The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1101 Is it really a coincidence?

Nalan Jinnian and Liu Xiaoen went out to Juxian Teahouse together.

Liu Xiaoen cupped his hands towards Nalan Jinnian and said, "Respectfully send the prince."

Nalan Jinnian nodded, then neatly turned on his horse, reined in the reins, and rode away in the direction of the palace.

Liu Xiaoen watched Nalan Jinnian go away, and he left in a hurry with the roaring excitement in his heart.

After the shopkeeper of the teahouse waited for the two of them to leave, he twisted two packets of tea leaves and hurriedly left the teahouse.

A person in the street followed indistinctly.


Minister of Industry and Commerce

Not long after the minister of the Ministry of Industry left the government office, he heard someone coming to report that the shopkeeper of Juxian Teahouse had brought tea.

The Minister of Industry was surprised and said: "Please come in, I have something to ask him."

The shopkeeper came to the study, took King Jin to the teahouse, and pushed the door into the private room to talk about it.

The Minister of Industry was extremely shocked when he heard the words!

Does King Jin suspect anything?

How did he find out?

When was it discovered?

The Minister of Industry recalled carefully, he thought about what he had done, except to find someone to spread rumors, there was nothing else, right?

"Tell me carefully, don't miss any details!"

The shopkeeper said the matter again, but it is very strange to spread the word. From one person, to the second person, and then from the second person to the third person, it often changes. looks like it.

Because people talk to others, they often add their own opinions into it.

"Little Er pulled King Jin's sleeve. King Jin filmed there for a long time. After filming, he wiped his hands, and then threw away the handkerchief. Fortunately, I usually sprinkle some powder in it. King Jin looked at it with disgust. One glance, followed me away, and later."

After listening to the minister of the Ministry of Industry, he was not sure. He thought that Nalan Jinnian was like this on weekdays. He would be annoyed when others say more in front of him!

I don't know how many times he told himself to shut up!

And on weekdays, he always looks like he is the cleanest in the world, and everyone else is dirty.

He also heard the third prince say that Nalan Jinnian's carriage was not allowed even by the emperor.

Is it really a coincidence?

But the Minister of Industry felt that it was not the case in the bottom of his heart.

Pressing the unease in his heart, he continued: "You said that King Jin was waiting for Liu Xiaoen, a wealthy businessman from the south? What did the two say?"

That Liu Xiaoen, the third prince wanted to know about it and asked him to check it out, but recently, because he found the money from the former treasury, various departments are writing memorials and asking the emperor to get the money. He is also busy. After all, the emperor asked him to build the water conservancy in the south. There can be no more floods, no money, how can he repair it, and if he wants to repair, he has to come up with a feasible construction method, the people in the Ministry of Engineering are busy, he forgot to let people check!

"King Jin is highly skilled in martial arts, how dare he take half a step when he is young?"

The Minister of Industry nodded. This is a fact. If he gets close and is discovered by King Jin, then he is courting death.

"If you have nothing to do, then retire!" He shouldn't stay in his mansion for too long.

"Yes!" The shopkeeper saluted and then stepped back.

Afterwards, the Minister of Industry asked his entourage to find someone to check on Liu Xiaoen, and by the way, he approached him to see what happened to him and King Jin.

When Liu Xiaoen came to the capital, he heard that he was generous and always invited a son and brother to dinner. It must have been a plan, and he wanted to do business in the capital, but how could King Jin like him?

The Minister of Industry is very strange!

But he didn't struggle for a long time, because he had a lot of things to do.


After Nalan Jinnian entered the palace and explained some things to the emperor, he left the palace and returned directly to Prince Jin's mansion.

Butler Lei saw King Jin coming back, and went forward to report: "Master, the overseas cargo ship came ashore today and brought two boxes of things."

Since Butler Yuan went to manage the pearl cultivation pond, Butler Lei stood out among the stewards of several outer courtyards and completely took over the position of steward of Prince Jin's mansion.

Nalan Jinnian wanted to go directly over the wall to find warmth.

Hearing this, he turned around and went to look at the two boxes.

The detonator opened two boxes made of rosewood.

Two boxes full of books, the words on the book cover are not Nalan Kingdom.

Nalan Jinnian flipped through the pages and found several books in different languages.

He picked up two copies, and then said to the steward: "Put these books in the warehouse first. In a few days, they will be moved to Duke Anguo's mansion to the Lord Hui'an."

"Yes!" Butler Lei replied respectfully, and was secretly shocked. Hui'an County Master could even read books from overseas countries?

Butler Lei knows that Nuan likes to read books, any type of books, as long as they haven't read them.

The books in Nalan Jinnian's study were warmly finished.

It was not the first time that Nalan Jinnian had asked him to find someone to buy some books from other countries.

He didn't expect that Hui'an County Master had read the books of the Five Kingdoms, and even the overseas books were not spared.

The world wondered how a little peasant girl could be so powerful and know so much, but Steward Lei thought to himself that the Princess Hui'an had read all the books in the master's study, including the books from the Five Kingdoms, in the past two years. My master is still fast, can he be awesome?

This is the book she has read in the past two years. In the past ten years, she has no idea how many books she has read!

People are great for a reason!

Looking at the entire capital, who is the master of Hui'an county so knowledgeable, butler Lei even thinks that the Hanlin university scholar is not as knowledgeable as the master of Hui'an county!

After Nalan Jinnian explained, he took two books and went over the wall to the Anguo Gongfu.

These two boxes of books are because Nalan Jinnian knew that she knew the language of those countries overseas, so she asked the merchant ships that went out to sea to bring back more books from those countries for her to read.

It has been more than half a year since I explained it, and the book is finally back!

It came just right, the little girl was trapped in the mansion, and she could read a book when she was bored.

Two boxes of books are enough for her to look at for a long time.

It's just that there are books from so many countries, do you want to invite someone to come back in each country?

I don't know if she fully understands the languages ​​of so many countries.

Nalan Jinnian walked into the warm courtyard.

Nuan was not in his own courtyard, but in the health care garden to refine the wound medicine with Wen Ran and Feng Nianchen.

Seeing him, Chen Huan wanted to call Wennuan back, but Nalan Jinnian stopped him.

"This king is waiting for her here."

When the words fell, he lay on the warm chaise longue, put two books on the round table next to him, then picked up the original overseas book and read it.

The warmth returned quickly.

Seeing Nalan Jinnian sitting in the reclining chair reading a book, she was slightly surprised: "I'm here, why didn't someone tell me?"

Nalan Jinnian put down the book: "Isn't it time for dinner?"

Wen Nuan walked over and muttered very softly: "I know how to eat! Pig!"

Nalan Jinnian reached out and grabbed her hand, and with a hard pull, Wen Nuan fell into his arms. Nalan Jinnian hugged her with both hands, and threatened in a low voice, "What did you say? Huh?"

Don't think he can't hear!

For her, he was so busy these days that his feet didn't touch the ground!

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