Those flower buildings and painting boats are also closed tonight.

Those ministers also repeatedly told the unfilial son in the family that he must not run out tonight, and if he is caught, he will be dealt with as an assassin!

The emperor has ordered that after the curfew tonight, anyone who appears on the road will be directly imprisoned for a month. Anyone who is sneaky will be shot.

In other words, you can't even peek!

The gates of every household in the streets and alleys are closed, and they dare not go out.

Even the dog barked, and was immediately stopped by the owner.

I was worried about attracting the Guards to search the house.

Beijing has such a severe curfew several times a year. Although everyone is curious about what happened, they are all used to it.

Anyway, what happened, they really can't find out.

Everyone's discussion the next day was just speculation.

Most of them speculated that the emperor had received news that there were assassins attacking the palace at night. In order to facilitate the arrest, martial law was imposed throughout the city to make it easier for the prisoners to catch and so on.

Anguo Gongfu

A wooden box, a wooden box, a sack, and a sack were carried out and placed on several carriages parked at the door.

The wooden box contains the refined health-preserving gold sore medicine and some detoxification pills, powder, and some pills for colds, fever and gastroenteritis.

The sacks contained some raw herbs, which were dispensed by the military doctors in the military camp according to the actual situation.

These medicinal herbs have been insisted by the hospital with several imperial doctors, and they are all excellent medicines!

Warm, Nalan Jinnian, the emperor, Wen Jiarui, Wenhou, Wenran and Feng Nianchen stood at the gate of the mansion and watched.

The emperor looked at so many medicinal herbs and stroked his beard. He was very happy. He smiled and said, "Now you don't have to worry about the soldiers on the front line being injured, and there is no medicine to heal them. Okay." The emperor almost saved some money. After coming out, he immediately changed: "I can rest assured! Princess Hui'an, you really helped me a lot!"

Minister Tobe nodded vigorously! ! !

Princess Hui'an is really his nobleman!

Anyhow, let him, the money-losing boy, breathe a sigh of relief.

When he turned around, he asked someone to carve a statue of a boy who gathered wealth, and he carved it according to the appearance of Hui'an County Master, and worshiped a few times a day.

He replied warmly and respectfully, "Your Majesty is wrong, what the ministers and daughters should do."

The hospital of the Taiyuan Hospital was actually relieved and said with a smile, "Your Majesty can rest assured that these health-preserving gold wound medicines are very powerful in hemostasis and wound healing. One bottle can top several bottles of ordinary gold sore medicine. Seriously wounded soldiers only need to stop quickly Blood, then you can save your life!"

Several other imperial doctors who came to test the medicinal materials also nodded in agreement: "Yes, there are so many medicinal materials in this batch, and the preparations prepared by the imperial court are enough to support them for a period of time. Our army will definitely be able to beat those thieves in the southern border country. Falling flowers and flowing water!"

"That's right, I thought it would be enough to cut off our Nalan country's medicinal materials? Our Nalan country is full of talented people, and if we cut it off, we can grow it ourselves! Their southern border country is rich in mountains and medicinal materials, but they have a thousand kilograms of rice per mu. And wheat? Our Nalan country will consume them all!"

Recently, the imperial doctor in their imperial hospital made the medicine for gold sore to the point of vomiting!

At this moment, there are such a large number of medicinal materials, and all of them are grateful to the warm people!

The emperor was a little taller after hearing this, but he was worried that they would relax and said: "I hope the soldiers will not be able to use these herbs! But with so many herbs, they can last for a while. Dear Aiqings, don't forget to take the next step. A batch of medicinal materials will be ready as soon as possible! Do we want to let the soldiers on the front line know that there is no shortage of supplies?"

Although all countries now prohibit the sale of wound medicine and food, as long as there is money, they can still be bought from merchants in various countries who are not afraid of death, but the money is more expensive.

But compared to the lives of the soldiers, silver, of course, the lives of the soldiers are more important!

While the emperor was distressed by the silver, he generously took it out to buy medicinal materials and food.

These things, he wants to ensure that there is no shortage of soldiers on the front line to defend the homeland and the country, and there are more than enough!

The Taiyuan Hospital is busy saying: "Wei Chen must work hard to prepare medicinal materials for the soldiers on the front line, so that the front line will never lack medicinal materials for healing!"

Other imperial physicians also expressed their opinions.

Anyway, since the war was going on, they had to be crucified every day in the pharmacy to refine the gold sore medicine!

Liu Xiaoen stood in the far corner with his head lowered, as if he had not heard anything.

At this moment, his heart is both excited and emotional!


He actually saw the current emperor!

Sure enough, I didn't choose the wrong person.

Look, the surface of Anguo's mansion has been searched, and even the family of Anguo's mansion has been banned for two days!

But the emperor came in person in the middle of the night!

Moreover, the emperor was very kind to Hui'an County Master, and he looked at her like his own princess!

What does this show? It shows that those who have been checked and banned are all for others to see!

The emperor has great trust in the family of the Duke Anguo!

Even if that General Wang really stole the money from the previous treasury, it is estimated that Duke Ang's family will be fine.

Of course, Liu Xiaoen thought about this for a long time, and felt that Wang Xiao would not be able to steal the money from the previous treasury.

When Wang Xiao was in Huainan Mansion, he had seen a person who was upright and awe-inspiring.

At that time, a soldier under his hand accidentally bumped into the burden of a commoner, and the vegetables fell to the ground. He squatted down and helped the commoner pick up the vegetables together with the soldiers, and even lost a lot of money to the commoner.

As a general, there is absolutely no need for him to squat down and pick up vegetables together.

And it wasn't his fault.

What he thought at the time about General Wang's actions was that General Wang had a good-natured nature and was willing to help others; the second was that General Wang should not come from a very high background, and drink water to think of the source.

But people who can drink water and think of the source are mostly good-natured.

"Liu Gongzi, this is troublesome! You should also know that these wound medicines were delivered one day earlier, what does it mean? Twenty days, can they be delivered?"

Liu Xiaoen came back to his senses, and hurriedly cupped his hands and replied respectfully: "Back to the emperor, Caomin will do his best to deliver it before twenty days!"

This is an opportunity for him, an opportunity for the Liu family, whether the Liu family can go further in the future depends on this time!

The emperor nodded: "Okay! It's hard work, Young Master Liu! This matter has become a reward for me!"

"Thank you, Emperor Long En, I don't dare to accept the reward. Miss Wen said that everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. This is what the grass people should do!"

The emperor laughed when he heard the words: "Haha. Good!"

At this time, the medicinal materials were finished, and Liu Xiaoen said, "Caomin will personally be responsible for sending these medicinal materials to the south!"

The emperor nodded.

After Liu Xiaoen bowed, he got into the carriage, and then a line of carriages left.

The five city soldiers and Ma Si personally escorted their convoy out of the city.

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