The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1089 Can you be a little more dedicated?

Wen Ling was beaten by Wen Qian and said aggrieved: "I'm just afraid! Are you not afraid of death?"

Wen Qian pinched Wen Ling and found that Wen Ling was so shocked that her palms were wet.

Her heart softened and her voice softened: "I'm scared! Uncle is not such a person, you know the fourth uncle's family, not such a person. As long as the government finds out, everyone will be fine. Fourth uncle's family is like this. In a short period of time, it has climbed to the sky in one step, and there are many people who are envious and jealous. It is estimated that someone framed it this time. But King Jin will not sit idly by, and will definitely find out the truth of the matter. We can all get through it safely."

Wen Qian took Wen Ling's hand and looked at the guards who were searching everywhere.

She was also afraid in her heart, but she was not afraid that Wang Xiao and Wen Jiarui's family would betray the money from the previous treasury, she was afraid that Wang Xiao and Wen Nuan would be framed.

Just like my dad used to be!

At that time, Sister Nuan tried her best to save her father, but now who can save them in the fourth uncle's family?

Those who want to catch them are the supreme people in this world!

When Wen Ling thought of Nalan Jinnian, she was no longer so panicked.

Prince An originally ran horses with Wu Jingmei at the martial arts field. At this moment, he brought Wu Jingmei behind the crowd and said to her, "Don't be afraid, it will be fine."

Wu Jingmei nodded: "I know."

Prince An looked at her in surprise when he heard the words: "How do you know?"

He can't even guarantee it!

It also depends on what the results of this matter can be found!

Although he felt that Wang Xiao was not that kind of person, what if he was?

Wu Jingmei glanced at him and then at the blue sky: "My grandma always said that all the blessings of a person are hidden in his kindness. My sister-in-law's family are so kind, they must be very lucky, and there will be The nobles help each other, the disaster is auspicious, and the misfortune turns into good luck!"

Prince An: "."

What absurdity is this?

But there is nothing wrong with being kind, so he didn't say it.

In this world, those who are good suffer from poverty and suffer even more, and those who do evil enjoy wealth and life extension!

However, people who do evil are time-limited, and in the end, good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil.

The seventh prince, Prince Ning, and Wen Wen, Lin Tingya rushed over after hearing the wind.

They live closer, so they come quickly.

Wen Wen and Lin Tingya went to Wu and Wang to understand the situation.

The Seventh Prince and Prince Ning came to Prince An's side: "Where's the Princess Hui'an?"

Prince An's heir: "I went to watch the guards search."

Hearing the words, the seventh prince said, "I'll also help you watch it! Don't let those things that don't have eyes make a mess!"

After saying that, the seventh prince ran away and went straight to the back mountain, where many healthy vegetables are grown!

Don't step on it before!

Prince Ning also followed after seeing this.

What Prince An thought when he heard the words, seeing that Wu Jingmei was really not afraid, he said, "Then don't run around here, I'll watch them a little bit, lest they mess around!"

After saying that, Prince An left, he had to watch those soldiers search, at least don't disturb Wu Jingmei's bed!

How could Wu Jingmei's bed and clothes be touched by them?

The people brought by Wucheng Soldiers and Masi had many experiences in raiding homes.

Two of these people were in charge of a yard, and they searched one house and one yard.

Even the kitchen and the underground storage room are not spared, and everything is picked up and checked. There are also special records of civilians who register all the items, not even a green onion in the kitchen!

At that time, this search record booklet will be jointly reviewed by the governor of Shuntian, the Minister of Punishment, and the Minister of Dali Temple to see if it has anything to do with the treasury of the previous dynasty.

After reviewing it, send a letter to the emperor for final review.

In order to cooperate with the search of the Guards, Nuan Nuan personally took the soldiers and horses of the five cities, as well as several Guards, to the study, warehouse, health garden and other places where important items were placed.

There is a secret room in the study, and Wen Nuan even took the initiative to open the secret room and let Wucheng Soldiers and Ma Si bring people in to search.

The study in the front yard and the storeroom at home were searched, and Wang Xiao's study and yard were also searched.

The warm study is now being searched.

When Wucheng Soldier Masi saw the scrolls in the warm study, he opened one at will, and it turned out to be a painting by an unknown master!

He opened his eyes wide in surprise, and then opened another painting, another painting by an unknown master!

And it looks real!

Anyway, he didn't quite understand what he saw, but he definitely painted so well, it must be the real work!

Princess Hui'an will never collect fakes, right?

But the original works are just randomly placed in the painting bucket?

The picture in his house was packed in a brocade box and kept in the dark compartment!

He couldn't help pointing to the painting in the painting bucket and said, "Master Hui'an, shouldn't these be the works of unknown masters?"

Wen Nuan pulled a brush on the table, and the door of the secret room slowly opened.

She heard Wucheng Soldier and Ma Si's question, turned her head to look, nodded, and replied: "Well, they are all from Master Wuming, and there are no other masters' works in my study."

Wucheng Soldiers and Ma Si were surprised that they were all from unknown masters?

Wucheng Soldier and Masi glanced at the picture scroll that was casually placed in the wooden bucket beside the desk, and sighed in his heart: Lord Hui'an is really rich and powerful!

The guards who were in charge of the search were shocked when they heard this!

Oh my God!

Are they all paintings by unknown masters?

The unknown master has not sold his paintings in recent months, and everyone speculates that he has become immortal. The auction prices of the paintings of the unknown master are getting higher and higher now!

Princess Hui'an actually has a bunch of paintings by unknown masters here?

There are at least a dozen here!

How much money does this cost?

Wucheng Soldier Ma Si couldn't help but asked tentatively, "Master Hui'an, do you know Master Wuming? Is his health still good? Can he still paint in the future?"

His wife photographed a painting by an unknown master a year ago, and now an overseas businessman pays several times the price to buy it for them.

He wanted to find out if the unknown master still had any paintings to come out. If not, he would not sell them. This is definitely worth more every year!

If there is, let the lady sell it quickly!

Next time I will take a picture and wait for the price to rise!

Warm mouth twitched?

Unknown master, his old man?

Unexpectedly, Wucheng Soldier and Ma Si would not be able to guess that she is an unknown master. Of course, she would not report her family name, so she nodded: "She is in good health, of course she can paint. It is estimated that a painting will come out in a while. to the auction."

Hearing the words, Wucheng Soldier and Ma Si decided to go back and sell the painting to an overseas merchant immediately!

Go back and send someone to the auction to take a picture and go home and wait for the appreciation.

This literati's game is to make money!

Turn around and make tens of thousands of taels.

"Sir, let's start the search?" Warm and helpless reminded again.

Can you be a little more professional?

When do you want to search like this?

Do you still want to stay in their mansion for dinner?

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