The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1096 The third prince has no side concubine

Now that the three of them are wearing the official residence, they are not angry and powerful, and Wen Ling is so frightened that she can't even lift her head up!

The whole person knelt on the cold ground. In the summer, she was shivering with cold.

"Miss Wen, I have a few things to ask you. You must answer truthfully. If you lie in court, you will go to prison! Do you know?"

The expression of the governor of Shuntian was a little serious, and his voice was also dignified, without the usual harmony.

Wen Yu trembled all over, lowered her head, did not dare to look at the people on the high hall, and nodded hurriedly: "The people and the people know! The people don't dare to make a false statement!"

The governor of Shuntian picked up a phoenix-tailed hairpin on the table: "Miss Wenling, have you ever seen this phoenix-tailed hairpin?"

Wen Ling looked up when she heard the words, and she nodded: "Back to your lord, Minnu seems to have seen it before. Is this a phoenix hairpin that a guest dropped when the second cousin got married?"

At that time, she was also holding it warmly to ask everyone, and after looking at it several times, she felt that the phoenix-tailed hairpin was so beautiful, how could someone be so careless and didn't know, and no one claimed it!

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a former item, no wonder no one admitted it!

The governor of Shuntian took out another gold inlaid jade jade bracelet: "Miss Wen, is this gold inlaid jade jade bracelet yours?"

Wen Ling glanced at it and shook her head: "This is not mine."

"Then do you know who it belongs to?" Shuntian Prefecture Yin stared at her tightly.

Wen Yu took a careful look and nodded: "This seems to belong to Princess Hui'an."

"Do you know how Hui'an County Master has this jade bracelet?"

Wen Yu shook his head: "I don't know that."

Sister Nuan has so many good things, many of which are given by King Jin. Sister Nuan doesn't like to wear them either, she just likes simple dress up!

But she seemed to have seen the jade bracelet inlaid with gold and jade in the warm jewelry box, and she thought it was very beautiful at the time!

Is this gold inlaid jade jade bracelet a former item?

Wouldn't Wang Xiao really stole things from the treasury of the previous dynasty, and then gave them warmth?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel cold again!

Then the governor of Shuntian picked up another white jade hairpin and asked, "Miss Wenling, is this white jade hairpin yours?"

Wen Ling looked at the familiar white jade hairpin in the hands of the governor of Shuntian!

This is her favorite white jade hairpin.

It was that day when she went out to meet Wen Yu, who sent it to her.

Could it be that this was also something from the former treasury?

Why is she so unlucky!

Seeing that she did not speak, the governor of Shuntian asked again, "Miss Wenling, is this white jade hairpin yours?"

Wen Yu hesitated for a while, thinking that she couldn't lie, and it was found in her house, so it was useless to lie, she still said, "This is mine."

But she was worried that this thing belonged to the former state treasury, and hurriedly added: "It's not mine! It was given to me by my second cousin! It turned out to be my second cousin! She originally wanted to give me two Cousin's new daughter-in-law's new wedding. Really!"

Second cousin?

The Governor of Shuntian, the Minister of Punishment, and Dali Siqing glanced at each other.

An Guogong seems to have four daughters. Is the second cousin the one who married General Lin?

Why did you get involved with General Lin again!

However, General Lin also participated in the battle to pacify the Huainan King.

The Governor of Shuntian: "Your second cousin is General Lin's wife?"

Wen Ling shook her head: "No, no, no. She is my fourth cousin, and my second cousin is my uncle's daughter."


The governor of Shuntian then remembered that Duke Ang had an eldest brother, and that eldest brother's daughter was the concubine of the first emperor's grandson.

And gave birth to the emperor's great-grandson!

That concubine also seems to have a younger sister, and the second cousin should be that concubine's younger sister.

"Is your concubine the concubine of the first emperor's grandson?"

Wen Ling nodded: "Yes, my eldest sister is the concubine of the eldest emperor's grandson, and my second cousin and my eldest sister are from the same mother!"

Hearing this, the three adults looked at each other again.

Could it be that they found the First Prince again?

Didn't this go back to the Guo family?

Tsk tsk, the eldest prince's family has been sentenced to guard the imperial mausoleum.

"Your second cousin is also in the capital?"

"Sir, yes, my second cousin has been in the capital. She's not in the capital, so how could she give me the jade hairpin!" In order to prove her innocence, Wen Ling spoke boldly.

"Do you know where she lives?" The Minister of Punishment asked at this time.

The eldest prince's family was sentenced to guard the imperial mausoleum, why did she stay in the capital alone?

"I don't know where she lives." Wen Ling shook her head.

The governor of Shuntian shook the white jade hairpin again: "Miss Wen, tell me, how did she give you this white jade hairpin?"

Dali Siqing added: "Speak in detail!"

The Minister of Punishment nodded: "The time, the location, and whoever was around you at that time must be clear!"

The three of them spoke together and saw that this white jade hairpin really belonged to the former state treasury!

Wen Ling scolded Wen Yu from head to toe in her heart!

My sister and mother said that the big house family is too calculating and has no affection for their relatives, and she is right!

No wonder she was so kind to give herself a white suet hairpin!

Wen Ling began to recall the scene when Wen Yu gave herself a white jade hairpin.

In fact, Wen Yu didn't give it to herself, but planned to give it to Liang Ziyun, but she said that Liang Ziyun might not accept it. The fourth uncle's family was hostile to the people in their room. Depressed, he said, forget it, don't give it, lest they think she is blocking them when Brother Chun gets married!

Then he gave the white jade hairpin to himself!

When it was to add makeup to herself, she said that it was inconvenient for her to go out, and when she got married in the future, she didn't know if she would meet her.

She liked this white jade hairpin as soon as she saw it!

After a few delays, she accepted it.

Thinking of the whole story, Wen Ling began to explain: "My second cousin, the eldest son of Duke An Guogong, is about to get married, so I went to Zhenbaozhai to buy something for my new sister-in-law. I bought a gold Ruyi in Zhenbaozhai and left. Went to Zhenbaozhai, then met Wen Yu, and then she asked me to get on her carriage. This is how it happened!"

The governor of Shuntian pondered: "So, apart from Wen Yu and her maid, no one saw her give you this white jade hairpin?"

Wen Yu became anxious again when he heard this: "The white jade hairpin of the three adults was originally Wen Yu's, not mine! Really! By the way, she is the third prince's person, I heard her say she is the third prince's side. Concubine!"

The Minister of Punishment: "The third prince has no side concubine."

Wen Ling: "How is that possible?"

Did that bitch Wen Yu lie to her?

The governor of Shuntian: "Miss Wenling, what you said, we have to wait until we find Miss Wenyu, please come over and ask questions before we know if the white jade hairpin is hers. Before we found Miss Wenyu and came to court, I wronged Miss Wenling. I've been staying in the yamen."

Wen Ling was dumbfounded.

What's the meaning?

Is this going to put her in jail?

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