The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1082 So, what about Princess Hui'an?

Prince Ann rummaged around in the secret room.

The waiting time is always very long. After half a quarter of an hour, Prince An felt that he had waited for a long time: "Why is it so long? Did the king remember where he put it?"

Nalan Jinnian has always been calm and calm when encountering things. He has already made a plan, but now he can't find it!

He said to Prince An, "I'm going to enter the palace early. When the list is found, send it to the palace immediately!"

Prince An nodded: "Where's Princess Hui'an? Is she going to Zaochao with you?"

Nalan Jinnian didn't want to go to the morning court warmly. After all, after listening to those people's words, he shook his head: "No need, you help me take her back to the Anguo Gongfu."

At this time, the Anguo Gongfu also needed her to sit in charge.

The court naturally has its own shelter to shield him from the wind and rain.

"Okay!" Prince An replied without hesitation.

At this time, he felt that he needed to be by Wu Jingmei's side.

After Nalan Jinnian finished speaking, she turned around and strode away.

Unexpectedly, I happened to see Nuan Wen and Princess An come over together.

He couldn't help but stop.

Princess An thought that at this time, Prince An should have found the list, and then Wen Nuan said that she had something to report to the emperor in the palace, so the two came.

Seeing that Nalan Jinnian was about to leave, Princess An smiled and said, "The Seventeenth Emperor, have you found the list?"

Although Wang Ye has amnesia, the things he remembers are generally not wrong.

Wen Nuan glanced at the closed study room, and the appearance of Prince An waiting outside, and guessed that he should not be found.

Nalan Jinnian shook his head: "Brother Huang is still looking, but I haven't found it yet. I'm going to the morning court."

Nalan Jinnian said and looked at the warmth.

When Prince An heard the words, he hurriedly said: "Then go quickly! This business cannot be delayed."

Nalan Jinnian said to Wen Nuan, "You go back to Duke Anguo's mansion and wait for me."

Firm tone.

Nuan originally wanted to enter the palace and talk to the emperor about Liu Xiaoen, but now the list has not been found, Wang Xiao is a traitor!

Link the nine clans!

Anguo Gong's mansion is estimated to be surrounded by the Janissaries soon!

Naturally, she had to go back quickly, lest the family would be worried.

He nodded warmly and calmly: "Then I'll go back now."

Prince An immediately came over and said, "Hui An County Lord, I will take you back."

If something really happened, Wu Jingmei must be very scared!

With him there, he could comfort her, and the janissaries would be more polite anyway.

After all, he is the prince, and no one dares to offend him easily.

Prince An looked at Princess An and said, "Mother, I will send Hui'an County Master back."

Princess An smiled and nodded: "Okay, you don't have to rush back."

"I know."

Warming her heart warmed, she accepted the intention, but she couldn't accept it. She smiled and refused: "The prince has a heart, it's not too far away, I'll just go back by myself!"

It is enough that Prince An has this heart.

Ignoring the treasury of the previous dynasty is simply causing great trouble. If there is no evidence to prove his innocence, it is also possible to accidentally kill the nine clans!

After all, the Guo family, the great hero of the founding of the country, also punished the nine clans because of this, so why can their family be safe and sound?

If this is the case, this will make the world think that the emperor is unfair and foolish!

And this will also chill the hearts of many soldiers who had followed the Guo family in the past.

Especially now that the four countries are eyeing them, and the Nalan Kingdom is in the process of employing troops, it is even more impossible to stabilize the military's morale.

Even if the emperor believed in Wang Xiao, without evidence, he could only deal with it according to the law.

Warmth can already predict that the Anguo Gongfu will be surrounded by heavy troops soon!

But Nuan didn't want to cause trouble to others. In this case, don't look at her calm here, but Nuan knew that it would be serious if she couldn't find the list!

But Princess An said: "Let him send you! Just let her learn riding and archery with Princess Hui'an! Otherwise, I always say that my riding and shooting skills are not as good as that of Princess Hui'an, and I used to go to your house every day. Running, isn't it just practicing the art of riding and archery?"


Where did he practice riding and archery with himself? He taught Wu Jingmei to practice equestrianism.

"What the concubine said is that the son must study hard!" Prince An winked at Nuan.

Princess An smiled and said, "When you come back, you can bring something delicious to the mother-in-law! Don't worry, when the lord finds the list, I will send it to the seventeenth emperor immediately."

Prince An waved his hand: "Junior Hui'an, let's go! I'll send you off! I also want to go to your mansion to ask for something to eat! Uncle Seventeen, hurry up and enter the palace early! Otherwise, the early court will be over."

Nalan Jinnian nodded, not afraid of Princess An Qi's presence, and shook his warm hand: "Let the prince take you back."

If you refuse again, you won't know what's wrong. With a warm heart, he nodded and said with a smile, "Okay!"

So those who went back to the palace went back to the palace, and those who entered the palace entered the palace.

Princess An also went in to accompany Prince An to find the list.


Golden Palace

The Governor of Shuntian, the Minister of Punishment, and the Minister of Dali Temple have already given the emperor a memorial of finding the silver from the former treasury.

Because it is related to the whereabouts of the former state treasury silver, this matter is a mess left by the Guo family before. In order not to miss any omissions, both the Ministry of Punishment and the Dali Temple participated in it, and the Minister of Punishment and the Dali Temple also sent people to find out. , so today the two of them also went to the book to find the results.

The emperor also sent people to investigate in private, so the emperor also got the news immediately, and Nalan Jinnian told him last night.

He was not surprised to hear the two of them writing at this moment.

Only the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty know it now.

When the three of them wrote a letter at the same time, telling the time when the money from the former state treasury was in a village under the name of Wang Xiao in Anfeng County, it shocked the entire court and the opposition.

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty turned their heads to look at Wen Jiarui.

The former treasury was actually found in Zhuangzi under the name of General Wang Xiao?

Wang Xiao, the son-in-law of the King of Huainan, really has a problem!

So, are there any problems with Duke Ango and Princess Hui'an?

And Wen Jiarui was also dumbfounded at the moment.

The money from the former treasury was in my uncle's village?

Could it be that someone deliberately framed uncle?

The third prince has always sent people to follow those people, but the people he crawled to are one step behind the people on the emperor's side.

Therefore, he has not received the news yet, and he is also shocked at the moment.

He subconsciously looked at the Minister of Industry, worried that this was a bureau of the Minister of Industry.

But he also had a surprised expression when he saw the Minister of Industry.

The third prince could not help frowning: Isn't it Lord Huang? Could it be that Wang Xiao really stole money from the previous treasury?

This is a crime equivalent to treason!

The Guo family also fell because of this.

Could it be that Wang Xiao's return to the imperial court was fake?

Does he also have treasonous hearts?

So, what about Princess Hui'an?

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