The third prince did not believe that Wang Xiao was still loyal to the court.

Wang Xiao was the son-in-law of the King of Huainan, and the Guo family colluded with the King of Huainan to treason.

After thinking about it, Wang Xiao is the person who is most likely to know that the money from the treasury of the previous dynasty came down!

If he really stole money from the previous treasury, An Guogong's family reckoned that the death penalty would be spared, and the living crime would also escape.

After all, An Guogong's family has been promoted too fast, and now they are even involved in the salt! This not only made people jealous, but also broke the original balance of the court, and inadvertently blocked the financial path of many people.

If given the opportunity to step on it, many people would take it.

Thinking of this, the third prince's eyebrows relaxed.

That's fine, Princess Hui'an is about to get married, and after that, the marriage between her and the Seventeenth Uncle will be put on the agenda.

If Wang Xiao really has the heart of rebellion, it would be a big crime of looting his family and annihilating his family!

At that time, men can beheaded, and women can ask for grace and be demoted to officials and slaves.

When Hui'an County Master was demoted to an official slave, he bought her.

Even if Princess Hui'an is sentenced to beheaded, he can come to Chencang in the dark, change people, save her, and make her the woman behind him. With her intelligence, he can naturally assist him to ascend to the great treasure!

As the saying goes, it is easy to add icing on the cake, but it is difficult to give charcoal in the snow!

If he has said a good word for Hui'an County Master and An Guogong at this moment, when the family is imprisoned, he can also make them think about their own well-being. Besides, the Minister of Industry is already his own, and it is time to let the Ministry of Household. The Book of War, the Book of War, paid attention to himself.

Therefore, he couldn't help but stand up: "Father, Princess Hui'an has made a lot of contributions to the imperial court. It is impossible for such a person to betray the country. It is estimated that there is a real misunderstanding. Therefore, the matter needs to be investigated clearly, so as not to wrong Zhongliang, but the heavy army surrounds him. Duke Anguo's mansion, my son thinks it is not feasible, Duke Anguo, Hui'an County Master, and two Lord Wen are the pillars of the court, and we must not treat them like this."

The Minister of the Ministry of Housing and the Minister of War were slightly surprised that the third prince could speak, and both glanced at him. He seldom said anything except the emperor's questions.

The Minister of Industry and others immediately said: "The third prince's statement is not good, not afraid of 10,000, but the most afraid of the event, if you don't see An Guo's mansion surrounded by heavy troops, if someone tipped off the news, and Wang Xiao got the news to follow the Guo family's example and rebelled, then Isn't Nalan in a dilemma?"

"That's right, just in case, the emperor should also encircle Anguo Gong's mansion with heavy troops until the truth of the matter is found out! Anguo Gong also said that he is willing to cooperate! I urge the emperor to immediately order heavy troops to surround Anguo Gong's mansion and arrest General Wang. Come back and investigate this matter thoroughly!"

"I implore the emperor to order heavy troops immediately."

A group of courtiers shouted again.

The emperor had a headache, why did the seventeenth emperor search for a list for so long?

He glanced at Eunuch Lin: "King Xuan Jin is here to see you!"

Gotta rush him.

Eunuch Lin immediately understood and walked out, but came back soon after, he whispered, "Your Majesty, King Jin is here."


Eunuch Lin immediately said loudly: "King Xuan Jin has an audience!"

Manchu civil and military officials immediately silenced.

The Minister of Industry and some courtiers looked at each other, and for a while, they had to seize this opportunity no matter what, and let the emperor order heavy troops to surround the Duke of Anguo.

Nalan Jinnian walked in with her head held high and bowed to the emperor: "I see the emperor brother!"

The emperor straightened his waist and said loudly, "Brother Seventeen, now Shuntian Mansion has discovered that the silver from the former treasury was in the Zhuangzi under the name of General Wang Xiao. What do you think of this?"

Nalan Jinnian's face was as indifferent as usual, and he said in a light tone: "The silver in the former state treasury was in the Zhuangzi under the name of General Wang Xiao, and it is not necessarily General Wang Xiao's, that Zhuangzi was bought by him half a year ago. After the Guo family was raided, how many people bought his Zhuangzi and shop? The court even auctioned it publicly! And the money was hidden in the cave, maybe he didn't know where the money was in the treasury of the previous dynasty. General Wang Xiao Now he is leading troops to guard the border, and he must not be brought back to interrogate immediately, otherwise it will disturb the morale of the army and give Dongling country a chance! This matter, my brother thinks that we should send someone to investigate it thoroughly, and then make a decision."

The emperor nodded.

Taking Wang Xiao back now will only confuse the army, and the country of Dongling might be thrown into trouble.

But if you don't catch him back, it's not easy to explain!

Hard to convince the crowd!

In fact, the emperor is the same as Nalan Jinnian. The person he believes in, except that he is really arrested, he also has unshakable trust.

Wang Xiao was so old and became the son-in-law of the King of Huainan, but he did not leave a son and a half daughter, which was enough to prove his loyalty.

The Taiyuan Hospital was telling him that the late emperor once asked him for a recipe to cut off a man's son, and Wang Xiao used that recipe, so he has been childless for so many years.

Childlessness is a big deal!

As the son-in-law of the King of Huainan, the No. 1 general, with a position as powerful as Wang Xiao, how could he hope to have no children!

But he has been taking medicine without leaving any children. Doesn't this mean he is loyal?

However, the way to govern a country, we must pay attention to balance, and we must not do things according to our own inner preferences, and we must not be biased or unjust, otherwise it will be difficult to convince your subjects and win your loyalty.

The Minister of Industry immediately said: "Wei Chen objected, Your Majesty, all the money is in his village, how could he not know? Deliberately ignoring the money from the previous state treasury, this is simply tantamount to treason!

The emperor should send another general to guard the border of Dongling, and let General Wang Xiao be arrested and come back for interrogation! This matter concerns the safety of Nalan Kingdom, please make a decision as soon as possible by the emperor! "

Nalan Jinnian looked at the minister of the Ministry of Industry: "How does Mr. Huang know that Wang Xiao did it on purpose? Do you have evidence?"

Minister of the Ministry of Industry: "The money from the former state treasury is in his village, which is the biggest evidence! Does King Jin not know what is in his village?"

Nalan Jinnian said solemnly: "This king really doesn't know, this king doesn't even know how many villages this king has, and some villages have never been visited by this king!"

Nalan Jinnian looked at the other courtiers: "Is there any adult present who is the same as this king?"

The Minister of the Household said immediately, "Wei Chen doesn't know either, because the family's property is managed by the wife, and I don't know how many Zhuangzi she bought."

At this time, many officials nodded:

"Apart from Zhuangzi in the suburbs of Beijing, Wei Chen also doesn't know how many Zhuangzi there are in the mansion. These are all taken care of by the wife."

"Seriously, Wei Chen doesn't know either! Some Zhuangzi have never been there, and they are all taken care of by the wife, and the wife also entrusts the stewards to take care of it."

Nalan Jinnian looked at the Minister of Industry: "Look, Mr. Huang, many people don't know it, isn't it normal that General Wang doesn't know?"

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