The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1102 This capital is too scary!

Nalan Jinnian clasped her waist tightly with one hand, raised the other hand, and gently rubbed her delicate face.

The clear breath splattered on the warm neck, the deep and mellow voice was threatening to make one's heart throb, the warm and long eyelashes trembled, and the heart beat a little faster: "No, nothing!"

Warming most of her body lying on top of him, this position was a bit dangerous, she hurriedly struggled to sit up.

Suddenly Nalan Jinnian frowned and couldn't help taking a breath.


Warm and silently removed his hand that was in the wrong place, and the whole person jumped up!

Nalan Jinnian looked at the pained face: "Are you all right?"

"I don't know, do you want to check it?" Nalan Jinnian wrinkled his face and didn't forget to joke.


this man!

Wen Nuan directly removed the bead hairpin on his head, and said with a sinister smile, "I'll give you a needle and you'll be fine!"

Nalan Jinnian: "."

Immediately, he sat upright and said solemnly, "It's alright!"

Wen Nuan rolled his eyes at him, put the pearl hairpin on the table casually, sat down, and poured a cup of tea: "Did you tell the emperor about Liu Xiaoen?"

Nalan Jinnian also stood up, walked to the warm side and sat down: "Speaking. The Liu family has done a good job in river transportation. Your batch of health and wound medicine, I will let him transport it to the southern front line within 20 days. The baggage team is together."

"He agreed?"

Twenty days are very tight!

But those are life-saving medicines, of course, the sooner they are delivered to the frontline, the better!

If you go with the imperial court's baggage troops, it will take at least a month to arrive.

After all, the imperial court's baggage units had to transport a lot of things, including ordnance, food and grass, quilts and other materials.

With so many things and so many people, it would be relatively slow to travel day and night.

Nalan Jinnian glanced at Wennuan: "He couldn't wait to agree!"

He smiled warmly: "It seems that the strength of this Liu family is good."

Being able to secretly deliver wound medicine for the imperial court is considered a fat poor.

But it is related to the life and death of the soldiers on the front line, and it is related to the success or failure of the war. If the delivery is slow, the war will be delayed, and the soldiers will not have medicine to heal their wounds!

That is a death penalty!

A businessman without that strength would not dare to interfere in such a thing!

And Liu Xiaoen couldn't wait to respond, enough to see that their Liu family is very powerful in river transportation.

As long as he can safely deliver the wound medicine to the front line, this can be said to be a great thing for the Liu family!

Since ancient times, the higher the risk of trading, the higher the return has always been.

"Can you deliver that batch of wound medicine tonight?"

"Okay, I'll be ready."

Nalan Jinnian explained two more words: "Tonight there are a lot of people, and the emperor may come out too. You should let the servants in the house avoid it. And prepare some food."

Warm heart was surprised, but thinking that this must be Nalan Jinnian asked the emperor to come out, let him watch the medicinal materials go out, everyone is at ease!

Nodding warmly: "Okay!"

Nalan Jinnian handed the two books to Nuan again: "The merchant ships that went to sea have returned, and I asked them to bring you some books and put them in my warehouse. After you finish reading them, go over and ask Steward Lei to get them. ."

This is an English medical book, and after a warm glance, she couldn't help but feel happy. She had never read these early books in overseas countries. This is a good way to understand the development of medical skills in overseas countries to that level.

"It's really good! Remember to ask someone to buy more and come back, any type! Whether it's military, medical skills, or phone calls"

"Understood, I'll bring back any book that anyone sees."

He smiled warmly: "That's right!"

Know thyself, ever-victorious!

If you fall behind, you will be beaten. This is a bloody lesson!

Anyway, know more.

Aster had already prepared lunch at this time, and invited the two of them to eat.

After eating, Nalan Jinnian put down the bowl and chopsticks and stood up: "I'm leaving."

Wen Wenyan stood up and wanted to send him off.

Nalan Jinnian held her shoulders to prevent her from standing up.

He stretched out his hand and rubbed the dark shadow under his warm eyes with his thumb: "The sun is shining outside, so don't give it away, take a good rest."

It is noon now, and the sun outside is full and hot!

There is an ice basin in the house. After eating and drinking, it is the time when people feel sleepy.

Nuan thought that he had nothing to say, so he nodded: "I'll sleep in a while."

Really tired!

Nalan Jinnian touched the top of her head, then turned and walked out.

He just stepped over the threshold with one foot, and after thinking of something, he turned around and said, "Your cousin should be able to let it out in the evening."

Nalan Jinnian deliberately asked people to keep her for a while.

He nodded warmly, indicating that he understood.

Nalan Jinnian strode away.

Nuan originally wanted Aster to tell Wen Qian about it.

Thinking of Wen Qian's worries, Wen Nuan braved the scorching sun to go to Wen Qian's yard in person and told her about it.

Wen Qian was so happy that she almost cried when she heard the words. She said with red eyes, "Thank God! It's finally released! Has the matter been found out? Is your grandfather okay?"

Nuan Nuan shook his head: "It's just that Wen Yu admitted that the jade hairpin was given to her third cousin, so she can be brought back, but we haven't figured out other things yet, so we still have to stay in the mansion and don't run around."

Wen Qian's heart was relieved when she heard the words, but she raised it again. She took her warm hand and said, "I'll find out soon!"

Nodding warmly: "Well, second cousin, don't worry, it will be fine, I have already sent someone to pick up third cousin back to the house in the evening, you can take a rest too!"

Wen Qian's dark circles are also very serious.

Wen Qian wanted to say that she wanted to pick up Wen Ling, but thought they had better not go out recently, so she swallowed it back.

It's enough trouble for the fourth uncle's family, at least it can't trouble the warmth any more!

At this moment, Wen Ling was locked in a dark room.

Although it is not a dungeon, this kind of black house is specially used to hold suspects.

It is dark all around, and you can't see five fingers. Only one wall has a small hole the size of a chestnut. The small hole reveals a ray of light, letting you know the day and night.

Such a house is very depressing. If you are locked up here for a few days, people will become neurotic. Generally, prisoners with low psychological quality will be recruited from the truth.

Wen Ling huddled in the corner, closed her eyes and didn't dare to open her eyes. She didn't care whether it was day or night, just treated it as night. She forced herself to fall asleep.

Just when Wen Ling felt like she was going crazy, she finally let it go!

She swore that once this was over, she would be in Ningyuan County and never come to the capital again!

This capital is so scary!


Night, diffuse.

A citywide curfew tonight.

There are soldiers patrolling every street in the capital.

The watchman was also ordered not to appear.

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