The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1112 Is this an appointment to send letters together?

The next day, Xiao Hei was found by Xiao Chou.

Nalan Jinnian wrote a letter and asked Xiao Hei to send it to the military camp to Wang Xiao: "If Wang Xiao is no longer, you will send the letter to Liu Kai, you know?"

Blackie nodded.

Nalan Jinnian said to Xiaozhu again: "Little silly, you go to the southeast to see the junction of Qiling Mountain and Qidongling, there is a villa there, you can see if Wen Chun is locked in that villa. After Hei finishes sending the letter, you also go there, and Xiao Chuang together to explore the situation of the village, and there is a military camp near the villa, Xiao Hei, look at how many soldiers there are in the military camp now."

Nalan Jinnian and Feng Nianchen had come to this area to collect herbs before, and they accidentally knew that there was a place in the southeast, which was the army camp of Dongling Kingdom, and there was a mountain villa there.

Xiaozhuo glanced at Xiaohei, what is the junction of Qiling Mountain and Qidongling?

Where is that, it doesn't know!

Xiao Hei communicated with Xiao Chou, he taught Xiao Chou how to hide in a tree, and secretly paid attention to the movement in the villa, including how many soldiers were guarding, when to work shifts, and when it was time for dinner, someone would deliver meals every day. where to go or something.

It was the first time that Xiao Chuang did such a complicated and important thing, so Xiao Hei explained it more clearly.

I think it learned to do these things at the beginning, but Nalan Jinnian took it to the military camp for several years, and taught the same thing, but it is smarter, and it has been learned after a few years of study.

Xiaozhuo is a little more stupid, and Xiaohei is worried that it will not do well.

However, it is also very fast to send a letter, and it will soon be able to converge with Xiaozhuo.

Communication between the same kind is much easier, Xiao Chuang probably knows what he is going to do, and nodded.

So the two eagles communicated and flew away together.

Looking at the two black dots gradually disappearing in the blue sky, Wen Nuan couldn't help but ask, "How did you teach Xiao Hei so well in the first place?"

Nalan Jinnian: "Not long after Xiao Hei was born, I found that it was smarter, and it didn't take long for it to understand my commands, so I told it to fly east, and never dare to fly west, so I tried Trying to teach it something. Didn't expect it"

Nalan Jinnian didn't say what he didn't expect, but Nuan also knew that when he was teaching, he didn't expect Xiao Hei to learn so much.

Warm heart couldn't help but think, shouldn't Xiao Hei be transmigrated or reborn by a human?

She was frightened by her own thoughts, and shook her head with laughter, what was she thinking?

"What's wrong?" Nalan Jinnian looked at her in surprise.

Wen Nuan smiled and shook his head: "No, I suspect that Xiao Hei probably didn't drink Meng Po soup when he was reincarnated."

Nalan Jinnian: "."

What is this little girl thinking about?


The military camp at the border of Nalan Kingdom and Tanglin Kingdom.

Wang Xiao just finished his military training. He returned to the big tent and took off his armor. The clothes inside were soaked with sweat. He took a quick set of clothes and went to take a bath by the river not far from the military camp.

Wang Xiao soaked in the cold river water, closing his eyes and thinking about things.

There is no news from the person sent out, and he doesn't know what to do next.

Suddenly there was a sound of breaking through the air, and Wang Xiao quickly opened his eyes.

A sharp arrow came towards him, and Wang Xiao quickly submerged into the water.

The sharp arrow landed on the top of his head just now, and most of the arrows did not sink into the stone. There was a letter on the shaft of the arrow, and the arrow feathers were trembling slightly.

Wang Xiao emerged from the water, glanced at the arrow on the stone, and then glanced at the direction of the forest, where a man in black disappeared after a few moments.


Wang Xiao stood up from the water, climbed on top of the stone, grabbed his clothes and put it on, then wiped the water in his hand, before pulling out the arrow and the letter, opened it, and looked at it.

The content of the letter is very simple: "If you want to save Wen Chun, on the eighth day of the eighth lunar month, let County Master Hui'an go to Erchaling Qingfeng Pavilion alone.

Wang Xiao narrowed his dangerous eyes.

Sure enough, she came to Sister Nuan!

Nuan sister's breeding methods of rice and wheat, which can yield thousands of kilograms per mu, as well as the cultivation methods of health-preserving ingredients, it is really hard not to be moved!

If he was by his side back then, he would never allow the world to know that these things came from her hands, it was too troublesome!

There will be trouble in the future!

Unless she dominates the world, there will always be monarchs who want to get these breeding methods from her.

It's just that it's already the first day of August, but the date on this letter is set for the eighth day of August, so their people know that Sister Nuan is here!

Wang Xiao stood up with the letter in his hand, and was about to go back to the tent. He asked Liu Kai and his advisors and staff to discuss it.

At this time, Xiao Hei flew down from the sky and circled around his head.

"Little Black!" Wang Xiao immediately stretched out his hand.

Is this an appointment to send a letter together?

I usually don't receive messages, but this time I receive two!

Xiao Hei landed on his arm and spread his wings.

Wang Xiao took off the letter under Xiao Hei's wings.

Wang Xiao was overjoyed with confidence after reading it, and sure enough, Sister Nuan and King Jin are here!

And it seems that King Jin already knows where Wen Chun is!

"Xiao Hei, come here, and I will reply to your master." Wang Xiao strode towards the main account.

Xiao Hei was already one step ahead of him and flew up.


The third day of August, late at night

Tonight, there are no stars and no moon.

In the rolling hills and forests, the night was as thick as ink was splashed.

There are thousands of insects singing throughout the mountain forest, "squeaky", "quack quack" and occasionally wolf howls and tiger howls mixed together to form a summer forest symphony.

Two black figures and a wolf walked quickly in the woods, so fast that the soles of their feet seemed to be stepping on a hot wheel.

In the darkness, a pair of green eyes stared at the passing figure, dormant, not daring to come forward.

I don't know how long they ran, and at the foot of the mountain, a majestic Zhuangzi built on the mountain appeared in front of them.

Da Hui stopped.

The two behind them also stopped.

"Is my eldest brother in that village?" Wen Nuan squinted and asked.

Da Hui nodded, and it smelled the warm breath in the village.

This is the place that Xiao Hei and Xiao Ben have been looking for for several days and have brought Da Hui to confirm.

Wen Chun was imprisoned in the dungeon of Zhuangzi, which was guarded by heavy troops in turn for twelve hours, and there was no time difference when changing shifts!

That is to say, if a fly flies into the villa, it will be found.

The most important thing is that there is a military camp near the villa.

They wanted to save Wen Chun silently, but it was almost impossible.

And as long as they fight with the people inside, they will alert the soldiers in the barracks. If the soldiers in the barracks surround the entire villa, they can't escape!

Nalan Jinnian and Wennuan came here to find out the terrain in person tonight.

It is estimated that Wang Xiao's army will arrive on the night of the sixth day of the eighth lunar month.

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