The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1116 It's easier to fall than an arrow!

The warm long whip continued to be swung, and wherever they passed, the men in black retreated and their faces changed dramatically.

The poison on this long whip is too overbearing!

The man in black with the silver mask stood on the cabin and looked at the warmth surrounded by a group of men in black, his face darkened under the mask: "Hui'an County Master really deserves his reputation! No wonder he dares to come alone! Then look at you. Can you fight against a thousand with one!"

The warm whip kept flying, and while the long legs cooperated from time to time, he replied to him in a hurry: "Tsk, one enemy thousand? You look at me too little! I usually use one to defeat ten thousand!"

The silver mask and black clothes are popular: "Arrogant, give it to me! Catch her!"

The man in black is also not afraid of death, everyone waved their swords and stepped forward, not believing that she can really defeat a hundred with one!

No, one against ten thousand!

Although there are only a thousand people on board!

Even if the whip is poisonous, it will be time for the poison to run out!

One by one men in black rushed forward with swords, and one by one either flew out and fell into the sea, or fell directly to the ground.

Soon, with warmth as loyalty, nearly a hundred people have fallen.

The man in black with the silver mask was standing at a high place, and when he saw the ship approaching again, he remembered the signal flare that Wennuan had just put, and his face changed.

He quickly ordered the boatman at the helm: "Get out!"

Then he picked up the bow and arrow and shot at the warmth!

He really underestimated this Princess Hui'an!

I didn't expect that she could deal with so many people by herself, and it turned out to be unscathed!

This time, Di Junxian will be laughed to death!

The sharp arrow shot straight at the warmth with an unstoppable stance.

Wen Nuan whipped around a man in black, and when he pulled it, the unstoppable arrow fell into the body of the man in black, and Nuan threw it, and the man in black flew out, hitting two or three punches. The man in black.

Looking at the silver mask man warmly and provocatively: "Thank you, God assists!"

Man in black with silver mask: "."

What the hell is a god assist?

There is not much space on the ship, even if there are thousands of people on this ship, it is impossible to rush up and besiege Wen Wen together.

Every time only seven or eight people can go together, no matter how many, it will not work for them.

Warming a person to deal with seven or eight people is simply easy.

Because Wen Nuan knows that these people still want to learn from their own mouths how to plant thousands of kilograms of rice and wheat per mu. They will not kill themselves, but they are different, and they will die if they want them!

So warm you can do whatever you want without any scruples.

At least kill if you want!

Warm and really grateful that these people chose to meet at sea.

This is the most probable situation she and Nalan Jinnian calculated last night, because there is no hiding in the sea, and you can see it at a glance without reinforcements!

But they never dreamed that it was also the most favorable situation for warmth.

At this time, the boat should start to enter the water, right?

When she came up just now, she kicked the hull a few times.

The board was so hard, her toes were still hurting!

And Nalan Jinnian should bring someone here, right?

Otherwise, the ship will sink in a while, and he will be widowed.


While thinking wildly, Nuan was dealing with the group of men in black. His back looked like he had eyes. He bent over to avoid the piercing sword, and then bent over, his body spinning like a spinning top. .

A circle of men in black was hit with the whip again, and fell down spitting out black blood!

It's easier to fall than an arrow!

how can that be?

The man in black with the silver mask looked at the warm silver whip in disbelief. Could it be that her whip is filled with poisonous powder, can she still release poison while swinging the whip?

"Archer ready!"

Before he can catch her, he will shoot her into a sieve!

The silver-masked man in black drew his bow and aimed the arrow at warmth.

Several archers standing beside him also immediately drew their bows and aimed at the warmth.

In addition, there were two men in black holding a giant net in their hands.

"Throw the net!"

With an order, a huge white net fell from the sky!

Wen Nuan stretched out her long legs, jumped, stepped on the shoulders of a man in black, and then swung the whip around a pillar of the sailboat. Pulling hard, the whole person flew away. Go up high in the sky and successfully get above the falling giant net!

"Fire arrows!"

Several archers quickly fired arrows.

A sharp arrow shot at the warmth.

Nuan directly tore off the sail, and then threw it out, and she threw all the flying arrows into the sail.

Before waiting for the second round of bow and arrow trends, Wen Nuan jumped up, and a man in black under the giant net was about to stand up, but he was trampled down by Wen Nuan, vomited blood, and passed out!

Wen Nuan returned to the deck, and looked coldly at the men in black who rushed over again: "Go ahead, whoever hurt my eldest brother's hair, get the fuck up here, I'll let you die! Otherwise, catch them alive. Now, I will definitely make you suffer ten times the damage my elder brother suffered!"

At this time, there were already many corpses of people in black on the ground.

Not including the helmsman on the ship, thousands of elite soldiers, it is a shame that they can't deal with a woman!

"Damn, kill this crazy bitch and avenge our brother!" a man in black shouted and rushed forward.

A group of men in black rushed forward: "Kill her!"

"Kill her!"

Seeing this, the man in black with the silver mask couldn't hold the warmth. He took the sword, jumped, and stabbed at the warmth!

Warming a 360-degree rotation, the long whip wiped the neck of the man in black, the man in black struggled a few times, and fell again!

See blood and die!

With a flick of the warm whip, she wrapped around the sword that the silver mask had stabbed. She pulled it hard, but instead of pulling it off, she pulled the silver mask man directly towards her.

Warm and quickly retract the whip.

At this time, the man in the silver mask has come to Nuan Nuan, and he stretched out his hand and hit Nuan's chest with a palm!

Wen Wen's whole body bent back and kicked directly. The long legs were raised high and kicked directly to the chin of the silver man in black!

The men in black with silver masks dodge quickly!

Wen Nuan stood up with Douyun, and the sharp sword he picked up flew towards the silver masked man in black!

At the same time, the long whip in his hand flew out in a whirl, whipping the man in black who was rushing towards her.

The man in black with the silver mask raised his sword again and stabbed at the warmth.

At this time, someone shouted, "The boat has entered the water! The boat is about to sink!"

The man in black with the silver mask froze for a moment: "What did you do?"

Wen Nuan glanced at the ship that was only a little in the distance, and smiled: "Otherwise? Who else?"

"Are you crazy!"

Here is the sea!

When the ship sank, all the people don't have to live!

The warmth and anger replied, "Yes, didn't anyone tell you? So don't make a madman! Otherwise, you will die miserably! But don't be afraid! I won't let you die!"

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