After the court, when the third prince walked out of the Golden Palace, he glanced at the minister of the Ministry of Industry, made a gesture, and asked him to meet.

Then he went to talk to Ouyang Kun: "Master Ouyang, when can we set off?"

The tone is gentle and the attitude is modest, which makes people feel like a spring breeze.

This is how the Third Prince feels to his courtiers.

Ouyang Kun was thinking about something when he heard the voice and realized that the third prince had come to his side, he immediately bowed his hands and bowed, with a humble attitude: "Back to the third prince, the third prince will set off whenever he wants, and Wei Chen will follow closely. The third prince will be fine."

The third prince pondered: "I have to inform the younger brother of the nine emperors, and then stop by the study to buy a few Dongling journals, and some books on the art of war. There is a book on the way to relieve the boredom. We will wait outside the city gate in an hour. , what do you think, Master Ouyang?"

Ouyang Kun thought that an hour would be enough to pack up and go to the yamen to explain what he was doing. He nodded and said with a smile, "The third prince really likes to read. After that hour, we will leave and wait outside the city gate."

The two agreed on a departure time, and the third prince left in a hurry. He still had a lot of things to explain.

On the other hand, Ouyang Kun walked a little slowly, and looked back at the direction of the Golden Palace. He was waiting for the emperor to summon him privately.

It was only until Ouyang Kun walked out of the palace that he did not wait for the emperor to summon him.

What does the emperor mean to Wang Xiao and An Guogong's family?

Could you be wrong?

He originally thought that the emperor would keep him and explain some things in private.

He felt that the emperor's gentle behavior in the hall was an illusion. The purpose was to make An Guogong's family lower their guard and investigate the matter thoroughly.

The silver of the former treasury!

This touched the emperor's inverse scale.

There is also a reason why the Guo family was punished by the Nine Clan.

What's more, Nalan is an eventful country, the emperor wants to do something big, and the treasury is short of money!

Wang Xiao turned out to be a general under the king of Huainan again. If this person betrayed the first time, he would have the second time.

At that time, he thought that the emperor's full trust and appeasement of An Guogong in the main hall was to let him relax his vigilance.

But now that the emperor didn't ask him to speak in private, Ouyang Kun couldn't understand the emperor's mind for a while.

Does the emperor really trust Wang Xiao and An Guogong's family very much, or does the emperor think that it is still useful to keep them and don't want to touch them for the time being?

So this time he went to the Tangling border to investigate this matter thoroughly, what should he do?

Eat the king's salary, bear the king's worries, as a minister, naturally have to figure out the holy will, in order to be able to do the task assigned by the emperor!

To get promoted and get rich!

At present, the position of Prime Minister Li has not yet been selected. Among the six ministers or his immediate superior, Dali Siqing, one of these people will definitely become the prime minister, and then someone will be able to become the minister. Well, this matter, he may have the opportunity to adjust it up.

He has been sitting in this position for a long time.

Ouyang Kun's mind was spinning.


After the third prince and Ouyang Kun finished talking, they quickened their pace and passed by Shuntian Governor and Wen Jiarui casually. He slowed his pace and greeted them with a gentle smile.

The two hurried back.

Then the three continued to walk outside the palace.

The third prince took the opportunity to say: "Don't worry, Duke An, there must be some misunderstanding in this matter, I will definitely check with General Wang Xiao about this, and return General Wang's innocence! The father and this prince believe that General Wang is definitely not like this. People. Let Princess Hui'an not have to worry."

Wen Jiarui hurriedly said: "Thank you for the trust of the third prince! Wei Chen is very grateful!"

The third prince said hello to the governor of Shuntian again: "There is Mr. Lao's governor who has carefully checked it out! Let the people under your command not scare the people of the Duke Anguo mansion."

The governor of Shuntian nodded his head and smiled, "Third prince, don't worry."

The third prince brushed his presence and strode away.

After he left the palace, he first went to the Ninth Prince's Mansion.

The ninth prince is currently practicing martial arts in the martial arts field.

He was slightly surprised when he heard the servants report that the third prince was coming.

Since the mother and the queen were consecrated to death by the father and the elder brother was sentenced to guard the imperial tomb, the Ninth Prince's Mansion has not been visited for a long time.

He gave the long spear to the guard beside him, and then said to the steward: "Invite the three emperors to the flower hall, and this prince will arrive after changing his clothes."

"Yes!" The steward immediately went down to make arrangements.

The third prince waited for a while before the ninth prince came.

After the ninth prince groomed, changed into clean clothes, and walked out.

The third prince is sitting and drinking tea, but the tea is not very good.

Although they are all tributes from the palace, the tributes are also of different quality. The emperor's reward is naturally the best. The other princes and concubines are distributed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Generally, the Ministry of Internal Affairs will give the best according to the degree of favor. distributed first.

From the quality of the tea leaves, it can be seen that the life of the Nine Emperor Gods is not easy!

In the past, the queen was still there, but the tea leaves from the ninth prince's place were even better than those from his own!

Among the adult princes, his tea is the worst.


Guarding the imperial mausoleum, guarding the imperial mausoleum, refraining from footsteps...

The third prince was in a happy mood, and when he saw the ninth prince coming out, he stood up with a smile, his waist straightened, his face was habitually gentle, and he said with a smile: "Nine emperors brother!"

The ninth prince has no good feelings towards the third prince. He used to think he didn't exist at all, but now...

The courtiers can secretly ignore him.

He laughed at himself, but on the surface he bowed respectfully: "Brother Huang has seen Brother Three Emperors."

The third prince smiled and said, "You don't need to be more polite to the younger brother of the nine emperors. I came here to tell you that the emperor asked me to go with you to the border of Dongling to check on the money that General Wang Xiao confided in the treasury of the previous dynasty."

The third prince said while paying attention to his expression, wondering if this had anything to do with him?

Or is it the calculation of the First Prince?

Or did Wang Xiao really miss the money from the previous treasury?

The ninth prince was stunned for a moment when he heard the words: "What kind of general Wang took the money from the treasury of the previous dynasty?"

Seeing that his expression didn't look fake, the third prince smiled and explained it to him.

The ninth prince showed a sarcastic expression at the right time: "Sure enough, a traitor is a traitor! Dogs can't change to eat shit!"

The third prince smiled and nodded: "It's not! But brother Jiuhuang, let's think about it in our hearts. The father and the emperor trust him very much. When you go there, remember to be polite when you see General Wang."

The ninth prince sneered: "Why should this prince be polite to him as a general?"

The third prince said with a look of disapproval: "Brother Jiuhuang, the father and the ministers have always been courteous corporals. General Wang is a man of the previous emperor, and the father also respects it. This time, because of his relationship, the An Guogong's mansion was also searched. Now, in front of the civil and military officials of the whole dynasty, the emperor asked the governor of Shuntian and Wucheng soldiers and horses to lead people to search, be careful, don't damage the things of the Anguo Gongfu, and frighten the Anguo Gongfu. people."

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