The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1088 She doesn't want to die!

As the third prince spoke, he secretly paid attention to the change in the expression of the ninth prince.

The house of General Guo Da was raided that day, but the father emperor was in a thunderous situation!

And the Guards are very tough, and those who resist will be killed!

It is also the silver that was ignorant of the previous state treasury. The father and emperor treated it differently. Jiuhuangdi didn't know what to think in his heart?

There will never be a trace of resentment, right?

Sure enough, the Ninth Prince's eyes flashed.

The third prince said in a persuasive tone:

"It can be seen that the father has a lot of trust in An Guogong and General Wang. I don't believe that they really stole the money from the previous state treasury. It is estimated that someone deliberately framed and framed Zhongliang! After all, Hui'an County Master made credit Quite a big one, Wang Xiao was also a major contributor to quelling the Huainan King Rebellion. And the Seventeen Uncles also trusted them."

Hearing the words, the ninth prince glanced at him with a look of disbelief: "Father suspects? Who do you suspect?"

"This, I"

The ninth prince interrupted him: "Brother Three Emperors, needless to say!"

After speaking, the ninth prince laughed at himself.

Who can the father suspect?

The money from the former state treasury was originally with the grandfather's family. What he suspected was either himself or the eldest brother!

The third prince knows that some things only need to be mentioned occasionally, not to say too much, it is easy to be suspected by others and have no motives, he patted the ninth prince on the shoulder: "I am here to remind you to pack your bags, most of the time. After an hour, I waited outside the city gate and set off with Lord Ouyang. Brother Huang, I have to hurry up and buy a few Dongling journals, and I will check the art of war on the way. I haven't been to the Tangling border. I have to read the book. Brother Huang will go first!"

After speaking, the third prince patted the ninth prince on the shoulder and then lifted his feet and walked out. After walking a few steps, he suddenly stopped and turned his head again:

"Remember to go to the border and be polite to General Wang. Although I went to find out the money in the treasury of the previous dynasty, my father trusted him very much and told him not to be rude! This time, the Shaoqing of Dali Temple, Mr. Ouyang, will also go with us. We are responsible for supervising this matter, and other Lord Ouyang will check it out."

After the third prince said this, he left. He still had to see the minister of the Ministry of Industry, and he had to go back to the house to discuss with his staff and explain some things, but there was a lot of things to do when time was pressing.

The ninth prince showed a sneer after waiting for him to leave.

The steward couldn't help but said: "Master, don't be sad when you hear what the third prince said, and don't be impulsive. This time we just follow, don't act rashly. Let the third prince and the Shaoqing of Dali Temple check it out!"

The third prince did not know whether he intentionally or unintentionally spoke out about the emperor's maintenance of the Duke Anguo's mansion. He was worried that it would be harsh in the ears of the ninth prince, causing his anger and injustice, and doing some inappropriate things.

The current situation of the ninth prince is that he can no longer stand the slightest disgust of the emperor!

The ninth prince nodded: "I know."

"Master, the servants are going to pack up?"

"Yeah." The ninth prince responded and strode to the study. He had to write a letter to the eldest brother.


Anguo Gongfu

The governor of Shuntian and Wucheng soldiers and horses soon brought a group of soldiers to Duke Anguo's mansion.

When the people in the capital saw the Guards dispatched, they all thought that something had happened. Those brave and good people followed behind the Guards and ran outside the Anguo Gongfu to watch the excitement.

The soldiers of the five cities drove away the people who came after several times, and some people followed from a distance.

There is nothing he can do, the people of the capital can watch the scene of beheading without blinking.

Wen Jiarui went directly into the Anguo Gongfu facing the two of them.

Hundreds of soldiers entered together, and only a few remained, guarding the south, south, north and west of the Anguo Gong's mansion to prevent anyone from escaping.

All the people in this battle are speculating about what happened.

"What happened in the An Guogong's mansion?"

"This man and horse feel like they are raiding the house!"

"The house raider? You don't know the man walking between Lord Fu Yin and Lord Wucheng Bingma Si, do you? That person is Duke Anguo. Do you think the two's attitude towards Duke Anguo is like raiding the house?"

"I know this team of soldiers. Every time they are dispatched, they raid their homes, so I guess that's all! It's not a raid, so why are so many guards entering and guarding the perimeter?"

"It is estimated that the thief has entered the mansion of Anguo. I don't know where to hide. Anguo has asked the Imperial Guard to catch the thief! If the outside of the house is raided, it should be surrounded by heavy troops!"

"That's right, we'll know if we've caught a thief in a while!"

"It's not catching the thief, I heard that Duke An's family unknowingly took the money from the former treasury."

"Isn't it? I took the money from the previous treasury? Isn't this the second Guo family?"

"How did you know that? Is it true?"

The people outside watched the fun while guessing.

In the mansion of Anguo Gong, Wen Jiarui said to the governor of Shuntian and Wucheng soldiers and horses: "Two adults, I will let the family and the servants in the mansion come here, you can search as you like!"

The governor of Shuntian smiled and said, "I offended you, Grandpa!"

It was the first time that the governor of Shuntian had done such a polite search!

Wucheng Soldiers and Ma Si also bowed to Wen Jiarui: "Offended, Lord of the Country."

"The two adults are rude, just search!"

Wucheng Soldiers and Horses also said to the people under the opponent: "Everyone, be careful when searching, and don't damage the things in the An Guogong's mansion."

Then he waved at the soldier: "Search!"

Take someone to search!

Wen Jiarui's own servant said, "Tell Madam to let everyone in the manor come out and wait here."

"Yes, sir!" The little servant immediately ran to inform everyone.

After Wen Nuan and Prince An returned, they told the family about this, so soon everyone gathered in the front yard.

Wen Ling and Wen Qian walked all the way from the guest house, and saw many soldiers rushing to search around. She was a little pale with fright, and held Wen Qian's hand tightly.

"Sister, we won't be beheaded!"

She was really a little worried about getting caught in jail!

She thought of the gentle and warm marriage of Princess Hui'an, Wang Xiao gave so many things, how could he be the son-in-law of others, how could he have so much money?

Moreover, Wang Xiao is a traitor. In the past, he could betray the King of Huainan, but today he can betray the court.

If Wang Xiao really stole the money from the treasury of the previous dynasty, it would be a big crime to punish the Nine Clan!

How to do?

She doesn't want to die!

I had known that I should have followed my parents back to Ningyuan County a few days ago and stopped staying here.

Wen Qian grabbed Wen Ling's hand and reassured: "No! Uncle and uncle would not do such a thing, the clearer will clear himself~! The emperor is a Mingjun and will not wrong his loyal ministers!"

"What if I wasn't wronged? Sister, I don't want to die!"

Wen Qian glared at Wen Ling: "What nonsense are you talking about? Grandpa Guo is not such a person!"

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