The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1097 What should I do if my life-long event is delayed? (big chapter)

After interrogating Wen Ling, the governor of Shuntian thought for a while and came to Anguo Gongfu to find warmth in person.

The two were talking in the flower hall in the front yard.

Aster served a cup of health tea to the two of them.

The rising aroma of tea soon filled the spacious flower hall.

The governor of Shuntian picked up the tea bowl and took a deep breath, then blew lightly, took a sip, and then sipped the whole cup of tea quickly.

It's just fragrant and slightly moist, and the whole person feels refreshed!

He put down the tea bowl and sighed: "The tea here is still delicious from Princess Hui'an! My head is finally comfortable!"

In order to investigate the case for the past two days, he hardly slept, feeling that his whole head was bloated.

Aster winked and added tea.

He smiled warmly: "It's hard work, my lord. This tea has a refreshing effect. I'll give you some tea after I drink it, and I will have a clearer mind to investigate the case."

The Yin of Shuntian Prefecture hurriedly said: "Then the old man really wants to thank Hui'an County Master!"


You're welcome and say something to postpone?

His heart does not agree!

He smiled warmly: "Sir, you're welcome. What do you want to ask me this time?"

After saying that, Nuan glanced at Aster.

Aster immediately understood and went back to pack tea.

Shuntian Prefecture Yin and Wennuan are also familiar, and he admires her intelligence and wisdom, so he speaks like an elder, with a bit of kindness: "Miss Wenling, I have stayed at the Shuntian Prefecture Yamen, this time I came here to think Ask Hui'an County Master if she knows the whereabouts of Miss Wen Yu."

Wen Ling's stay in Shuntian Mansion has been known from the coachman sent by the Wu family to pick up Wen Ling back.

The yamen informed the coachman, who immediately returned to his life.

Just Wen Yu? Are Wen Ling and Wen Yu connected? Warm frown.

"As far as I know, Wen Yu has become the third prince's outer chamber. I once accidentally saw her appear in the Guishu Alley. I don't know which courtyard it is."

Outer room?

No wonder Wen Ling said she was the concubine of the third prince.

Although the concubine and the outer chamber are far from each other, to put it bluntly, it is also a plaything for men greedy.

The governor of Shuntian did not have a room, a concubine, an outer chamber, etc.

He thinks that it is enough for a man to have a good wife, to take care of the housework for himself, and to have a husband and a son.

There are too many women, and the family is uneasy, unable to concentrate on asking for orders for the people and serving the court, and it is easy to bring disaster.

It's just that the third prince unexpectedly has an outer room?

The prince's nursery room, it's not good to hear this!

Although there are no side concubines in the Third Prince's Mansion, there are several concubines who pass through the room.

If a woman from a good family is brought back to the manor to be a concubine, it is also possible.

But thinking about Wen Yu's identity, she is the younger sister of the concubine, the grandson of the first emperor. That concubine was hated by the emperor. It is estimated that the third prince also has some scruples!

After all, the third prince has always been cautious, and it gives the impression that he does not dare to make the slightest mistake.

The governor of Shuntian made some speculations in his heart, and then the governor of Shuntian asked some warm questions.

Finally, after drinking the tea in the cup, without a drop left, he stood up and said goodbye: "Then the officer will retire first!"

Nodding warmly: "Sir, walk slowly! Come over to drink tea with my father more when you have time! Aster, send a gift to Lord Fu Yin!"

The Governor of Shuntian responded with a smile.

He sighed in the bottom of his heart: It's still the master of Hui'an who knows the world, and there are not many people in the entire capital who are willing to go to their mansion to sit more by themselves.

"Yes!" Ziwan picked up a bag of tea and respectfully sent away the governor of Shuntian.

Wen Nuan waited for the Governor of Shuntian to leave, and then walked to the backyard.

I happened to see Wen Qian waiting at the Moon Gate.

Seeing Nuan, Wen Qian stepped forward and said, "Sister Nuan, what's the matter with the Governor of Shuntian coming here? Sister Ling will be fine, right?"

He warmly reassured: "Don't worry, no! The governor of Shuntian came to ask me about Wen Yu's whereabouts. Third cousin, do you know if fourth cousin and Wen Yu have contact?"

Wen Qian shook her head: "Sister Ling stays in the mansion all day, and rarely goes out, even when she goes out, she is with me. I haven't seen Sister Yu!"

"Are you sure you go out with the fourth cousin every time? Hasn't she tried to go out alone?" Wen Nuan is busy and often not in the mansion, and they are sisters, not prisoners, so naturally they can go in and out of the mansion at will.

Wen Qian thought of something and said, "Once, Sister Yu felt that the gift for the second sister-in-law was too light. At that time, we all helped Wen Wen with the cakes, and she went out and bought another one by herself."

"Then have you seen what she bought?"

"Yes! It's the pearl hairpin she gave to the second sister-in-law the day after Brother Chun got married."

"Then did you know that the fourth cousin has a white jade hairpin?"

White jade hairpin?

Wen Qian shook her head: "I haven't seen it before."

Warm can be sure that the white jade hairpin must have been given to her by Wen Yu on purpose!

And even if the governor of Shuntian arrested Wen Yu for questioning, Wen Yu probably would not admit it unless he was tortured to extract a confession.

"Isn't there a white jade hairpin in Sister Ling's place that belonged to the former state treasury?" Wen Qian grabbed her warm hand and asked nervously.

Warm nodded.

Wen Qian's face turned pale!

