younger brother and son? It's outrageous!" Prince An patted the table.

Prince An whispered to Nalan Jinnian, "Well, I woke up, I've grown a dozen years! You and I have already been born this time!"

This topic really can't go on!

Nalan Jinnian's brows were almost tied into a thousand knots. He looked at Prince An and said, "You send someone to ask Hui'an County Master to come over."

See if the little girl's purple energy can wake him up.

Prince An nodded, and immediately asked someone to invite warmth.

Friendly recommendation "My Princess, Amazing"

Author: super snail.

Synopsis: Ning Xuan, the heir of Erfuji, had a car accident and traveled to the Duke's Mansion of the Great Qin State, and became Li Yanxiang, the eldest daughter of General Li of the Duke's Mansion.

After Li Yanxiang was born, her mother died. Fortunately, her grandmother loved her and grew up. The stepmother Shen Huan framed Yan Xiang three times and five times for her daughter Yixiang to become the crown princess.

During the First Battle of Beihai Kingdom, Yan Xiang rescued her father and secretly followed the support army to the front line, got acquainted with the third prince Qin Zixuan, and became the crown princess and queen of the Great Qin Kingdom, assisting Qin Zixuan in making the Great Qin Kingdom rich and powerful. . . .

If you are interested, you can go and see it, and you can also invest in it~

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