One of the men in black immediately said, "No, he just passed out! I'll wake him up~!"

Saying that, he immediately picked up a bucket of water next to him and poured it directly.

Wen Chun woke up in pain, and when he saw the three men in black in front of him, he closed his eyes again heavily.

The black-clothed boss walked over and raised Wen Chun's chin with the scabbard: "Master Wen, please tell me how to grow rice and wheat that can yield thousands of kilograms per mu, as well as how to grow health-preserving ingredients, or else you will suffer. !"

Wen Chun didn't even move his eyelids, let alone speak.

It is as if they were in the air, when they were dead!

Among them, a man in black said: "Boss, there is no need to punish him, he is such a dead man! He is stubborn! This kind of person can't be taught a hard lesson!"

The black-clothed boss sneered: "No tears when you don't see the coffin! Pretend to be dead, right?"

The black-clothed boss used pliers to pick up the red-hot soldering iron in the carbon furnace and stick it directly to Wen Chun's abdomen.

"Ah!" Wen Chun raised his head in pain, and the veins on his neck were exposed.

"Zizzi" There was a faint sound of barbecue and the burnt smell of barbecue in the air.

"Don't tell me!!!" The black-clothed boss's eyes were full of viciousness, his mouth was covered, his teeth were clenched, his subordinates exerted force, and the red Luo Tie rubbed Wen Chun's abdomen vigorously.

Wen Chun only felt that the world was suffering in addition to pain!

It's just excruciatingly painful!

I can't wait to die now!

The black-clothed boss put away Luo Tie, threw it back into the charcoal furnace, and said lightly, "Don't say it, don't say it, I won't burn Luo Tie in your stomach in a while, but an inch further down. If you do that, Sir Wen, you will die!"

Wen Chun closed his eyes and silently endured the pain in his body without saying a word.

Wen Chun knew that they did not dare to kill themselves.

I just don't know how Ziyun is doing now?

Have you been rescued?

The man in black next to him couldn't help but said: "Boss, look, this man's bones are so hard, no matter what punishment is used, he will not hum!"

If not when they first woke up and asked them who they were, they would have suspected that this person was dumb!

The black-clothed old man was very angry, and the master explained that he could not be killed. Now that he has been seriously injured, it is already the limit to withstand the soldering iron once.

I've never seen someone who was caught and brought it back without a word!

This is really not afraid of death, right?

There are many people who are not afraid of death!

He himself is not afraid of death!

But everyone has their own weaknesses and their own fears.

He is not afraid of death, so he protects his wife with his life.

He wasn't afraid of death, so he couldn't let go of his confession by torture!

What is the reason for this?

Because there are people who are more important than his life to protect.

Such as his wife and children, such as his family.

Thinking of this, the black-clothed boss sneered: "Don't say so? Hui'an County Master is already on his way to save you, so we will arrest her and let her talk! I don't know the delicate skin and tender meat of Hui'an County Master. Can you bear the pain on your body?"

Wen Chun finally opened his eyes after hearing the words and looked at them with contempt. He showed a sneer and twitched the corners of his mouth, which made him even more painful. He said weakly, "Catch her? Do you think too highly of yourself?"

Don't pee and take pictures of yourself!

People in the world say that Nalan Jinnian's martial arts are unfathomable, and he ranks among the best in the five kingdoms.

Sister Ke Nuan's martial arts skills and Nalan Jinnian are comparable!

In this case, how many people in this world can catch her?

The old man in black, who was despised by Wen Chun's eyes, was furious, and he snorted coldly: "Then see if I can catch her! Even if I can't beat her, if she knows that you are in my hands, Will she be caught obediently?"

Wen Chun's face really changed this time: "You dare!"

When the black-clothed boss saw that his face finally changed, he couldn't help but raised his head and laughed and walked out: "Haha. See if I dare!"

The heavy iron door slammed shut.

Wen Chun stared fiercely at the closed door.

One of the men in black said at this time: "I advise you to tell those methods obediently! Otherwise, if the Princess Hui'an is arrested, wouldn't it be a big loss?"

The other man in black said, "I heard that the county lord Hui'an is beautiful and charming? That's right, a woman who can be admired by King Jin must be absolutely beautiful! A beautiful and smart woman, Lao Tzu hasn't slept yet. How about it! If we are caught, how about we put Princess Hui'an to sleep in front of Lord Wen?"

"Haha. This is a good idea! If we can sleep with the county master of Nalan, we will live in vain!"

"You dare!" Wen Chun heard them being so humiliated and warm, and wished to kill them.

He was so angry that the blood in his body rolled, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, and then passed out.

The black-clothed boss left the dungeon, passed through a garden, and came to a pavilion.

Inside the pavilion, a man in a light yellow brocade robe was playing the piano.

The sound of the violin is loud and choppy, like a silver bottle suddenly broken, stormy, ups and downs!

The black-clothed boss didn't dare to disturb and stood on the side, bowing slightly and waiting.

Soon, the sound of the piano stopped!

The man in yellow looked at him and said lightly, "What's the matter?"

The black-clothed boss replied respectfully, "Master, he still won't say anything!"

The man in yellow frowned when he heard the words, but he didn't expect a civil servant to be so stubborn!

It seems that Nalan Guoan's family is the master that should not be underestimated!

No wonder the emperor of Nalan Kingdom is so important.

"Has the Sixth Prince of Beiming caught County Master Hui'an? If you do, borrow it and use it first!"

It was agreed at the beginning that they joined forces and he wanted Wen Chun. After all, what he wanted was rice and wheat that yielded thousands of kilograms per mu, as well as methods of planting healthy ingredients.

And what Di Junxian wanted was the Princess Hui'an.

"My subordinates are looking for people from Beiming Kingdom and tell them what the master means."

"Well. Go!"

The man in black stepped back respectfully.

The man's slender, white hands fiddled with the strings again.

The clanging piano sounded again,

This time, it is no longer as urgent as a storm, and whispers, such as ringing a ring, tactfully and continuously


After Nuannuan and Nalan Jinnian left the palace, they carried a simple burden and rushed to the border of Dongling.

But no matter how warm and anxious, the speed of this horse is not comparable to that of modern cars and planes.

And the horse needs to rest and can't run all the time, otherwise it won't be able to stand it either.

So when the two finally boarded the big ship that went to sea, it was already half a month later.

Wen Nuan stood on the deck and looked at the green hills on both sides of the strait, calculating the arrival time in his heart.

Standing beside her, Nalan Jinnian also looked into the distance, and said softly, "According to the current and wind speed, we will arrive in ten days and eight days."

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