"No!" Nalan Jinnian denied it without thinking.

He intuited that this was just for warmth!

Wen Jiarui also nodded: "Sister Nuan, don't go, Dad!"

Sister Nuan is a girl, it is too dangerous to go to the sea to find someone.

That sea area was very chaotic, and Wen Jiarui knew it when he returned the money from Dongling Country for compensation that day.

How could he trust his daughter to go.

"I'm going to go, Sister Nuan, don't go! Now our family is in a dangerous situation. One of you is the prince of the country and the other is the county master. You can't leave the capital easily. I am in charge of the salt department and propose to the emperor to go to Dongling. It's still possible over there."

Nuan Nuan shook his head: "No, you guys are gone, you can't save the elder brother. Second brother, you are not familiar with that place, Dad, you are An Guogong, you have to stay at home at this time and cannot leave. After all, the money in the former state treasury It's not over yet!"

The most important thing is that when they went, maybe someone was not rescued, and even they were arrested!

The two followed the path of the civil servants. They practiced martial arts on weekdays just to keep fit. They could save their lives when they met ordinary gangsters. When they met a real master, they were simply three-legged cat kung fu, which was not enough to watch.

Of course, the warmth did not say these words.

After all, martial arts is about talent and diligence. They started too slowly. If you want to become a master in this life, dream!

Wen Jiarui: "You go alone, father is not at ease! Let your second brother accompany you!"

Nuan: "Dad, are you sure you bring your second brother, I will be safer?"

Wen Jiarui was stunned for a moment, thinking that his son had a lot of strength, and he couldn't even beat Sister Nuan. If he encounters any enemy, he might also implicate Sister Nuan. He nodded and sighed: "That's right, you Second brother is useless!"

Gentle: "."

Well what does that mean!

Where is he useless!

In the DPRK, who does not say that he is young and promising.

He is the youngest third flower boy in the history of Nalan Country! ! ! !

In this home, it is useless, gentle and helpless.

Looking warmly at Nalan Jinnian: "Brother Seventeen, I must go."

The eyes are firm, and the tone is undeniable.

Anyway, if he said no, she would go.

His objection was also invalid.

Nalan Jinnian had a headache, he knew that the little girl would be like this, and he didn't want to tell her.

But it's not okay not to tell her, this has to be guarded against.

"I'll go there myself, you'd better stay in the capital!" Nalan Jinnian took the next step.

Wen Nuan shook his head: "No, I won't go, I won't be able to save my eldest brother and sister-in-law."

Why did that person arrest Wen Chun? Wen Chun was just a small county magistrate and was not important in front of the emperor.

But she is different. In her hands, she has health-preserving medicinal materials, the cultivation method of health-preserving ingredients, the cultivation method of rice and wheat that yield thousands of kilograms per mu, and the extraction method of sea salt.

Nuan knew that with these things in her hands, no matter which country she went to, she would be treated as a guest of honor.

There is also a reason why the emperor treats his family so politely.

Of course, the emperor is also an interesting gentleman, warm and fond of him, and willing to be loyal to such a gentleman.

Because it's worth it!

What Wennuan thought was that Donglingguo wanted to get the breeding method of rice and wheat that yielded thousands of kilograms per mu, so he arrested Wen Chun and threatened himself.

There is also the silver in the former treasury, maybe there is also a conspiracy of the Tanglin Kingdom in it.

After all, before the King of Huainan, as well as the Guo family and Dongling Kingdom secretly colluded.

In that sea area, it is also the closest to Dongling Kingdom, so the suspicion of Dongling Kingdom is the biggest.

Nalan Jinnian frowned: "You"

Nuan interrupted him: "Needless to say, I'm going to settle anyway! I'll go to the palace to face the saint!"

He said warmly and stood up.

Nalan Jinnian: "."

This daughter-in-law is too assertive and does not listen to her own words, sometimes it is a headache!

Nalan Jinnian took her hand: "Okay! Let's go together, it's alright!"

Warm and sat down.

This matter has to be discussed in detail: "Father, the eldest brother was robbed this time, I am afraid it is closely related to the money in the former treasury. I haven't thought about what the people behind it will do, so we must be more careful next time. , after I leave the capital, you want more."

He said warmly and softly.

Nalan Jinnian listened to the warm explanation, and her eyes flashed with admiration.

". This matter, don't tell my mother and grandma for the time being, lest they worry." Finally, Wen Nuan added.

Wen Jiarui nodded: "It's natural."

He looked at Wen Hou again: "Don't let your mother see you, you kid!"

Wen Hou rolled his eyes: "Father, worry about yourself!"

What's the matter with his father, can he escape from his mother's eyes?

Wen Jiarui slapped the warm back of the head: "Who are you rolling your eyes at?"

What a man you are, and you roll your eyes!

Can you be more stable!

This family is about to have a big disaster, and he still looks like he doesn't know how high the sky is.

No, let the child's mother quickly find a daughter-in-law to take care of him.

This man has to become a biological child, with a burden on his shoulders and a responsibility on his body, so that he can become mature and stable.

Gentle: "."

Why is he always beaten?

Sister Nuan rolls her eyes at Brother Seventeen all day, but she doesn't even see her father slap her in the face!


Wen Nuan and Nalan Jinnian entered the palace together.

Wu Shi, seeing the two of them hurriedly entered Jingma Miansheng, asked curiously, "What happened?"

Wen Jiarui said as he thought, "Something happened in the salt field, and they went to the palace to discuss. Seventeen and Sister Nuan may have to go there to deal with it."

Wu Shi was startled when he heard the words: "What's wrong with the salt farm? Now the Dongling area no longer sells salt to us. We can't live without salt. This soldier has no salt to eat, but he has no strength to fight!"

Now the Southern Border Country does not sell medicinal materials to them in the Nalan Country, which is already annoying enough. If there is an accident in the salt field, not only will the soldiers have no salt, but the common people will also have no salt to eat!

Eat this without salt, sooner or later there will be trouble!

This is really a house leak and it rains overnight, which makes it worse!

Why so many things this year?

Wen Jiarui hurriedly grabbed Mrs Wu's hand and said, "Don't panic, it's not that serious, it's just that there is a problem with the process, and the long-term workers there don't understand it, so let Wennuan go and see what the problem is."

When Wu Shi heard the words, she gave Wen Jiarui a blank look: "Then why do you look like the sky is about to fall?"

Wen Jiarui touched his face: "Is there? Aren't I worried about those salts? After all, I'm also in charge of this now. You know how important salt is. This year is really eventful!"

Wen Jiarui secretly reminded himself that he must pay attention to adjusting his expression.


Yingying sea water, rolling waves.

Di Junxian stood on a big boat, looking at the endless sea.

The person beside him said: "Master, after so many days, I'm afraid that woman can't be found!"

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