Wen Nuan took her hand and reassured him, "Don't worry, third cousin! Things will always come to light, and we'll be fine! Besides, think about it, you've already found most of the money in the former state treasury in your uncle's house anyway. Now, there is not much more than one more!"

Wen Qian really didn't know whether to laugh or cry when she heard this!

What is more than one piece?

If you found it in the government, wouldn't that make the evidence even more conclusive?

However, Wen Lingzheng admires the warmth, no matter what happens, she can deal with it calmly.

Warm changed the topic: "Is the model for the soldier's winter clothes ready?"

"It's already done. I found a few family members with different physiques to try it on. It fits very well. Now it's being cut a lot!"

Nodding warmly: "Well, after the cut pieces are cut, I don't think it's suitable for someone outside to do it for a few days. Let the servants in Fuzhong who know how to do it first!"

"it is good!"

Nuan explained a few words, and then went to the health care garden to refine medicine with Wen Ran.


Royal Palace

The emperor was listening to Jin Longwei reporting on the situation of the Duke of Anguo.

"No one in Anguo Gong's mansion has gone out. Anguo Gong and Hui'an County Master are planting medicinal materials, and Mrs. Anguo is making clothes with her servants, saying that she intends to donate it"

After listening to Jinlongwei's report, the emperor couldn't help but sigh: If there were more Hui'an county masters, ministers like An Guogong, and Nalan Kingdom's Jiangshan, he could lie down and take care of it!

You don't have to always think about the life-long event of being a king who eats soft rice!

Look at the ministers in the DPRK. In such a situation, who would be so comfortable and content to prepare wound medicine and winter clothes for the soldiers? !

Which is not crying father and mother, gloomy and bleak!

To say that someone like Hui'an County Master would swindle the money from the previous treasury, the emperor would not believe it!

It's not like he hasn't seen corrupt officials, corrupt officials are not like this!

Alas, which bastard framed Zhongliang? !

This is to treat me as a fool, thinking that I don't know his conspiracy and tricks!

"Let the Minister of Punishment come to see me! Ask him what he ate to grow up with, why is his brain so unworkable?! How did it take so long to investigate a small case? Why didn't you give it to Hui'an County Master, Duke Anguo's mansion? clean!"

What should I do if Duke An Guo and County Master Hui'an are delayed in preparing wound medicine and winter clothes for the soldiers?

What should I do if my life is delayed?

Besides, at the moment, he has to rely on Hui'an County Master to drive other ladies and young ladies in the capital to do these kind deeds!

Let the capital have some good atmosphere.

Those wives made so much money from the people through the authority of their husbands, it's time to spit them out!

One and two are both Zhumen wine and meat stinky!

Don't you see that I'm cutting down on food and clothing now?

Each meal only eats three or four kinds of healthy dishes, which are given by the master of Hui'an, without money.

There used to be one hundred and eight dishes, a table full of dishes! Thinking about the money that has been poured out over the years, the emperor's heart hurts again!

No, Princess Hui'an must not have an accident!

I can't do without Princess Hui'an!

After leaving Princess Hui'an, I will spend the rest of my life on this throne!

The Seventeenth Emperor will definitely not succeed him.

Come to think of it, this is really scary! ! !

I don't want it!

"Is the Minister of Punishment too old to walk? Why haven't you rolled over for so long!"

Eunuch Lin twitched the corners of his mouth. How long has it been since then?

The Minister of Punishment, Xiaofei, is not so fast!

"The servant will go and have a look." Eunuch Lin cautiously withdrew.


The punishment book is finally here!

Looking at the emperor's ugly face, he carefully explained what he had found so far.

After listening, the emperor frowned: Why is this getting worse and worse!

How do things work?

The emperor looked at the white jade hairpin in his hand and asked, "According to Aiqing's judgment, how credible is Wen Ling's words?"

The Minister of Punishment thought for a while, and then replied cautiously: "Wei Chen and the two adults both think that she probably didn't lie. It's just that Miss Wen Yu hasn't been found yet. This can only be confirmed after a confrontation."

He didn't dare to talk about himself, he brought both the Governor of Shuntian Prefecture and the Dali Temple Minister with him!

When the emperor heard the words, a coldness flashed in his eyes.

Wen Yu? The third concubine?

The emperor thought of the concubine of the first emperor's grandson.

This Wen Yu and the concubine of the eldest emperor's grandson are the sisters of a compatriot, and she is probably the kind of virtuous woman!

Maybe the third child is also bewitched by this kind of woman.

This is not the side concubine, but the outer room of the third child!

The emperor has always hated the princes to keep the outer chamber, but it is not that they can't take concubines, what the hell is the outer chamber! It is easy to confuse the royal blood.

It is also related to the people on the first prince's side, this Wen Yu and that Wen Wan, I don't know if they are the nails of the Guo family!

"Let the third child come to see me!" The emperor said angrily.

The most worry-free son is also not worry-free!

Eunuch Lin reminded in a low voice: "Your Majesty, the third prince has already set off for the border of Dongling a few days ago."


The emperor then remembered that the seventeenth emperor's younger brother proposed to let him and the ninth emperor go to the border of Dongling!

When I get old, I always forget things, and it is impossible not to abdicate! ! !

But what does the Seventeenth Emperor know?

How could the third child and the first nine go to the Tangling border to investigate this matter!

I have a headache today and can't think of anything.

It can only be one more chapter, and this chapter is equal to one and a half chapters.

Good night everyone~

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