A warm nod nodded in response.

After so long, there was still no news from Wen Chun and Liang Ziyun, and she couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

Is this different from what I guessed in my heart?

If anyone among the four kingdoms robbed Wen Chun, then they should have made some noise, right?

Nalan Jinnian knew that Wennuan was worried, so he put his arms around her shoulders, let her lean on him, and comforted softly: "Don't worry, you will find it."

Nodding warmly, thinking that it is not easy to find someone who hides in modern times, let alone this ancient times where everything is backward!

She looked up at the blue sky subconsciously: "Why haven't there been any news from Xiao Hei and Xiao Ben?"

"How can it be so easy? If Wen Chun was caught, of course he was locked in a dungeon, it would be difficult for Xiao Hei to find out."

He asked Xiao Hei to pay close attention to the movements of the most suspected people to see if they could find them. Those people were not from the same country, which made it a bit difficult. It was the first time that Xiao Hei had picked up such a difficult task. Task.

"The sun is getting bigger and bigger, go back to the cabin to eat something?"


The two returned to the cabin, and Nalan Jinnian called for a meal.

Stove cooking is possible on board, but also simple meals.

Today's meal is claypot rice with preserved meat, served with a plate of fresh small river prawns, a plate of fried small fish, a plate of green vegetables, and an appetizing plate of sour beans.

The prawns are small in size but sweet in taste.

Nalan Jinnian took a sip and thought it was good, so he peeled a bunch of small shrimp to warm it up.

The prawns in the bowl were all spiky.

"Enough! I have all the fish and shrimp, what do you want to eat?" He said hurriedly.

"eat more."

These days, I have been rushing all the way, I can't eat well, I can't sleep well, and the little girl's spirit is not as good as before. Nalan Jinnian can't wait to bring her back when she sees it.

Then a black shadow flew in.

Falling on the edge of the table looking at the shrimp on the table, my eyes are glowing!

Just craned his neck and wanted to eat only a few shrimps left on the plate on the table.

Nalan Jinnian grabbed it by the neck with one hand and threw it away: "Are there any rules? Didn't Xiao Hei teach you?"

Nalan Jinnian would not be reluctant to let go of this plate of shrimps on weekdays, but the shrimps were thrown by the guards while casting nets and sailing.

If the shrimp is eaten by it, the little girl will not have to eat it!

Anyway, there are a lot of spiny fish, and it's enough for a idiot to eat fish. Nalan Jinnian thought.

Little Clumsy was thrown with both claws upside down.

Fluttering his wings in the corner of the cabin, struggling to get up, he looked at Nalan Jinnian accusingly.

Woohoo, it has been flying in the sea for so long, and it is not like those white birds that will catch fish from the sea and eat it, and it will starve to death!

Nuan glared at Nalan Jinnian: "What rules are you talking about with an eagle? Xiaozhu must be starving. Come here, Xiaozhu, and I'll give you something to eat."

The little fool quickly walked over.

Nuan also wanted to ask Xiaozhu if he had found Liang Ziyun.

You can't torture animals just by seeing the little stupid hungry!

Wen Nuan picked up his bowl, wanting to give Xiaozhuan something to eat.

Nalan Jinnian took her hand: "You eat!"

This is what he peeled for her to eat.

Nalan Jinnian shouted to the outside again: "Xia Xuan, prepare a pot of fish for Xiaozhu."

Warmly added: "A little more!"

"Master, the county master, the subordinates have already prepared people." Xia Xuan, who was standing outside, immediately responded respectfully.

Xia Xuan turned out to be one of Nalan Jinnian's dark guards.

After Lin Feng went to the border, he picked Xia Xuan out and let him take his place and become Nalan Jinnian's guard.

This way, he came early and arranged everything.

Being able to become Nalan Jinnian's personal bodyguard requires a little bit of cleverness and wink, and you need to think about the next step.

In other words, seeing Little Clumsy fly back, he prepared his food without the master's instructions.

From secret guard to personal bodyguard, everyone wants this opportunity.

Because Nalan Jinnian's personal guards will eventually be arranged by him in the army, and now those people are either lieutenants or generals.

Lin Feng already had the title of lieutenant general in the army!

A dark guard who doesn't want to be a general is not a good one!

Anyway, Xia Xuan has this ambition.

He had long known that he was no ordinary dark guard. The dark guards around Nalan Jinnian were all trained by him. All of them have strong abilities and high martial arts, but their martial arts are not as good as Nalan Jinnian's, so under normal circumstances, Nalan Jinnian does not. Need their protection, but sent out to deal with various things.

This time, Lin Feng was able to pick him because he saw that he was careful, steady, and discerning.

in the cabin

Xiaozhuo stared at the few remaining shrimps on the table, and his saliva was drooling.

"Look, the little fool is hungry! Haven't eaten for a long time?"

Xiaozhuo nodded, his eyes full of grievances: Those big white birds are so abominable! Make fun of yourself for not catching fish in the sea!

Also deliberately showing off your skills in front of yourself!

If it weren't for not eating the same kind, it would want to catch those big birds and tear them up!

It's just that Warm can't understand its slander, Xiao Chuang only knows dozens of words, and it's obviously too far to express his meaning.

Nalan Jinnian picked up the tall plate of shrimp shells and sour beans that he peeled out just now, and put it in front of Xiaozhuo.

Stupid: "."

Don't think it doesn't know, there's no meat in it!

And the yellow stuff on this plate, it's not delicious!

The little fool turned his head in disgust.

Fortunately, Xia Xian quickly brought a large pot of stewed fish and placed it in front of Xiao Chou.

Xiao Hei ate with satisfaction.

While watching Xiao Hei eating, Nuan asked, "Little stupid, have you found my sister-in-law?"

She can't wait!

After listening to the warm words, Xiao Chuang nodded slowly.

Xiaozhuo glanced at the fish in the pot, and then looked outside, the meaning was obvious, when it was full, it would lead the way, otherwise it would not even have the strength to fly!

Warm and relieved, I finally found it!

"Little fool, eat quickly!"

Nalan Jinnian pointed to Wennuan and only ate a small portion of the meal: "You too!"


The big boat followed the direction of the little fool.

At dusk, a fishing boat appeared in the warm sight.

Nuan saw Xiaozhu hovering over the fishing boat, and his hands could not help grasping the side of the boat.

"Let's go!" Nalan Jinnian instructed.

The helmsman on the boat immediately began to adjust the direction and let the boat pass.

The soldiers on the boat picked up bows and arrows one after another and became alert.

The two boats got closer and closer, and Nuan Nuan soon recognized that the people on the fishing boat were Liang Ziyun and Miss Xiaonan.

When the small fishing boat was almost approaching, Liang Ziyun was so excited that she couldn't help shouting loudly, "Nuan Nuan! Nuan Nuan..."

Nuan ordered: "Put the rope down!"

Wen Luonuan has already turned over the side of the ship neatly and jumped down.

The soldiers on the ship were startled!

The hearts of some soldiers were raised!

The two ships are still several meters away!

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