Liu Kai wanted to arrange a boat to go to sea to find Wang Xiao. Ouyang Kun thought about it and said, "General Liu, I'll go out to sea with the boat to find General Wang!"

The third prince thought for a while after hearing the words: "Alright! This prince will also board the ship together!"

If Wang Xiao really ran away and he didn't go out to find someone, the royal father would definitely be displeased when he found out.

Ninth Prince: "Then let's go together!"

Liu Kai was secretly surprised, why did the three of them seem a little anxious?

He couldn't help but persuade: "The third prince, the ninth prince, and Lord Ouyang, the sea is no better than the flat land, Hejianghe, the sea is windy and rough, some people will get seasick when they go out to sea by boat, and in case of a storm"

Ouyang Kun waved his hand: "Okay, we also came here by boat, not seasick. The weather is so good recently, where is there a storm? General Liu Hai, hurry up and arrange the boat to go to sea! You can't afford to delay the emperor's will!"

Ouyang Kun stared closely at Liu Kai, he suspected that Liu Kai knew something!

Liu Kai stopped persuading him when he heard the words, and immediately arranged for a boat to take the three of them out to sea to find Wang Xiao.

Taking a boat on a river is different from taking a boat on the sea!

Besides, it's going to rain, and the sea is going to be stormy. Who has the ability to predict it?

Moreover, Liu Kai wanted to stay here in case of any change in the state of Dongling. He could only arrange for a lieutenant general to go out to sea with dozens of sailors and the three of them to find it.

When sending the three princes on board, Liu Kai still dutifully persuaded: "The third prince, the ninth prince, Lord Ouyang, the sea is stormy, and there are pirates infested recently, why don't you wait on the shore? Vice Admiral Fang is going to get the General back."

Ouyang Kun directly boarded the big ship: "No need! When will this wait? This official has to rush back to return to the emperor!"

Ouyang Kun never imagined that when he got on the boat, he would drift at sea for more than a month before he could land!

On the other hand, Wang Xiao returned to the barracks on the third day after they went to sea.

In the main account

Liu Kai had just finished training the soldiers. He knew that Wang Xiao had brought someone back, so he immediately came to ask to see him: "General, have you come back! Did Master Wen find it?"

Wang Xiao took off his armor and hung it on the shelf. He frowned when he heard Liu Kai's words. In this way, Liu Kai has not received any news yet.

He sighed: "No! I came back to see if you have received any news. I met some fishermen at sea, and those fishermen said that the person who robbed and killed Wen Chun's boat was not a pirate."

Wang Xiao had been active in this area before, and he also knew one or two pirate leaders.

This time he went to sea to search, he found those pirates and asked, but they didn't go to sea that day.

Besides, when they saw the official ship of Nalan, they would not go forward to rob them.

After all, Hui'an County Master and Nalan Jinnian fought against the enemy forces of several countries at sea that day. It was too mighty!

The pirates were timid, they had not provoke the caravan of Nalan for a long time, let alone the official ships.

So the pirates who robbed and killed the official Wen Chun were impersonated!

So Wang Xiao hurried back.

Wang Xiao is not so afraid now.

If those who robbed and killed Wen Chun's official ship were not real pirates, but disguised by the enemy, then they would not have killed Wen Chun and the others.

I am afraid that the people from Dongling Kingdom have arrested Wen Chun and Liang Ziyun and want to threaten them in Nalan Kingdom.

Liu Kai's eyes widened when he heard the words: "What? It's not a pirate, who is that?"

"What's going on in Dongling Country recently?" Wang Xiao walked to the Sifang table, picked up a sea bowl on the table, poured himself a sea bowl of water, and drank it all in one gulp.

He is used to drinking water from a bowl in the military camp, because usually after half a day of training, he is terribly thirsty, and drinking cup by cup is simply too troublesome.

"No." At this time, Liu Kai also thought that Wen Chun might be arrested by the people of Dongling Kingdom.

If that's the case, it's going to be a lot of trouble!

Wang Xiao frowned: After so many days, why is there no movement in Dongling Kingdom? Wasn't Dongling State general Wen Chun arrested?

Wouldn't it be from the Southern Border Country?

Damn, these dog thieves in Dongling and Nanjiang, sooner or later, he will lead his troops to pacify them!

Wang Xiao couldn't guess for a while whether it was the country of Dongling or the country of Nanjiang. After all, it was possible, and the East China Sea was right in the middle of these two countries.

He knew who caught Wen Chun, and he wanted his dog's life!

"How about I secretly contact the spy in Dongling to see if he has received any news?" Liu Kai asked.

Wang Xiao nodded: "Well, be careful. Is there any news from the capital?"

The news of Wen Chun's accident was sent back by Fei Ge, and the capital should have received the news long ago. If Fei Ge passed the book, there should be news, right?

Only then did Liu Kai think of the Third Prince and the others, and he was busy talking about it.

Wang Xiao was slightly surprised when he heard the words: "The emperor sent the third prince and the ninth prince, why are they here? Are they helping to save Brother Chun?"

The third prince is not in charge of the Imperial College, and the ninth prince has nothing to do right now?

That Dali Temple Shaoqing was an investigator, maybe he could investigate Wen Chun.

Liu Kai shook his head: "My subordinates don't know either, nor do they know about the disappearance of Lord Wen."

Wang Xiao was even more confused after hearing this!

Could it be that the emperor changed his mind and wanted to take the initiative to attack the country of Dongling?

That was a good thing, he directly led his troops to attack several cities in Dongling, to see that they would not hand over Wen Chun.

"Since they have gone to sea and can't find me, they will be back soon. You should contact the spies from Dongling first."

"Yes!" Liu Kai immediately went to make arrangements.

Wang Xiao took out the map and began to study the place where Wen Chun had an accident. It was convenient for the people in Dongling to pretend to be pirates, or the people in Southern Xinjiang to pretend to be convenient for pirates.

Wang Xiao thought about it after watching it for a long time, and then felt that it was very possible in the southern border. If Wen Chun was arrested and went to the southern border, it was normal that he would not receive any news!

It is estimated that Wen Chun was taken to the southern border to threaten Lin Tingxuan!

Lin Tingxuan has already recaptured the warm mountain range, and if he continues to attack, the Southern Border Kingdom will lose a city!

No, he had to write a letter to ask Ting Xuan and remind him by the way.


Damp, rancid dungeon

Wen Chun was tied to a stool. He lowered his head, motionless, covered in scars, and his white undershirt had been stained red with blood.

Not far away, two men in black with their faces covered were playing leaf cards.

At this moment, a masked man in black pushed open the iron door of the heavy dungeon and walked in.

The two men in black who were playing cards immediately stood up: "Boss!"

The man in black, known as the boss, glanced at Wen Chun, who was dying, "Is there anything you asked?"

"No, this man is stubborn, he doesn't say a word. But soon, when we use the capital punishment, no one can stand it! Look at him and say no!"

"Master ordered, don't kill people! This person still has a big role! He won't die, right?" The black-clothed boss was startled when he saw that Wen Chun had not moved for so long.

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