As soon as the emperor's voice fell, the civil and military officials of the Man Dynasty glanced at each other.

They discussed and shouted for a long time just now, saying that they wanted to capture Wang Xiao and return, and surrounded the Duke of An Guo with heavy troops, but the emperor did not speak.

Now that King Jin is here, as soon as he speaks, the emperor asks their opinions.

If this is the case, no one can guess what the emperor intends to do, and he will not and will not be able to stand in this golden palace today.

The people here are all human beings. Before the emperor speaks, they can express their opinions as they want, but when the emperor speaks, most people will act according to the emperor's wishes.

What kind of servants does the emperor need?

The emperor has the ability to govern the country, and he is wise in martial arts. What he needs is obedient ministers!

Moreover, Nalan Jinnian had accumulated prestige in the court for a long time, and also convinced many courtiers.

Warmth in the Qianqiu Banquet, in the army, in the Longevity Festival, and the amazing performance of the envoy to Dongling, has already captured the hearts of many military officers.

So more than half of the ministers in the hall expressed their opinions:

"Your Majesty is wise, King Jin's method is good! That Zhuangzi was only bought by General Wang half a year ago, but the money in the treasury has long since disappeared. This alone does not mean that the money in the treasury of the previous dynasty was unknowingly given by General Wang! Maybe it's a trick of the Guo family and the remnants of King Huainan! King Jin's proposal is just right to kill three birds with one stone, so as not to fall into the enemy's strategy!"

"I'll wait for your opinion! King Jin's attention is good, let's do it like this! General Wang is indeed not suitable to be recalled!"

More than half of the courtiers agreed, which was much louder than when everyone shouted to arrest Wang Xiao and surrounded the mansion of Anguo with heavy troops.

The third prince's heart is tight, and the appeal of the seventeenth prince is as strong as ever~

He couldn't help but hesitate in his heart. If it goes on like this, Uncle Jin will make Nalan Kingdom better and better, but after he ascended the throne, he took over such a powerful Nalan Kingdom and stood under the glory of Seventeen Uncles. What else can you do for yourself?

Isn't it being compared?

The third prince frowned.

Seeing that so many officials had agreed, the emperor said: "Since all the Aiqings have agreed, let's do this! It's just that that Aiqing should be sent to the border of Dongling, who will the generals send? Does anyone have a recommendation?"

Nalan Jinnian glanced at the third prince: "How about sending the third prince, the ninth prince, and Cao Zihao, the son of Lord Cao?"

The third prince was fascinated by his thoughts, but he didn't expect to mention himself suddenly, and he looked at Nalan Jinnian in amazement.

Because the ninth prince was gone, the eldest prince's family was sentenced to guard the imperial mausoleum again. He kept the ninth prince's mansion in the capital to cultivate his mind. Except for the 15th day of every month, there were also some festivals to greet the emperor, which basically did not appear. .

Everyone didn't understand why Nalan Jinnian suddenly mentioned the ninth prince.

Three princes? The emperor heard the words and looked at his son who had no sense of existence.

"Third, what do you think?"

The third prince quickly calmed his mind and replied respectfully: "I can share the worries of the father and the emperor, and the son is very happy!"

Just want to leave the capital, the third prince is not very happy.

And why did Uncle Seventeen suddenly propose to let him go with the Ninth Prince?

Could it be that he doubted himself, to test if he would do something?

The third prince felt a little uneasy in his heart.

The emperor nodded, and thought that his ninth prince had also grown up. He had probably experienced too many things in the past two years, and he had become a lot more stable. That child was simple and honest, not as thoughtful as the boss. All the sons are either too smart or stupid as pigs. He suspects that the concubines and concubines of the harem are stealing people!

Otherwise, why are there no princes born like him, wise and martial, and extremely smart?

The emperor said: "Then the third child, you will go with the old nine. You have always been prudent, and you should mention the old nine." The two of them assisted Master Ouyang, Shaoqing of Dali Temple, to go to the border of Dongling to find General Wang to find out the matter! Ouyang Aiqing, please take a trip!"

The third prince and Dali Temple's young minister Ouyang Kun immediately stood up and cupped their hands: "My son/weichen obeys the order!"

The emperor looked at the Minister of War again: "Cao Aiqing, let Deputy General Cao go to the border to assist the two princes and Ouyang Aiqing to find out about General Wang, what do you think?"

Although what the emperor said was a question, it only showed the emperor's respect for his subordinates.

Since the emperor opened his mouth, if there are no special circumstances, generally no one will refuse.

And it's an opportunity!

When the Minister of War just heard Nalan Jinnian mention his son's name, he was secretly happy.

No matter what, it was a very good experience to be by Wang Xiao's side at this time.

When Wang Xiao encountered such a big trouble this time, it was a test to test the generation of generals who were in danger of being in danger, adapting to the situation, and saving the danger, and his son was by his side.

The Minister of War immediately stood up and said respectfully: "It is his blessing to be able to share the emperor's worries!"

The emperor laughed loudly when he heard the words: "Haha. Good! That's it! The third, the ninth, and the deputy general Cao will deal with this matter together! Be sure to investigate thoroughly!"

"Yes!" The three of them said in unison.

The emperor looked at the governor of Shuntian and Wucheng soldiers and horses again and warned: "Master Liu, when you lead the troops to search, you must remember to be careful, don't damage the things in the government of Anguo! There is an old man in Anguo, There are children, don't scare the old man."

Such a detailed exhortation deeply expressed the emperor's respect for a courtier.

Wen Jiarui was deeply moved that the emperor could trust their family so much, and be so polite to the corporal.

The corners of the Manchu civil and military officials twitched.

Does the emperor still have dignity?

How could the Emperor treat suspects so politely?

Is the emperor very kind to An Guogong's family?

The governor of Shuntian Prefecture and the soldiers of the five cities also wanted to cry without tears.

Is this still called a search?

Just take the soldiers to help An Guogong clean up!

The two were busy.

Wen Jiarui also had a look of panic and said: "Wei Chen is frightened, Wei Chen thanks the emperor for his love! But let's act according to the law! Search how you want!"

The emperor waved his hand: "Okay, this matter is settled, do you have anything to announce?"

No one made a sound, and Eunuch Lin said: "If there is something to play, I will retreat to the court!"

The emperor left Nalan Jinnian to go to the imperial study, and then the ministers dispersed.


Nalan Jinnian followed the emperor to the imperial study.

Wen Jiarui wanted to go back to the mansion quickly, but thought that if he went back to the mansion in a hurry now, he was worried that everyone would think that he went back to tip off the news.

The governor of Shuntian smiled and said, "Master Guo doesn't have to be so careful. You can go back to the mansion and tell everyone, so that everyone can be mentally prepared."

Wen Jiarui smiled and shook his head: "No need."

The governor of Shuntian also understood what he was worried about, so he nodded.

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