Wucheng Soldier Ma Si nodded when he heard the words: "Yes, the search has begun! Zhang Hanjin, come and check these paintings! You guys go check the bookshelves and other places!"

Wucheng Soldier Masi casually pointed out a soldier to check these scrolls.

Zhang Hanjin was "scared" when he heard the words, and then took a few steps back: "Sir, I can't do this! I'm just a rough person, and my hands are clumsy! It would be bad if I broke the painting of the unknown master! I'll go to the book. !"

Having said that, Zhang Hanjin ran to the bookshelf and flipped through the books!

The other Praetorians hurried away to check other things.

He was afraid that he would be arrested by the five city soldiers and Ma Si to inspect the paintings of the unknown master.

Five Cities Soldiers and Horses: "."

"Those bastards!" he couldn't help but scold.

Wen Nuan glanced at Wucheng Soldiers and Horses: "Sir, why don't you check it yourself."

Wucheng Soldier Ma Si glanced at his hands. His hands were thick with calluses because he held knives all the year round. However, some of these paintings were painted on silk and silk. If they were damaged, he would not be able to pay. !

Seeing his hesitation, Nuan smiled and reassured him: "Sir, don't worry! It doesn't matter if it's broken, I'll ask Master Wuming to paint it again."

Everyone: "."

Huian County Lord is so loud!

Let the unknown master paint another picture? !

Wucheng Soldier and Ma Si felt that Hui'an County Master was showing off, but he couldn't find any evidence!

But he still couldn't help but wonder: "The Princess Hui'an is very familiar with Master Wuming? Is Master Wuming from Dongling Kingdom?"

There are rumors that Master Wuming is from the Tangling Kingdom. The people of the Tanglin Kingdom all said that they belonged to the Tanglin Kingdom.

But the original painting of the unknown master appeared in the Jianghuai mansion. The Hui'an county master is from the Jianghuai mansion, or do they really know each other?

He said with warmth and avoidance: "Master Wuming is not from Dongling. Master Wuming loves to eat healthy dishes."

Healthy food?

The Five Cities Soldiers and Ma Si suddenly realized:

That's right, people who have eaten healthy dishes don't like to eat other things!

No wonder Princess Hui'an has so many paintings by unknown masters here.

It turns out that the unknown master is also a foodie!

It's just like-minded with myself!

Nuan couldn't help but reminded again: "Sir, hurry up and search! Otherwise, the sun will go down."

Is the sun almost going down?

Is it almost time for dinner?

After this search, will the Princess Hui'an stay for dinner?


Wucheng Soldiers and Horses nodded: "Everyone, hurry up and search, and finish the search before driving away dinner!"

"Yes!" Several janitorial guards heard his voice and knew the elegant meaning, and responded in unison.


Has anyone in this world greeted the soldiers who came to copy their homes for dinner?

Will he be impeached by the imperial censor tomorrow morning for saying that Duke Anguo bribed the guards who ransacked their homes?

His subordinates were reluctant to touch these paintings, so Wucheng Soldiers and Ma Si had no choice but to do it himself.

But he didn't dare to use his rough hands to open the scrolls. He just thought that those paintings were made by the master of Hui'an County, so ignorant people are fearless!

Knowing now that it was made by the unknown master, he was worried that his hands had desecrated the painting of the unknown master!

"Master Hui'an, borrow a useless handkerchief to use?"

Wen Nuan took out a white handkerchief without any pattern and gave it to him.

Wucheng Soldier Masi took out his handkerchief from his arms and wrapped his hand, and then carefully opened the paintings of those unknown masters to examine them one by one.

Even more careful than when the soldiers searched for those rare treasures in the warehouse just now.

Seeing this, the corner of Wennuan's mouth twitched, but he didn't say anything.

She also said that others thought the paintings of unknown masters were worthless.

She also counted on these paintings to make some money!

Things have happened one by one recently, and there is not much cash at home.

Wucheng Soldiers and Masi are full of praise every time they open a painting!

Although he was a military attache, he had married a talented daughter-in-law, the concubine of a scholar of the Hanlin University, so he was trained by his wife to have a little appreciation.

Nuan stood on the side and watched everyone carefully search.

The soldiers searched very carefully. They took down the books one by one and flipped through them. They picked up and moved each object to see if there was a mechanism and if there was another secret room.

From time to time, Wucheng Soldiers and Masi told everyone to be careful and put everything back in its original place.

If these soldiers ransacked their homes in the past, those books would be thrown away after they were finished!

Whose house is being raided, and it seems that the things are put back in the original place?

If they all searched the house like this, it is estimated that the search has not been completed until it is dark.

After all, the officials whose homes were raided were all great families, so I don't know how many good things there are.

After Wucheng Soldier and Ma Si urged, he said to Wen Nuan, "Don't blame Hui'an County Master, check it out a little bit, and then you can return General Wang's innocence!"

Nodding with a warm smile: "I know! You don't have to be so careful, just let go of your hands and feet to search."

Although Princess Hui'an said so, how dare those Guardsmen dare?

But the emperor told me to be careful!

King Jin also coldly explained to be careful!

the other end

Wu Jingmei's yard

In the name of supervision, Prince An entered the house where Wu Jingmei lived for the first time.

He saw the furnishings in the room, which were elegant and warm, yet simple and generous. The furniture and ornaments in the room were all good, which showed that the An Guogong family treated her very well.

Prince An said to the guards who were searching: "Be careful, don't break the things here! Otherwise, this prince will kill you!"

The two janissaries nodded their heads in a hurry, their hands and feet relaxed!

They opened the jewelry box on the dressing table to examine it.

Prince An glanced at Wu Jingmei's jewelry box and felt that she really had too few jewelry!

I will give her a little more in the future!

Fortunately, the style and condition are good, and the workmanship is exquisite. There are a few others that were made by the Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and should have been given by the master of Hui'an.

Of course, Prince An feels that there are few, and by the standards of Princess An, of course, it is too little!

A Praetorian guard walked to the wardrobe and opened the door.

Prince An thought that there were Jingmei's apron and underwear in the closet, how could these soldiers' salty pig hands touch Wu Jingmei's underwear! He hurriedly said: "Wait! The king of the wardrobe just needs to search! Go and search other places!"

The janitor said hesitantly, "Prince. But this is against the rules!"

Prince An glared at the recorded civilian soldiers, and said with a stern face: "I'm here to search, you are watching from the side, can you register?"

The civilian soldier looked at Prince An with the expression that as long as he denied it, he would drag him out and behead him and nodded hurriedly: "Just let the lower official see clearly."

The traitorous thief may have some important items sewn into the clothing, so every piece of clothing must be searched.

This is the rule of home search.

Prince An said to the janitor, "Do you hear me? Go and search other places!"

"Yes!" Seeing this, the soldier went to search the bed.

Prince An took out a skirt from the closet, and just wanted to show it to the recorder, when he saw the soldier walking towards the big bed in the room!

This pervert!

He didn't climb onto Jingmei's bed, how could he let other men climb first?

"Stop!" Prince An shouted loudly!

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