The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1115 Is there something wrong with your brain?

It was only when Wen Chun got closer, he could clearly see that the filth on Wen Chun's nose, nose and face turned out to be rotten egg liquid.

These people put rotten eggs in his nose!

The qi and blood in the warm body rolled frantically, as if something was about to burst her body.

She tried desperately to make herself look as calm as ever.

While taking the pulse, Wen Nuan took out the handkerchief and gently wiped off the filth on Wen Chun's face.

After wiping his nose and mouth, he whispered warmly and softly, "Brother, be good, take the pills."

Wen Nuan took out a bottle of pills in front of the man in black, poured one out, and put it to Wen Chun's mouth.

The golden pills radiated golden light under the eyes, and there was a scent of medicine in the air.

Some people in black smelled the medicinal fragrance and subconsciously inhaled, feeling refreshed.

Wen Chun obediently opened his mouth and swallowed the pill.

At least you have to make sure that you have a little strength in your body. Even if you can't help Nuan fight the enemy, you can still help her to block a knife, Wen Chun thought.

After Nuan Nuan fed Wen Chun and took the pills, he took out another bottle of Jinchuang powder and sprinkled it on his heaviest wound.

This is the first time everyone has seen the golden golden powder.

It looks expensive.

The sea was windy, and some of the golden powder was blown away, and the faint medicinal fragrance drifted into the air again.

Everyone's heart aches when they look at the dissipated Jinchuang powder.

A group of men in black looked at the warm demeanor, and then looked at the man in black with a silver mask, waiting for him to give orders.

The Hui'an County Lord of the Nalan Kingdom simply thinks they don't exist!

A woman, facing so many people, is he not afraid?

The man in black with the silver mask just crossed his hands in front of his chest, watching the warm gesture with interest.

Legend has it that the health-preserving pills in the hands of Hui'an County Master can bring the dead back to life, but he wants to see if it is true.

Nuan passed the purple energy to Wen Chun through the pulse, while looking at the man in the silver mask: "What did you say just now?"

"Of course." The man in black with the silver mask knew that Nuan was talking about what he had just said, and he let Wen Chun go after the warmth came up.

He glanced around, the vast sea, and where he could see, there were only two ships, one big and one small.

Although it is rumored that Princess Hui'an's life-saving pills can bring the dead back to life, returning from the dead does not mean that people will be cured immediately.

There is a vast ocean, so he believes that Wen Chun will be released, so what?

Wen Nuan gave Wen Chun half of the purple energy to ensure that he saved his life. After regaining his strength, before Wen Chun could react, she had tied his waist with ropes, and then dropped the boat directly.

"No!" As soon as Wen Chun finished speaking, he landed on the boat.

At the same time, a group of men in black quickly raised their knives to the warmth.

Wen Chun was thrown down quickly, but landed gently on the boat. The wound on his body was no longer so painful.

He quickly stood up and shouted loudly, "Sister Nuan!"

Wen Nuan waved to Wen Chun: "Brother, you leave first."

Speaking of warmth, he tore off all the ropes that hooked the boat.

The boat followed the current and began to gradually move away from the big boat.

Wen Chun was really in a hurry on the boat!

On the big boat, the man in black with the silver mask heard Wen Chun's voice that his breath had improved a lot, and his eyes flashed with enthusiasm.

The life-saving pills in the hands of Hui'an County Lord are really powerful!

Wen Chun was at the end of his streak, he couldn't survive tonight, he knew it, but he was able to stand up by himself so quickly?

very good!

"I have already released the master of Hui'an County. If you obediently hand over the planting methods of rice and wheat that yield thousands of pounds per mu, as well as the planting methods of health-preserving food and medicinal materials, Hui'an County master, you can also leave safely with your eldest brother. How is it?" The man in black raised his hands, looked at the warmth, and said in a negotiable tone.

Nuan Nuan didn't care about Wen Chun anymore, she looked at the man in black with a silver mask and smiled: "I take the liberty to ask you a question, do you have parents?"

The man in black with the silver mask was stunned for a moment, his face sank, and he said displeasedly, "What does the Lord Hui'an mean? Is the Lord Hui'an insulting?"

He smiled warmly: "I just think that if you have parents, sir, didn't your parents teach you the basic principles of being a human being? You caught my eldest brother, and he was seriously injured. You asked me to save people, but you even asked me to take it out. How to grow rice and wheat that can yield thousands of pounds per mu and how to grow healthy food? Is there something wrong with your brain? Or lack of education?"

This time, the man in black with the silver mask was completely irritated by the warmth:

"County Hui'an, I respect you as a talented woman, and I treat you with courtesy and forbearance many times, otherwise you would be like your elder brother at this moment! I know that the county master Hui'an is very good, so I dare to be one People come to make an appointment, but on the sea, can you win so many of us with your fists? So I advise you to hand over some methods obediently, let us go back, don't toast, drink fine wine !"

Wen Nuan glanced at the boat where Wen Chun was, very good, a little distance!

She can't even jump!

He smiled warmly, not to mention how bright the smile was, it almost brightened the eyes of blind people: "In this way, this county master really appreciates your courtesy to me! Come and don't be indecent, this county master is a reading sage. When you grow up with books, you can’t do things that you won’t return, so now you should give them back twice as much!”

Speaking of warmth, he put a signal flare in the sky, pursed his mouth, his eyes became cold, his hands were pulled, and the silver belt around his waist flew out like a dormant water snake, and threw it straight at the silver masked man.

The silver whip slashed, and there was a whistling sound in the air, and the surrounding air was a bit hot.

The silver-masked black-clothed man flashed neatly, dodging the silver whip thrown by the warmth.

Then he jumped up and jumped onto the cabin.

The men in black on the boat all moved when they saw this!

Everyone raised their swords to stab at the warmth.

When Wen Nuan moved the figure of the man in black with the silver mask, he moved his hand, and the long whip changed direction in an instant, and the whip hit a few men in black who were stabbing with their swords, and the skin was instantly ripped apart!

At the same time, he jumped up and his body flew out, with a pair of long legs, kicking, kicking, kicking.

The man in black who rushed over to the other side fell down.

The men in black who were whipped by the whip felt a fiery pain from their wounds. When they wanted to raise their swords to stab the warmth again, they suddenly vomited black blood and fell to the ground!

Someone looked at it and was shocked:

"Poisonous! Her whip is poisonous! Be careful everyone!"

And the warm movement was very fast, just kicked a bunch of people, and the whip on this side swung hard at the man in black who was rushing up from the other end.

Her whip is fast, and the wind is blowing!

Anyone hit by a whip will instantly vomit black blood and fall to the ground!

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen people fell to the ground!

"You people! Who tortured my eldest brother? Come on up! Come on up now, the princess will let you die happily! Otherwise... I will show you how red the flowers are!"

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