There were men in black with masks standing on the big boat, and from a distance, Nuan saw a man covered in blood tied to a high cross.

The figure was very similar to Wen Chun, but his hair was hanging down, and his face could not be seen.

The knuckles of the fingers holding the paddle warmly turned white!

If it was Wen Chun, she would want them to pay back ten times and a hundred times the wounds Wen Chun suffered today!

The warmth quickened the speed of the rowing, and the small boat approached the larger boat at a faster pace.

Just as Wennuan rowed the boat to the side of the big boat, the people on the big boat dropped a few ropes and hooked the boat.

A man in black wearing a silver mask on the bow of the big ship said, "President Hui'an, please come aboard!"

The voice is warm and unheard of, but the accent sounds like someone from Xihua.

It turned out to be from Xihua Kingdom?

Wen Nuan stood on the boat and didn't move. She looked at the men in black wearing masks and said coldly: "Let me see the face of my eldest brother. Who knows if that person is my eldest brother?"

The man in black with the silver mask waved his hand, and someone climbed onto the cross and lifted Wen Chun's down-draped hair, revealing a face whose faces were scorched black by the iron on both sides.

There were some bloodstains and some yellow and some transparent dirt near his nose and mouth, and he couldn't see the original appearance at all.

Although the man's face had terrifying burns, and it was covered with bloodstains and some unknown dirt, Nuan still recognized it: it was Wen Chun!

Looking warmly at Wen Chun's face, her fists were clenched so hard that they clucked!

Simply deceiving!

Simply deceiving! ! ! ! !

"Brother!" Warmly shouted.

Wen Chun on the cross had already fainted because of his severe injuries.

The warmth called him, but he couldn't hear it either.

The man in black on the boat directly poured a jar of spirits on Wen Chun's face. Wen Chun's wound was stimulated by the spirits, which directly woke him up.

Now splashing water is useless for him, he has to splash wine!

It was only when the spirits irritated his wound that he woke up in pain.

Wen Chun's eyelids moved, and he didn't bother to open his eyes anymore. He was still enduring the severe pain in his body, no matter what those people did to him.

"Big Brother!" Wen Nuan smelled the aroma of wine in the air, clenched his fists, his knuckles were white, and his nails were sinking into his palms.

Remind yourself in your heart that it's okay, alcohol also has a disinfecting effect on wounds!

Don't be angry!

Don't be angry! !

Angry is easy to be impulsive, and impulsiveness can easily make people lose their rational judgment!

She wants to save people!

However, Nuan Nuan looked at Wen Chun's body wounds scalded by the iron one after another, and the whip marks one by one, she was so angry that she almost exploded!

"Let him down!" He looked at the people on the boat warmly and coldly, and commanded lightly.

The tone was frighteningly calm.

Wen Chun heard the familiar shout, he thought he was hallucinating, but suddenly he thought of something, he raised his head suddenly, the pain on his body made his whole face wrinkle.

When he saw Nuan standing alone on the boat, he couldn't help struggling, with anxiety in his eyes: "Sister Nuan, go back quickly! Run!"

Nuan looked at Wen Chun with a reassuring smile at him, and said firmly: "Brother, don't move, I'll save you back! I can definitely save you back!"

His struggles like this will only make his injuries worse.

Wen Chun shook his head: "Go back! Go back!"

On the big boat, the man in black wearing a silver mask said at this time: "Master Hui'an, come up, and we will put your elder brother down."

He turned his head warmly, his eyes fell on him, his lips curled slightly, and he said in a calm tone: "Best, you will let him down now! If the county lord goes up first, the county lord is afraid that you will regret it!"

The warmth is obviously a smile, and it is quite beautiful to smile, but it makes people unable to bear the chills on the back!

The man in black with the silver mask was not afraid, he smiled: "Master Hui'an, you may have made a mistake! You are not qualified to negotiate conditions with us! If you want to save your elder brother, come up! After you come up, we will naturally I will put him off the boat. Otherwise, even if we kill your elder brother directly, so what? No matter how high you are alone, what can you do?"

"No! Sister Nuan, no! You go back!" Wen Chun shook his head, his voice weakened.

The struggle just now almost exhausted his strength.

"Okay! It's you who asked me to go up." The warm smile pursed her lips, and the smile became even brighter.

Then let you see how I can handle you all by myself!

Wen Nuan reached out and grabbed the rope with one hand, and climbed up neatly.

He looked coldly at the man in black with the silver mask.

The other men in black on the boat immediately drew their swords and faced the warmth.

Nuan rolled his eyes at them and sneered: "This county master is alone! Don't you think it's funny that you look like a big enemy? Afraid of me, why do you want me to come up?"

A group of people in black: "."

Thinking too much?

Are they afraid?

Are they deliberately intimidating her?

The people in black rolled their eyes under the mask!

"Papapa" The man in black with the silver mask clapped a few palms and smiled: "The Lord Hui'an is really brave! As the saying goes, the brave are not afraid! The Lord Hui'an's skill is so good, it has long been heard all over the world! We are all scared!"

Warmly looked at the man in black with the silver mask: "This county master is here, let my big brother down!"

"Someone put down Lord Wen!" The two men in black immediately put Wen Chun down.

Wen Chun was unable to stand still and wanted someone to help him. He looked at the warmth and said weakly, "Sister Nuan, hurry up and leave."

Although Wen Chun knew that the warmth was great, there were too many people on this boat, and the martial arts of these men in black were also great!

Two fists are invincible to four hands!

He has looked around, and there is really only one person who is warm.

Nuan Wen walked towards Wen Chun, and those men in black immediately raised their swords to face Nuan: "Stop!"

Wen Nuan looked at the man in black with the silver mask: "What? Talking doesn't count?"

The man in black with the silver mask clasped his fists and smiled: "Put away the weapons! Put Mr. Wen off the boat!"

Those men in black immediately put away their swords and stood aside, it was obvious that they were well-trained!

The two men in black supported Wen Chun and walked to the side of the boat.

"No, I don't want to get off the boat." Wen Chun couldn't help struggling.

Wen Nuan walked over to Wen Chun, took his hand and comforted him: "Brother, I said, I'm here to save you. Trust me! You go to the boat first. I'll be fine!"

Wen Chun shook his head, his eyes full of anxiety: "No! Sister Nuan, hurry up! Leave me alone! I'm fine!"

Wen Nuan gave Wen Chun a pulse while giving him purple energy.

Wen Chun's injury is very serious, very serious, and it is already at the end of the force. If he doesn't help him, he won't be able to last long!

Now I'm holding on, I guess I'm worried about myself.

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