The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1104 A wave of unresolved waves rises again and again

After the team transporting the wound medicine left, the emperor waved back several imperial physicians and the minister of the household.

It is good to stay in the Duke Anguo's mansion for dinner. Bringing so many people will cause trouble to the Duke Anguo family, and the Seventeenth Emperor will even drive him away! The king thought to himself.

When the Minister of the Ministry of Commerce left, he scolded the emperor from head to toe in his heart!

I stayed in the Anguo Gongfu for dinner, and I didn't bring him with me!

It's hard for him, this bullshit Shangshu, because he can't wear it for his money bag, he is busy with his work, and in the dark, he can't wait to put five pennies in it every day!

If you have food, don’t keep yourself, and work without forgetting yourself!

From now on, he will take five cents from his wallet every day to buy meat buns to eat. No, meat buns have been expensive recently, so let's buy steamed buns!

The minister of households went back to the house to eat steamed buns.

The emperor glanced at the sky, this time was still some time away from the early morning, just in time to return to the palace after a meal.

Just asking Hui'an County Master directly, will it appear that he is too greedy?

We have to let County Master Hui'an take the initiative to bring it up!

The emperor glanced at Nalan Jinnian and had an idea in his heart:

"Master Hui'an, Young Master Feng, Miss Wen Ran has worked hard! When this is over, I will definitely reward you! I thank you for the soldiers on the front line!"

He said warmly and modestly: "Thanks for your appreciation, I didn't do much. The refining of those pills and powders were all refined by Brother Feng and Sister Ran with people day and night."

Warmth gives Wen Ran and Feng Nianchen credit.

Feng Nianchen: "The health-preserving medicinal materials are all planted by the grandfather of the country and the master of Hui'an County. Without good health-preserving medicinal materials, we are also clever women who can't cook without rice. Besides, when the country is in trouble, a gentleman should sacrifice his life to save the country, unite as a city, and work together in the same boat, and we will surely be able to attack. Invincible and invincible!"

Wen Ran nodded: "Having good medicinal materials is the most important thing! Many doctors can do the refining of medicines! Only a country can have a family. I can’t compare to those soldiers on the front line who throw their heads and shed their blood to defend the country and protect the family! My strength is limited, but there will be a portion of my strength, a portion of my strength, my strength, and my strength!”

The emperor laughed when he heard it: "Haha. Good! You have raised good sons and daughters of An Guogong! If we had more people like you in Nalan, I would be able to sit back and relax!"

Wen Jiarui hurriedly said modestly: "I don't dare to be the emperor, the emperor can now sit back and relax! Every family with a male in Nalan will recruit a male to serve as a soldier. This time there is a war in the southern border, the imperial court is recruiting, and the people are eager to sign up, and more There is a family where father and son go to battle together. This is because the emperor is benevolent, and the people of the world are virtuous. The common people go to battle to protect their homeland! We Nalan people are united in one mind and work together, we will definitely be able to meet the gods and kill the gods, and the Buddha to kill the Buddha. Enemies!"

The emperor was even happier after hearing their words. Thinking of the low-key and cooperative family of Duke Anguo's family during these days, as well as not forgetting the national disaster, and racing against time to contribute to the country, he felt a little guilty in his heart: "Gong Anguo, Princess Hui'an, this paragraph Time has wronged you, I will find out the truth as soon as possible, and return your innocence! The imperial court cannot do without you!"

When the emperor said this, he got to the point: "The Seventeenth Emperor, tell Duke An Guogong what they have found so far, and I will listen! After speaking, it is time for me to return to the palace for the early court!"

Nalan Jinnian gave the emperor a deep look.

Wen Jiarui hurriedly invited the emperor into the flower hall, and Mrs. Wu asked for the breakfast that had been prepared a long time ago.

So the emperor smoothly rubbed a meal at the An Guogong's mansion.


In the days to come, the people of Duke Anguo's mansion plan to remain dormant, and the Yin of Shuntian can be considered to have radiated the power that can be radiated to find the person Wen Yu said.

The next day, on June 19, Guanyin's birthday, Mrs. Wu originally planned to go to the Guanyin Temple to repay her vows, but she prayed for gentleness and warmth in the Guanyin Temple to give birth to a precious son early!

Now that Wenxin is really pregnant, of course she has to repay her vow, and by the way, beg for more, so that Wen Wen and Liang Ziyun can also become pregnant as soon as possible!

There is also a begging for the family to be able to die this time, but now this situation can not go, she put some fresh fruit offerings at home to repay the wish, and when the matter is checked, the family can walk freely behind them. to repay.

And let everyone in the family come to worship and ask for the blessing of the Bodhisattva

Although Nuan felt that it was man-made, she never stopped Wu from her original belief, so she was naturally obedient and bowed respectfully!

Nalan Jinnian walked in at this time, saw this situation, and was slightly surprised: "What day is today?"

He smiled warmly: "It's nothing, today is Guanyin's birthday, and my mother is repaying her vows. Why did Brother Seventeen come at this time?"

Everyone looked at Nalan Jinnian.

Nalan Jinnian came here because he received news from Wen Chun, but he couldn't let Wang and Wu know about it, lest they worry, so he said, "I have something to tell you and Uncle Wen."

As soon as Mr. Wu heard it, he thought it was a matter of the imperial court, and hurriedly said, "Then you can go to the study and talk about it! I'm done here too."

Nalan Jinnian glanced at Wenhou: "Wenhou, come and listen too."

So a few people went to the study room.

In the study, Nalan Jinnian took out a letter from him: "Wen Chun was kidnapped, and Liang's whereabouts are unknown now."

Wen Jiarui, Wen Hou looked up at Nalan Jinnian in surprise when he heard the words, thinking he was wrong!

what did he say?

Wen Chun was kidnapped?

Liang Ziyun's whereabouts are unknown now?

This is some kind of international joke.

Wen Nuan took the letter in Nalan Jinnian's hand, quickly opened it, glanced at it, and frowned.

Wen Hou and Wen Jiarui also came back to their senses, and they took the letter from Wen Wen's hand one after another.

Wen Jiarui looked solemn.

"He was robbed by pirates on a ship?"

That leaves fewer clues!

"It really is a wave of unresolved waves! If it is robbed at sea, it is not difficult to find out who robbed the big brother. It is not really a pirate, is it? Big brother and they did not bring much softness. Could it be from the Tanglin Kingdom? After all, the county where the elder brother was the magistrate was originally the city of the Tanglin Kingdom. And the sister-in-law."

Wen Hou dared not speak any further, this is missing at sea, isn't the eldest sister-in-law more fortunate?

Wen Nuan has not spoken, she thought about the possibility of going to Wen Chun, and she immediately suspected that it was someone from Dongling Kingdom!

Of course, it is also possible that they are from the southern border, and it is also possible that they are from Beiming!

Nalan Jinnian: "Dongling Country is the most likely, but I have sent someone to find out about this matter. We will rescue Wen Chun as soon as possible and find the Liang family."

Nalan Jinnian wanted to go in person, but he was worried about the capital.

It's too coincidental, this matter one by one, he always feels that someone is behind the push, and it is estimated that it is no longer the third prince.

The man's real purpose hasn't been revealed yet, but he thinks it's for the little girl.

But this is just his intuition.

At this moment, Nuan looked at Nalan Jinnian and said, "I want to save my brother and sister-in-law myself."

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