Simply pissed off!

Prince An said angrily: "Father, then quickly think about where you put the list!"

If something happened to the Anguo Gong's mansion, Wu Jingmei would definitely not be able to escape!

Prince An's heir is in a hurry.

That's why he understood that Nalan Jin ran into his house in the middle of the night to find someone.

Prince An tilted his head and thought for a while. He was just thinking of something, but was interrupted by the Prince An. He glared at him: "Shut up! This prince almost thought of it."

Prince An: "."

Princess An quickly pulled the sleeve of Prince La'an's son: "What are you anxious about, you know that your father is forgetful and always forgets things. Since it's in our mansion, just look for it! You can always find it. of."

Prince An nodded when he heard the words: "Yes, look for it! Father, let's go to the study and look for it!"

Maybe you can find it if you look for it.

Nalan Jinnian looked at Nuan Nuan: "Nuan Nuan, why don't you help the second emperor get a Ping An vein and give him a needle?"

So looking, when did you find it?

When Prince An heard the words, he immediately said, "I don't want to give needles! Don't take a pulse, don't pierce me, or I'll get out of here!"

Over the years, Prince An has seen too many imperial doctors, which has made him very disgusted.

Nuan also tried to give Prince An acupuncture, but he disagreed.

There's nothing you can do about him, you can't force him!

Princess An felt that it was not a life-threatening disease, and he didn't like it.

Nalan Jinnian thought of using healthy vegetables to slowly raise them, and the effect is also there. After all, there have been more normal memories in the past year.

He warmly coaxed: "Prince An, why don't I take your pulse for you? By the way, I'll take a look at your health, and I'll give you some medicated meals? Those medicated meals can not only strengthen your body, but also taste good!"

Prince An nibbled on a piece of yam cake and shook his head: "I don't want it. This king thinks these are delicious! This is enough for this king!"

What kind of medicated diet, doesn't it also have medicine in it?

How can it taste good with medicine?

He is not fooled!

Prince An became stubborn, and even Princess An couldn't persuade him.

He smiled warmly: "My lord, the yam cake you are eating now is a medicinal diet! The snacks in this food box are all medicinal diets!"


Prince An looked suspiciously at the warmth, and his small eyes seemed to say: You didn't lie to me, did you?

Warmly smiled and explained: "This is a yam cake, made from yam. Yam returns to the spleen, lung, and kidney meridians. It is beneficial to qi and nourishes yin, tonifies the spleen, lung and kidney, and strengthens the essence and stops the belt. Injury, suffocating the lack of qi.”

Wen Nuan explained the medicinal effects of yam, and then pointed to the stewed tangerine peel bird's nest: "This tangerine peel bird's nest is also a medicinal diet. The tangerine peel has the medicinal effects of regulating qi and strengthening the spleen, drying dampness and resolving phlegm, and bird's nest can treat lung qi diseases. Moisturizing the lungs, relieving cough, reducing phlegm, and at the same time improving the body's ability to resist diseases, it can be combined with tangerine peel."

Warming Wang's stewed bird's nest also adds a piece of dried tangerine peel. For the elderly, it has a good effect on preventing cough and asthma, prolonging life and enhancing immunity.

In particular, her tangerine peels are health-preserving tangerine peels. Although the real age is only three years, she remembers using purple qi to nourish them, which is better than the 30-year-old dried tangerine peels sold in pharmacies outside!

Wen Wen then brought out a bowl of cooked noodles, filled the noodles with Shouwu Lingzhi soup, and made a bowl of Shouwu Lingzhi medicated noodles: "This is a bowl of Shouwu Lingzhi medicated noodles, my lord. Taste it, it has"

When Princess An saw Wen Nuan introducing the medicinal food to Prince An, she quietly motioned to Prince An's son and King Jin to go to the study to find the list first.

Let Nuan stay here with her and see if Prince An can remember it.

There was not much time, and the two of them were anxious, so they both went to Prince An's study to look for it.

Wen Nuan introduced several medicated foods in succession, all of which were extremely delicious.

Prince An also ate it on weekdays, so he could not eat any more!

Of course, the amount of each kind is not much, only a small half a bowl, so it will not be overwhelmed.

He just felt that everything was not enough to jam his teeth!

Seeing this, Wen Nuan said, "My lord, I'm not lying, right? These are all medicated meals. Medicated meals can not only cure but also prevent diseases, strengthen your body, and I will check your pulse for you, and then adjust your future medicated meals?"

Prince An glanced at Wen Nuan and stretched out his hand: "I want to eat delicious food! There is no bitter taste of medicinal herbs!"

Princess An looked helpless.

Prince An is an unusual man, he especially loves sweets!

Always secretly looking for candy to eat.

But the doctor said that this person can't eat too many sweets when he is old.

Princess An didn't let him eat too much.

Wen Nuan nodded with a smile, and then took out a candy pill wrapped in exquisite candy paper: "Okay, it's definitely not bitter! I'll give you a puzzle candy. Lord, try it."

"This king is not a child!" Although he said so, Prince An grabbed it directly, opened it and stuffed it into his mouth, and then gave Prince An a proud look.

The sugar pills melted in the mouth, the fragrant sweetness spread out in the mouth, and Prince An narrowed his eyes in satisfaction.

Princess An deliberately glared at him.

Prince An hurriedly said: "At this time, Yizhi Pills, I am forgetful, I want to eat more! Hui'an County Master, right?"

"Well, you can eat one a day." With a warm smile, he put his hand on his pulse gate, and at the same time mobilized Zi Qi to recuperate his body.

Prince An looked disappointed: "Only one a day?"

Princess An couldn't help laughing: "One a day is already a lot!"

"Where are there more? It's pitiful!" Prince An muttered in a low voice.

He gave Prince An his pulse warmly and earnestly, slightly surprised in his heart, but his expression was not obvious.

Soon Wen Nuan finished taking her pulse, and Princess An immediately said, "How is the prince's body?"

His tone was tense.

A warm smile: "Don't worry, Princess, the Lord is in good health. As for amnesia, it can't be cured in an instant, it has to be taken slowly. This is a sign of natural aging, as long as it's not getting more and more forgetful, very good already."

And this disease is caused by aging and degeneration of brain function, the death of regional brain cells, and the reduction of neurotransmitters.

But the real cause has not been very clear.

But every living individual will have signs of natural aging. This is a natural law and is irreversible. Ziqi has no way to change this natural law, but can only slow down the speed.

Of course, if it is a degeneration caused by diseases, hormones, etc., and some brain cells die, the purple qi can cure the disease, regulate the hormones in the body, make the brain cells grow again, and the neurotransmitters will return to normal and no longer degenerate.

Prince An's symptoms are not too serious, and judging from the pulse, it should not be aging, and the two years of eating health medicated diet have improved significantly.

However, I have been ill recently, or I should look for the reason.

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