When Prince An sent the warm person to come, Wen Nuan had already woken up, and he had put on his palace clothes and was about to go to the morning court to tell the emperor what Liu Xiaoen meant.

She was slightly surprised when she heard that Prince An's son was please, and then she thought that it might be that Prince An fell ill again.

She asked Ziwan to pack some snacks that Prince An likes to eat, and then followed the servant to Prince An's mansion.

Prince An's House

Nalan Jinnian stood beside the Moon Gate and waited for the warm arrival. He looked at the moon in the sky and thought about things.

The night at dawn mixed with the mist of the early morning, shrouding his whole being and staining him with a layer of frost.

Nuan Nuan saw him standing there from a distance, and there was an icy aura emanating from his whole body, and his heart froze for a moment: Thinking of Nalan Jinnian saying to go back yesterday, but not going back, Nuan Nuan couldn't help thinking that Prince An would be bad, right? ?

She couldn't help but quicken her pace.

As soon as Nalan Jinnian's warm figure appeared in his eyes, he stood up straight and walked towards the warmth.

With this movement, the frost all over his body dissipated, and the whole person looked a lot softer.

Wen Nuan walked up to Nalan Jinnian and said anxiously, "What happened to Prince An?"

Nalan Jinnian held her cool hand and reassured: "It's okay. The old problem is committed. Are you going to go to the morning?"

Wen Nuan was relieved to hear the words, nodded, and then said in surprise: "Well, but since Prince An is an old problem, why do you look like you don't mess with me, and those who mess with me are killed without mercy?"

Nuan was familiar with Nalan Jinnian, and knew that although his expression was normal, there was a faint emotion in his eyes. This person was in a bad mood at the moment, and some kind of storm was brewing.

Nalan Jin said in a young voice, "The money from the former treasury has been found."

Nuan's eyes widened: "That's a good thing! Where is it?"

So the treasury will not be so strained.

"In the village under the name of General Wang."


General Wang?

"My uncle?"

Nalan Jinnian nodded: "Yes."

Warm frowned: "Have you checked this out?"

Warm believes that Wang Xiao will not be such a person.

If he was such a person, he would not return to the imperial court. Wouldn't it be good for him to support himself with so much money?

"I haven't checked it out yet, I only know that Zhuangzi was bought by General Wang a few months ago, and the emperor has already sent someone to invite General Wang to come back. In the early morning of today, the governor of Shuntian Prefecture will report the results of the investigation. The Manchu civil and military officials may all write to ask for the siege of An Guogong's mansion, to arrest you and General Wang to come back for interrogation."

Nalan Jinnian told Warmth the worst outcome.

The result warmly also thought of it, she nodded, did not speak, but was thinking about how to deal with it.

Nalan Jinnian held his warm hand tightly: "Don't worry, I will definitely find out the truth of the matter, and I will not let General Wang wrong, and no matter what happens, I will definitely protect you."

Wen Nuan came back to his senses and nodded: "Well, I know. You asked me to come to Prince An's mansion?"

"The old problem of the second emperor has happened again. I think you can give him two injections to make him return to normal. I want to ask him if he knows where the list is."

"I'll try it! Let's go see Prince An first. I brought some snacks for Prince An and Princess An to eat." Wen Nuan turned around to pick up the food box that Prince An sent to invite her servant.

Nalan Jinnian reached out and took it directly: "Let's go!"

Nodding warmly: "Yeah."

Nalan Jinnian entered with warmth.

Wen Nuan bowed to Prince An, Princess An, and Prince An's heir: "I have seen Prince An, Concubine An, and Prince An's heir."

Princess An smiled and said, "The Princess Hui'an doesn't need to be too polite. Come, sit down!"

Nalan Jinnian pulled Wen Nuan forward, put the food box on the table, then pulled Wen Nuan and sat down.

Prince An glared at the food container on the table, leaned over and sniffed, it was the fragrance!

He couldn't wait to reach out to open the food box.

Nalan Jinnian quickly took the food box away.

Prince An raised his head and looked at Nalan Jinnian fiercely: "The Seventeenth Emperor, what are you doing?"

Taking food is like taking a wife!

Prince An said in surprise, "Father, do you recognize the Seventeenth Emperor's younger brother?"

"What are you talking about? Do you think this king is an idiot? Why doesn't this king recognize the Seventeenth Emperor Brother? Brat, do you think your father is a fool?"

Prince An's mouth twitched: "A fool is not as stupid as you!"

It's just that he didn't dare to say it!

Prince An looked at Nalan Jinnian: "The Seventeenth Emperor, give it to the Second Emperor, I'm going to starve to death!"

Nalan Jinnian didn't give it to him, but just said: "Brother Huang answers me a question, and I will give the food box to Brother Huang."

Prince An was so angry that he blew his beard and stared: "This is not yours, it is Hui'an County Master who honors this king!"

Nalan Jinnian: "Who said that? The Princess Hui'an brought breakfast to my brother! She is the future princess of my brother! Not your princess!"

Prince An was angry: "If you have a fart, let it go!"

I can't help but swear!

Nalan Jinnian hooked her lips, the normal second emperor brother was much cuter, but he didn't expect to see the real thing and returned to normal: "Did the emperor father give the emperor a list before his death, it is about some spies. Does the emperor know where the list is?"

About the list of nails?

The royal father handed the list to him for safekeeping.

Prince An nodded when he heard the words: "I know. Here I am!"

Nalan Jinnian breathed a sigh of relief, it turned out that he was really here with the Second Emperor!

"Second emperor brother, the minister and brother want to see that list."

Prince An didn't expect it to go so smoothly. He had already asked, and he said eagerly, "Where is the list of the father and the king? Hurry up and take it out!"

Prince An glared at the two of them: "What's the hurry! The list can't be leaked out. I can't show it to you stinky brat, your mouth won't shut the door!"

Among those people, there are still people who are making nails, but they can't take them out, so as not to leak them out.

Until the critical time, those nails cannot be used.

Nalan Jinnian put the food box on the table and pushed it in front of Prince An: "It will not be leaked, only for the emperor to see, it is about the life and death of a loyal minister, the emperor brother quickly take it out!"

Prince An quickly grabbed it, opened the food box, and saw that the food inside was his favorite, and his eyebrows and eyes widened.

Prince An couldn't wait to pick up the chopsticks and wanted to eat.

Prince An urged: "Father, the list is of great importance. There is one person in it who was misunderstood as a major crime of treason. You should take it out quickly! Otherwise, you will never be able to eat such delicious food again."

When Prince An heard the words, he frowned and looked at Wennuan: "It's about you?"

Nodding warmly: "Yes, can Prince An take out the list? I promise not to leak it out."

Prince Ann shook his head.

Nalan Jinnian frowned: "Brother Huang is at stake! You should take it out quickly!"

Prince An shook his head: "It's not that I don't take it, it's that I forgot, I forgot where to put it!"

Three people: "."

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