Nalan Jinnian left the yamen and went to a teahouse again.

This teahouse is the Juxian Teahouse that Minister of the Ministry of Industry often comes to.

In addition to Taoran Tea House, Juxian Tea House can be said to be the largest tea house in Beijing.

The tea in Taoran Tea House is very expensive, and most of it is a tribute-level product. Most people drink it all year round, but they can’t afford it.

The price of tea in Juxian Teahouse is lower, and the quality of tea is also excellent, so many dignitaries love to come here.

But Nalan Jinnian was the first to come.

The business in the store is very good, the shopkeeper does not know where to go, and several shop assistants are entertaining guests and introducing tea to the guests.

As soon as Nalan Jinnian walked in, a young junior immediately greeted him enthusiastically: "Young master is welcome, we all need all kinds of tea, do you need to introduce me to the master?"

"Give me a quiet private room, I have an appointment to talk about."

"Okay, please come with me, son!" Xiao Er immediately made a gesture of invitation, and then led the way.

"Is this your first time here? Let me introduce you to the private room of our teahouse!"

Nalan Jinnian was noncommittal.

Seeing that he did not refuse, Xiao Er said to himself: "The private rooms in our teahouse are divided into three classes: upper, middle and lower, among which the environment of the upper class is the quietest."

While talking, Xiao Er took Nalan Jinnian to the upper class room.

Chattering about the private rooms and features of the teahouse.

When passing a certain private room, Nalan Jinnian suddenly stopped and said impatiently, "Noisy, just this one!"

Xiao Er was stunned for a moment, and then said with an apologetic smile: "My lord, I'm really sorry, this private room was packed, and there is a quieter private room in front of us."

Those private rooms have great views, with a panoramic view of the back garden from the windows! It's the best time to talk about things! I'll take you there!

Before Xiao Er had finished speaking, Nalan Jinnian had already pushed open the door and walked in.

Xiao Er was startled, and quickly stepped forward and pulled him: "Master, there are indeed guests in this private room! Ah"

"Presumptuous!" Nalan Jinnian waved his sleeves, and the young boy flew out and fell on the corridor.

Hearing the movement, the shopkeeper rushed over immediately and said angrily, "What's going on?"

The little Er quickly got up. Although he was thrown away by Nalan Jinnian, it didn't hurt to fall to the ground. He said anxiously, "Treasurer, that young man broke into the private room."

The shopkeeper was startled when he saw Nalan Jinnian in the room.

Isn't this King Jin?

Nalan Jinnian has already looked around the elegant room. He stood there with one hand slapped on the sleeve that was pulled by Xiao Er in disgust, exuding an intimidating aura.

The shopkeeper hurriedly smiled: "Caomin has seen the prince before, this is the new little Er, I have offended you a lot, and I hope the prince will not blame him!"

Then he reprimanded Xiao Er: "Why did you bring King Jin to such a poor private room? This private room was sprinkled with insecticidal powder a few days ago."

When Xiao Er heard the shopkeeper calling him King Jin, he was scared and stupid, but now he heard the shopkeeper reprimanded him and didn't dare to answer!

Here and there, he wants to bring King Jin to this private room, and he forced his way in!

Nalan Jinnian glanced at him: "Didn't you say someone has packed this private room? You little second talk too much."

After Nalan Jinnian finished photographing the clothes, he took out the handkerchief and wiped his hands, then threw the handkerchief directly on the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper immediately caught it and said with a smile, "Someone wrapped it up! But if King Jin wants to use this private room, no matter who wraps it up, that person will be happy to use it for the king! It's just that this is sprinkled with insecticidal powder, Xiao is worried that the lord is smoking. We have the best private room in this teahouse, where it is warm in winter and cool in summer, where birds chirping and flowers are fragrant, it is reserved for nobles like King Jin! How about Xiao Xiao lead you?"

Nalan Jinnian glanced at the white powder on the corner of the wall, then walked out with a cold face.

The meaning is obvious, just lead the way!

The shopkeeper secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, when the adults didn't come, he would sprinkle some powder in the house to prevent some unreasonable guests from insisting on entering.

In this capital where you can easily meet a fourth-rank official when you go out, you really have to be very careful and thoughtful in doing business.

He quickly showed Nalan Jinnian the way, led him to the best private room in the teahouse, served him the best tea, and waited on the side.

Nalan Jinnian took a sip, frowned slightly, and then put down the teacup: "Go back! Someone will come to me later and bring him here."

"Yes, I'll wait for the little one." The shopkeeper stepped back respectfully and closed the door.

Then hurriedly walked forward, he found the young man just now and asked, "Why did you bring the guest to that private room? Do you understand the rules?"

Xiao Er was very innocent: "Treasurer, I didn't take the prince to that private room! It was he who wanted to enter that private room."

The shopkeeper has repeatedly explained that no one can enter that private room! It was King Jin who pushed the door and went in by himself, but he couldn't stop him. He pulled him and was thrown away by him!

The shopkeeper jumped in his heart: "He wants to go in by himself?"

This... isn't really here to investigate or something?

Xiao Er nodded: "Yes, I'm going to take the prince to the best private room. I introduced him to the private room of our teahouse all the way, and then King Jin suddenly stopped, and then said impatiently, Just this one! I said that this private room was reserved, but before I finished speaking, he pushed the door and walked in! I went to pull him, and he was thrown away!"

"Then what did he do when he went in?"

"No, he just threw me away when you appeared."

The shopkeeper secretly breathed a sigh of relief, so he shouldn't find anything, right?

It's just that King Jin discovered something and came here to try it on purpose, or it was unintentional.

Then he thought that King Jin said that his shopkeeper was talking too much.

Thinking of this new kid, he really talks a lot, but King Jin has a habit of cleanliness, speaks less, and likes to be alone. He doesn't even have a guard around him on weekdays, and hates people chattering in front of him.

Guess it's a coincidence?

But no matter what, King Jin had to tell the adults when he entered that private room.

The shopkeeper waved back the shop assistant, waiting for the person that King Jin said.

Soon, Liu Xiaoen appeared.

The shopkeeper took him to Nalan Jinnian's private room and knocked gently on the door.

"My lord, the person you are waiting for is here!"

"Come in." A cold voice came from inside.

The shopkeeper pushed open the door and said to Liu Xiaoen, "Young Master, the lord is waiting for you inside."

Liu Xiaoen nodded and walked in.

The shopkeeper wisely helped them close the door, and then did not dare to stay, so as not to be thought to be eavesdropping, and left directly.

Liu Xiaoen respectfully bowed to Nalan Jinnian: "The Caomin has seen the prince."

Nalan Jinnian pointed to the armchair in front of him: "Sit."

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