The man in black with the silver mask gritted his teeth and said, "Then see if you have the ability to take me away!"

The man in black with the silver mask said to the men on the boat, "Put the bamboo rafts and boats away, and withdraw!"

"Hey!" Wen Nuan snorted and sneered: "If you run away, run away, what to withdraw!"

The man in black with the silver mask looked at the warmth with icy eyes, and stabbed the warmth with his sword, the speed was much faster than before!

Leaving a trail of afterimages!

The men in black with warm and silver masks, as well as a few men in black, are fighting hot here, and the boat is slowly sinking.

The other men in black on the boat put bamboo rafts on bamboo rafts and jumped into the sea.

This big boat prepared some bamboo rafts and small boats, just in case the big boat hit the rocks or escaped from any danger.

This time, in order to prevent that although the Hui'an County Master came alone, the soldiers of Nalan Kingdom followed behind.

After all, Nalan Jinnian has always been cunning.

Therefore, they prepared a lot of bamboo rafts and boats. When the time came, they captured the Hui'an County Master and evacuated them to avoid the enemy.

Nuan used a long whip, and she swung the whip fast and ruthlessly. She didn't know what material the silver whip was made of, and his sword could not cut it.

He was also afraid of being hit by the warm whip, so the man in black with the silver mask couldn't even touch a single warm hair!

At this time, the few men who dealt with Wen Nuan with him just now had all fallen, and the other men in black got on the bamboo rafts or boats and retreated one after another.

Not far away, there was a big ship to meet them.

By this time the ship was almost completely sunk.

Warmth and silver mask black man are still inseparable!

The sharp sword and the silver whip collided, and sparks flew everywhere!

The man in black with a silver mask glanced around and saw two large ships approaching from two directions not far away!

The ship that came from the west should have come to pick up Princess Hui'an.

The ship from the south is Di Junxian's ship.

If he lets the county master of Hui'an run away, Emperor Junxian probably won't let Xihuaguo go!

The current strength of Xihua Kingdom is simply not enough to compete with Beiming Kingdom!

Besides, there is still another Nalan Kingdom to deal with!

It can't be delayed any longer.

You must immediately take the Princess Hui'an away and hand her over to Di Junxian. He and Nalan Jinnian rob people, so it's none of their business.

The sharp sword and the long whip collided again, and at the moment when the sparks were everywhere, the man in black with the silver mask took the opportunity to sprinkle a handful of sweat powder on the warmth.

Wen Nuan looked at the white powder blowing towards his face, and moved his face up on purpose.

At the same time, she crushed a fragrant bead in her hand, and quickly and secretly mobilized the body's purple energy to detoxify.

Wen Nuan took a sniff and showed a bright smile at the man in black with the silver mask: "Menghan medicine? You said I fell first, or did you fall first?"

There was a faint smell of sweet fragrance in the air, just like the girl's body.

The man in black with the silver mask subconsciously sniffed, and when he heard the warm words, his heart froze for a while, and then he fell straight down!


There was always a small boat lingering on the side of the big one, waiting for the silver-masked men in black to grab the warmth and rob them.

The two men in black on the boat saw the man in black with the silver mask fall, their expressions changed, and one of them jumped up quickly.

By this time the ship had sunk to the point where only the top of the highest cabin remained.

A warm sneer and a long whip.

The man in black reached out to catch the long whip, trying to pull the warmth directly into the sea!

But just as he grabbed the long whip, the long whip slipped away from his palm like a water snake, then wrapped tightly around his waist, and his entire body was thrown forcibly.

His expression changed and he stretched out his hand, but just as his hand touched the whip, the whip quickly pulled back, and he flew out and fell into the sea.

At this time, another man in black also jumped on the boat.

He raised his sword and stabbed at the warmth, and the warm back seemed to have eyes. She bent over to avoid the stabbing sword, and at the same time kicked her foot back, directly kicking the person into the sea.

At this time, the entire large ship was left standing, and the sea water was soaked in the silver mask black man.

Nuan quickly picked him up and threw him directly into the boat. The boat shook, and then he jumped onto the boat himself and untied the rope that was pulling the big boat.

There were several small boats around quickly.

Those men in black held bows and arrows against the warmth.

The man in black on the boat yelled at Nuan Nuan, "You can't escape, Princess Hui'an, so just grab your hands!"

Nuan was too lazy to pay attention to them, and directly lifted the silver masked man in black and sat back to back with him, then he would block the arrows from his back.

Then she took out two modified firecrackers with a lot of power from her arms, lit the fire starter, and threw them at the two boats.

There was an explosion sound of "crack crack", and the men in black on the boat were so frightened that they hid everywhere and fell directly into the sea!

The boats were on fire too!

"Oh my God! She has a cannon on her body! Fire arrows, fire arrows! Shoot her to death!" The men in black on the other boats were shocked.

A sharp arrow shot at the warmth.

The warm action quickly followed by taking out two more modified firecrackers from his sleeve pockets, igniting them, and throwing them out.

Before those sharp arrows could hit, she threw two more modified firecrackers

"Crack clap clap." Two more boats were blown into the river.

After Nuan threw the firecrackers, she quickly swung the flying arrows away with the oars.

But those arrows are a little too many, some are close, and the warm arm is still hit by an arrow.

She bit the arrow shaft directly with her mouth and pulled it out!

The oar was still waving in his hand, blocking one sharp arrow after another!

The boat behind Wen Nuan did not dare to shoot arrows for fear of injuring the silver masked man in black.

This time, Nuan was really too busy to set off firecrackers!

Because the arrows aimed at her one after another, too many!

She is overwhelmed!

During the swing, the warm face was scratched by the arrow.

"Hui'an County Master, you should be obedient and capture it!" the man in black on the boat shouted, "You can't deal with so many of us alone! Look, our big ship is here! If you don't want to continue to be injured, you still Obediently, just grab it!"

Wen Nuan swung the rain arrow, and smiled in a mood: "Don't worry about me, be careful with the boom!"

"What boom?"



At this moment, Nalan Jinnian's big ship arrived, and one after another small bombs were thrown out, directly blowing those small ships into the air!

Wen Nuan finally breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the approaching ship.

Before the warm breath was over, the boat was shaking violently because of the sea water, and it was about to overturn!

At this moment, a rope was thrown over, and Nuan quickly grabbed the rope with one hand and grabbed the clothes of the man in black with the silver mask with one hand.

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