Nalan Jinnian stood on the big boat, pursed her lips tightly, and pulled the warmth directly.

When the warmth was pulled into the air, the man in black was thrown into the big boat with all his strength!

Then, she fell into Nalan Jinnian's arms and was held tightly by him.

Nalan Jinnian saw the wound on Wen's arm and the wound on his face, and the heart that he was holding was even more like being grabbed by someone, and he felt so uncomfortable!

He is late!

hurt her!

Shouldn't have promised her!

When Nalan Jinnian thought of this, she could not wait to shred the body of the person who injured her!

Seeing Nalan Jinnian's dark face, Nuan Nuan quickly put his arms around Nalan Jinnian's neck and showed him a charming smile: "We cooperated just right! We were finally rescued! Haha, I really have a good heart!"

Nalan Jinnian ignored the warm words, and he said to Xia Xuan, "It's all gone!"

"Yes!" Xia Xuan responded immediately!

At this time, an enemy ship on the opposite side was approaching, and the next fierce battle was about to start.

But Nalan Jinnian was no longer in the mood to pay attention.

The warm arm was bleeding and the face was hurt.

Nalan Jinnian hugged her tightly and strode into the cabin.

Wen Chun had been rescued by Nalan Jinnian on the big boat, and he was relieved to see Nuan Nuan come back safely.

The soldiers on the boat looked at Nalan Jinnian's dark face, and walked towards the cabin with murderous aura, and quickly moved away, for fear that he would kick him away if he walked too slowly!

It was the first time they saw King Jin's face so terrifying!

Wen Chun also saw that Nuan was injured, and he was just about to follow up to see Nuan's injury.

Liu Kai, who was still supporting him, persuaded: "Master Wen, Princess Hui'an is all right now, she was slightly injured at first glance, you can just go back and recuperate! Your injury is too serious! You go like this Seeing Princess Hui'an, she might be angry! Besides, she has to bandage the wound when she is injured."

The military doctor on the ship said that Wen Chun was seriously injured and only half of his life left! You have to lie down in bed and take care of it!

Wen Chun nodded, he wanted to lie down in bed to recover from his injuries, otherwise Sister Nuan would be worried, and the lady would be worried when she saw it.

Wen Chun thought that when he returned to the shore, Liang Ziyun would see the wounds on his body and face, and he became worried again. Ziyun would not despise her current appearance, would she?

Nalan Jinnian didn't say a word all the way, pursed her lips tightly, and strode forward with a dark face.

Nuan felt that his face was a little scary, and he had to find a way to put out the fire!

But Nuan has never seen him so angry before, and he has no experience in dealing with it!

How to do it?

How did the heroines of idol dramas coax the heroines in the past?

"Brother Seventeen." Wen Nuan called out softly.

Nalan Jinnian did not speak.

"Seventeenth brother."

Warmth called out again.

Nalan Jinnian still had a dark face and ignored her.

He came to the door of her room with warmth in his arms, kicked the door directly, then walked in with her in his arms, and placed her gently on the bed.

Nalan Jinnian was about to turn around to get the medicine box.

Wen Nuan stretched out his arms to wrap his arms around his neck, and said with a smile, "Brother Seventeen, are you angry?"

"No, don't move! I'll help you get the medicine." Nalan Jinnian quickly grabbed her injured hand and stopped her from moving, frowning tightly, hugging herself so hard that she wouldn't be afraid of pulling her arm on the wound?

I finally opened my mouth, and it was right to throw my arms around!

Nuan leaned his head on his shoulder: "Brother Seventeen, you don't know how powerful I am. On the big ship, I killed him all at once."

After hearing this, Nalan Jinnian became a little angry again. He gently removed her injured hand, and said angrily: "It was so powerful that the arrow was injured! Didn't you guarantee that you would not be injured?"

He never promised to let her go alone!

This girl just doesn't listen to herself!

Nuan Nuan's eyes widened: "What kind of injury is this! I mean it won't be seriously injured, this skin trauma is not an injury at all, it doesn't even hurt! I'll take some medicine and it will be fine tomorrow! No, I Even if you don't take medicine, you'll be fine tomorrow!"

Nalan Jinnian became even more angry when she heard the words.

This was all shot through the arm by the arrow, and it was not considered an injury. She thought that an arrow pierced through the heart was considered an injury!

Nalan Jinnian pushed her away, stretched out his hand and pinched her small face, just pinching on her bruised wound and pinching.

Nuan frowned in pain and pulled off his hand: "Pain! What are you doing?"

He looked at him warmly and accusingly.

"It's not to say that this injury is not an injury, it doesn't even hurt!"


Can this be mixed together?

He deliberately pinched his wound, of course it hurt!


After Nalan Jinnian finished speaking, she ignored her, stood up, and walked over to get the medicine box.

Nalan Jinnian returned to the bed with the medicine box.

"Take off your shirt!"

"Scared?" Wen Nuan froze for a moment.

Nalan Jinnian directly started to untie her belt.

"No, no, I'm not injured, but my hand is injured. I'll do it myself! You go out first!" Nuan grabbed his hand in fright.

But why does this sound familiar?

Nalan Jinnian looked at her expressionlessly: "You haven't taken off my clothes?"


How can it be the same?

This man must have done it on purpose!

"But I just injured my arm. I don't need to take off my clothes, right? Just cut off the sleeves." Wen Wen pointed to his sleeves with another finger.

"Well, didn't I also have poisoned my hands? Didn't you strip me naked? Little girl, cut off the sleeves, it's not fair to me!"



"You are a big man, what else is unfair?! Besides, I am a doctor, and in the doctor's eyes, there is no distinction between men and women!"

"I'm also a doctor now!" Nalan Jinnian silently added in his heart.

But he just teased the warmth and diverted her attention.

The little girl said it doesn't hurt, but in fact, how can there be no pain?

He also regretted pinching her face just now.

A little heartache!

Nalan Jinnian directly picked up the scissors and cut a slit in the sleeve near her wound, and then with a "stab", he tore the entire sleeve and carefully pulled it off, revealing a slender, white and tender, round and slender strip. jade arm.

But Nalan Jinnian didn't notice it, he frowned and stared at the blood hole on the warm arm, and it was bleeding.

His face became ugly again.

damn it!

How did this girl draw the arrow, and why is the wound so big?

Nalan Jinnian quickly took out a bottle of Jinchuang medicine from the medicine box and sprinkled the whole bottle of Jinchuang medicine into it.

Looking at the warmth makes my heart hurt: "You don't need so much! Just sprinkle a little on the meaning! It's a waste!"

This golden medicine is not so easy to extract!

She was going to use Zi Qi to heal Wen Chun in a while, but at that time, Zi Qi would also automatically heal herself. Why was it so wasteful?

Nalan Jinnian ignored the waste she said, this medicine is not as precious as a drop of her blood!

After "wasting" the whole bottle of Jinchuang medicine, he took out gauze and bandaged the wound on his warm arm.

He then applied medicine to the wound on her face.

Then she came out with a set of clothes from her bag: "Change your clothes, I told you to take them off just now, don't you want to take them off now? What sleeves to cut? Is it unnecessary?!"


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