Just when the sailors on the boat were about to jump into the sea to save people, the warmth had already landed on the fishing boat, and the fishing boat did not even shake!

Soldiers on the boat: "..."

"Did Master Hui'an fly down?"

"It should be, I can't see that she is dancing!"

"Flying! Jumping so far? Jumping, can it land on the deck as easily as a bird on a branch? It must be flying!"

"Are girls all this light?"

"It's as light as a swallow!"

"The Princess Hui'an has two invisible wings!"


The soldiers on the big ship with bows and arrows on guard couldn't help exclaiming.

Xia Xuan saw the warmth on the boat and was about to jump off to help, but Nalan Jinnian stopped him: "No need, just throw the rope down."

Xia Xuan heard the words and immediately said: "Throw the rope!"

The soldiers immediately threw ropes at the people in the boat.

As soon as Nuan Nuan landed on the fishing boat, Liang Ziyun immediately rushed forward and hugged her, so excited that she burst into tears: "Nuan Nuan, save Xianggong! Save Wen Chun! He...he is in danger."

Grandma Nan predicted that there is a big ominous, and the location is in the southeast, and then the rest can't be counted!

Because Granny Nan has used a lot of mana recently to save her grandson.

If she can calculate these, she has exhausted the few remaining cultivation bases.

Wen Nuan patted her on the back and reassured: "I know, I will save it! Don't worry, let's get on the big boat first, and then you can tell me in detail what happened!"

Liang Ziyun was really worried these days, so when she saw the warmth, she couldn't help but burst out all the fears and worries in her heart.

Hearing this, she wiped her tears, nodded, and then remembered something: "It was Sister Xiao Nan who saved me. We are going to find General Wang to save me."

Looking warmly at Miss Xiaonan: "Sister Xiaonan, why are you here?"

Miss Xiaonan smiled: "Sister Nuannuan has not seen you for a long time. My grandmother and I came to an island to help my brother heal."

Nuan thought that Grandma Nan's grandson would have to do something to save her. She heard that the movement would be a little big. She was worried that the people of the Saintess of the Southern Border would be destroyed, so she understood why they were looking for an isolated island.

"Let's get on the big ship first and then talk about it in detail!"


In the cabin, Liang Ziyun and Miss Xiaonan recounted the whole story.

Nalan Jinnian asked a few more detailed questions.

"It's Emperor Junxian!" After listening to Liang Ziyun's answer, Nalan Jinnian insisted.

"Ah?" Liang Ziyun gave a surprised "ah": "Isn't it the country of Dongling? I saw the word "East" written on the knife."

After listening to Nuannuan, she also knew that the pirates were people who faked the Tanglin Kingdom, but she was not sure which country they were from.

After all, Nalan Jinnian knew no more about her private power over princes or monarchs of various countries.

"How did you know for sure?" He asked warmly.

Nalan Jinnian explained patiently.

The three princes of Dongling Kingdom have a snow arc guard in their hands.

But no one knows that the machete in the hands of the Snow arc guard, when used with the right hand, it is a machete, but when it is used with the left hand, the machete will become a long sword!

Their left-handed swordsmanship is much more powerful than the right-handed machete!

In this world, everyone who has seen them use their left-handed swordsmanship is dead.

He knew it was because he had captured a Snow Arc Guard, he had the scimitar in their hands, and he knew their secret.

Just now, he specifically asked Liang Ziyun to confirm that the man was holding a machete in his left hand and hurt Wen Chun!

However, the machete in the hands of Dongling Kingdom Xuehuwei is very delicate. As long as it is held in the left hand, the machete will definitely become a long sword!

So that person wounded Wen Chun with a machete in his left hand, this does not exist at all!

". People in Dongling Country do not refer to swimming as mallard water. People in Dongling and Nanjiang Country generally say swimming, swimming, and mallard water. Only people in a county in Beiming Country like to use this expression. , other people from Beiming Kingdom usually speak swimming like Nalan Kingdom."

Little Nan girl nodded: "Yes, I have never heard people in southern Xinjiang say mallard water, we all say swimming, when it rains. It is a seaside and a river. Many people are indistinguishable from rivers and rivers! There is a saying in Beiming Kingdom that there is a small stream. No one on our side can call it a small stream, only a small river. Sometimes it is enough to use some small names. Know where he is from."

Liang Ziyun was dumbfounded: "But Grandma Nan predicted that Xianggong is in the southeast! The Beiming Kingdom is in the north, right? Then in which direction should we save people?"

Nalan Jinnian said indifferently: "The people who robbed Wen Chun were from Beiming Kingdom, but they may not be brought back to Beiming Kingdom, and maybe there really is Dongling Kingdom, and people from Nanjiang Kingdom got involved in this. Not necessarily."

Nalan Jinnian still believed in Granny Nan's ability.

Nalan Jinnian immediately ordered the big ship to sail to the southeast, and then asked Xiao Chou to find Xiao Hei and come back.

Then he took out the map and started to check the cities in the southeast.

Where is Wen Chun most likely.

It's just that if Di Junxian captures Wen Chun, his purpose is warmth.

Since the incident, why didn't he use Wen Chun to induce warmth to appear?

Nalan Jinnian turned the teacup, thinking about what Emperor Junxian would do.

He wants to catch the warmth, which Nalan Jinnian knew about last time, but there is no evidence, and there are too many things recently, he has not had time to deal with him!


Too many things have happened recently, and it's all about the little girl!

Since he and the little girl went to Lanling Country, things have come one after another!

From the dispatch of troops from the southern border country, to the discovery of silver in the previous dynasty, to the accident of Wen Chun,

Emperor Junxian is provoking trouble by taking advantage of the fact that the affiliated countries of the Nalan Kingdom have long lost their attachment!

Use warmth as an introduction. After all, the per mu yields thousands of kilograms of rice and wheat, eating healthy vegetables that can strengthen the body, and the technique of sea salt purification!

Everything is too important for a country, especially rice and wheat that yield thousands of pounds per mu!

It was a top priority for the imperial court to be able to eat and clothe the common people.

Nalan Jinnian and Nuan Nuan are here thinking about what Di Junxian will do next and what the Four Nations will do.

And a mountain village near the sea

Di Junxian smashed the letter in his hand, and he sneered: "Idiot, you can't ask a word after interrogating for so many days!"

He was actually embarrassed to say that if he caught Princess Hui'an, he would borrow it and use it?

Is the woman he loves the one he wants to borrow?

At this time, Zhang Yu walked in: "Master, I just received the news that the ship of Princess Hui'an and King Jin of Nalan Kingdom has already left the sea, and is heading southeast."

Di Junxian was a little surprised, and then sneered: "Yes, it came so quickly, and it was found that the person was in the southeast so quickly. It seems that I still underestimated Nalan Jinnian's strength. Inform the people over there in the capital, You can start over there!"


Di Junxian stood up and said, "Let's go too!"

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