Hui'an County Master has won the hearts and minds of the people and the army, and if he also has the heart of treason

The third prince couldn't help but get goosebumps when he thought of this!

At this time, the Minister of Industry and Commerce immediately stood up and said: "Your Majesty, General Wang Xiao actually stole money from the previous treasury. This is simply a crime of treason!

Moreover, the silver in the previous state treasury has been reduced by one-third, so the question is, where did the silver go?

Now Wang Xiao is stationed at the border of Dongling with a heavy army. Wei Chen is worried that he will support his own troops and collude with the country of Dongling, so the country of Nalan is in danger!

Wei Chen implored the emperor to immediately send someone to arrest Wang Xiao and return to Beijing for interrogation!

Lord Censor also stood up at this time and said: "Your Majesty, Lord Huang is right, General Wang Xiao actually paid the money from the previous treasury, and I don't know if there was a collusion with the Guo family long ago.

Moreover, Wang Xiao was a fierce general under the king of Huainan in the past, and he was also the son-in-law of the king of Huainan. Later, he betrayed the king of Huainan and surrendered to the court. I don't know if he really surrendered.

If he hides evil intentions, he is now going out with a heavy army. If he is self-respecting, or rebels, the borders of Nalan Kingdom are not peaceful at the moment, and the ministers are extremely afraid! Wei Chen implored the emperor to immediately send someone to arrest Wang Xiao and come back for a review! "

The minister of the Ministry of Officials also echoed: "Weichen seconded! General Wang actually stole the money from the treasury of the previous dynasty. Is this because he has long been colluding with the chaotic minister Guo's family, or is he a remnant of the King of Huainan, or he has Rebellious heart?

Now whether he is the only one who has the heart of rebellion, or whether he has any other party, these must be found out as soon as possible! Wei Chen urges the emperor to arrest Wang Xiao and return to Beijing for review as soon as possible! This matter is very important! Nalan country is in crisis on all sides at this moment, and there must be no civil strife, so that the enemy country can take advantage of it! Your Majesty, please investigate this matter as soon as possible! "

The meaning of this is to imply that the warm family may be the same party!

After hearing this, the Minister of the Household couldn't help but stand up: "Your Majesty, this matter should be thoroughly investigated, General Wang Xiao was a spy sent by the late emperor, and he has endured humiliation for many years. It is not an easy task to go from a commoner to a prince of the state! How much credit must be made for the court to be able to make a prince and a chancellor? I wonder if there is a traitor who would make such a contribution to the court! So Wei Chen urges you The emperor thoroughly investigates this matter, and don't let Zhongliang be framed!"

Unwilling to be left behind, the Minister of Industry continued: "Your Majesty, now Shuntian Mansion has only found half of the money in the former state treasury, and where did the other half go? Was it hidden in another place by Wang Xiao, or has it been used to recruit troops and buy horses?

Wang Xiao is An Guogong's uncle. How much does the An Guogong's residence know about Wang Xiao? Or are they simply complicit?

After all, the Huainan Rebellion was pacified, and Hui'an County Master also participated in the battle. Even she killed General Guo and others, and it was too easy to rob the former treasury. Wei Chen thought that all these must be checked! Too suspicious! "

Having said this, the Minister of Industry paused for a moment, and then deliberately handed over his hands and said solemnly: "For the stability of Nalan Kingdom, Wei Chen implores the emperor to send heavy troops to surround the Duke of Anguo, and send someone to arrest Wang Xiao and return to Beijing for interrogation! "

The Minister of War was not far behind, and immediately stood up: "Your Majesty, what Mr. Fang said just now is very true! Nalan Kingdom is facing enemies from all sides, and I am like General Wang, and there are not many fierce generals like Hui'an County Master! This may be the one The country's intrigues, deliberately framed me, Chao Zhongliang! Cut off the emperor's right-hand man! Let them take advantage!

Wei Chen did not believe that General Wang Xiao would steal the money from the previous treasury! General Wang has endured humiliation for many years. For the sake of the court, he is so old that he has not left any children and half daughters.

The master of Hui'an put down the Huainan Rebellion and won so many cities for Nalan Kingdom. From health-preserving vegetables, to the closeness of rice and wheat per mu, to the design of watchtowers on the northwest border, and the design of continuous crossbow, she made a lot of contributions to the court, If so, he is suspected of being a rebellious minister, and he has the heart of rebellion!

Your Majesty, Wei Chen thinks that if there are only a few more ministers who have such a heart of rebellion, then our Nalan Kingdom will have long since returned to the people of the world, and Nalan Kingdom will have long since become the first of the Five Kingdoms, and even ruled the world! "

Wucheng Soldier and Ma Si nodded: "We have never seen any treasonous minister making such a great contribution to the court!"

The Minister of Industry snorted coldly at the two of them: "Now the ironclad evidence is like a mountain, the money from the former state treasury was found in General Wang Xiao's Zhuangzi! Several adults excused Wang Xiao like this, are they their comrades? Besides, Shi Jun Zhilu, worry about the monarch, isn't it what a courtier should do to serve the court? Why do you need to show it all around? How many soldiers and generals in the military camp respect her as if she were a body? The prestige among the people is even higher than that of the emperor! Maybe Hui'an County Master did this to win the hearts of the people! It's just to win the hearts of the army!"

The Minister of Works said to the emperor again: "Your Majesty, the stakes are very important. Who knows if General Wang Xiao deliberately went to the treasury of the previous dynasty, like the Guo family of that day, and he had the same intention of rebellion? And Wang Xiao, as a small General, are you too rich? The two daughters of Anguogong got married, and the dowry caused a sensation in the whole city. Where did all the money come from? Your Majesty, Wei Chen implores the emperor to capture Wang Xiao and return to Beijing. Anyone who goes in and out to tip off, investigate this matter thoroughly!"

Several officials also felt that the Minister of Industry was not alarmist and echoed: "I urge the emperor to arrest Wang Xiao and return to Beijing, and surround the government of An Guo with heavy troops to investigate this matter thoroughly!"

"I implore the emperor to capture Wang Xiao and return to Beijing, and surround the Duke Anguo's mansion with heavy troops to investigate this matter thoroughly!"


In the court hall, the Minister of Industry and others took the lead, and a group of people shouted that they wanted to arrest Wang Xiao, and surrounded the mansion of Anguo with heavy troops!

The emperor frowned and looked at the group of demons dancing below, but he never said a word.

He was waiting for Nalan Jinnian to appear.

There is no doubt about employing people, but no need for suspects. Since Wang Xiao knows the list, he should really be a spy sent by the late emperor.

Heavy troops surrounded the mansion of Anguo, and the emperor did not want to make such a decree unless it was a last resort.

Wen Jiarui saw that everyone was talking about it, so he stood up: "Your Majesty, Wei Chen believes that General Wang will never deliberately steal the money from the previous treasury. General Wang's villages and shops in this area of ​​the capital have been around for a year and a half. I bought it, there must be some misunderstanding, Wei Chen implores the emperor to thoroughly investigate this matter, and the Wei Chen family is also willing to cooperate with the imperial court to investigate this matter thoroughly!"

The third prince's mind jumped quickly at the moment.

Soon he figured out that Wang Xiao was the son-in-law of the King of Huainan. Since he could betray the King of Huainan once, he might not betray the court!

Seriously, even if he is really a spy sent by the late emperor.

After so many years, are you still faithful?

The three princes don't believe it!

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