The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1119 The first thousand one hundred and eighteen words Dare to shoot the flag of Beiming Kin

"Get out!" Wen Nuan snatched the clothes from his hand and kicked Nalan Jinnian out.

Nalan Jinnian, who was kicked out, was not angry either. He stood outside the door, and when he reached out to close the door, he smiled and reminded: "Be careful, don't pull the wound. Why don't I change it for you?"

"Go away!" Wennuan picked up a soft pillow and threw it away.

Nalan Jinnian smiled and closed the door, blocking the flying pillow.

In the future, you should bring a maid by your side, so that it is convenient to serve her.

That's not right, now it's the eighth day of August, and the ninth day of September, and the little girl will be ready.

That is to say, after a month, he can see when he will get married, so that the little girl will be his own princess in the future, and he can serve her!

What handmaids are needed there? !

Nalan Jinnian thought that a month later, the warmth would reach the wedding, but now they are still in the sea, and they don't know if they will be able to go back to hold the little girl's wedding ceremony.

And Wang Xiao's matter has not been resolved yet.

These are all stumbling blocks on his way to get married!

Too many stumbling blocks!

Depressed, he quickly strode to the deck to kick away the stumbling blocks.

On the sea, Xia Xuan dispatched several small boats to chase and kill the remaining boats that escaped, which would surely wipe out their entire army, leaving no one behind!

At this time, another large ship was slowly approaching them.

"Everyone is on alert, the archers are ready, the rockets are ready," Xia Xuan ordered loudly.

As soon as the opponent gets close to the range, and it is determined that it is the enemy, they will fire arrows and destroy the enemy!

The soldiers on the ship were all in their places, and the archers all drew their bows to the end, aimed at the ships, and stood guard.

At this time, the opposite ship erected a black flag embroidered with the logo of a golden leopard head.

This is the flying leopard flag of Beiming Kingdom, the military flag of Beiming Kingdom.

After Liu Kai helped Wen Chun back to the house to rest, he came to the bow to stand with Xia Xuan.

"It's a ship from Beiming Kingdom!" Liu Kai said.

However, the mask of the man in black with the silver mask thrown up by the county master of Hui'an has been taken down, and it has been confirmed that it is the fourth prince of Xihua Kingdom.

To be honest, Liu Kai was a little surprised, because they all thought it was either the sixth prince of Beiming Kingdom or the third prince of Dongling Kingdom.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the fourth prince of Xihua Kingdom!

It is rumored that the fourth prince of Xihua is highly skilled in martial arts, but it is said that he is simple-minded and only knows that the third prince of Xihua, who follows a compatriot of his mother, is behind.

Could it be that the kidnapping of Wen Chun this time was a joint effort between Xihua Kingdom and Beiming Kingdom?

No, there is also that Zhuangzi in Erchaling, that belongs to Dongling Kingdom, it should be the alliance of the Three Kingdoms!

Xia Li nodded: "It is indeed the ship of Beiming Kingdom. Now the other party doesn't seem to be hostile. Are we going to do it?"

What they had just caught was that the fourth prince of Xihua Kingdom was not from Beiming Kingdom, so there was no reason to attack the ships of Beiming Kingdom.

Because there is no evidence that the two countries joined forces.

If the Nalan Kingdom attacks first, the Beiming Kingdom will have reason to send troops to the Nalan Kingdom!

Liu Kai shook his head: "Don't act rashly, and wait for King Jin to make a decision! This time, it may be a trap of Beiming Kingdom. If Nalan Kingdom offends all four countries, they will have the opportunity to send troops to our Nalan Kingdom at the same time."

Liu Kai said and thought that it was really possible!

This Beiming country always likes to sow discord, and then a snipe and clam compete for the fisherman's profit.

He thinks beautifully!

Xia Xuan also knew that the four countries were at a sensitive time, and all countries were looking for an excuse to send troops to Nalan.

He said, "I'll go and ask the master."

"Okay!" Liu Kai nodded.

Xia Xuan immediately walked to the cabin.

Nalan Jinnian came out just at this time, and when he saw him, he asked, "Is everything resolved?"

Xia Xuan clasped his fists and replied, "Master, the escaped ship has already been sent to attack. That big ship is the ship of Beiming Kingdom, but the man in black caught by Princess Hui'an is the fourth prince of Xihua Kingdom. We Do you want to capture the big ship of Beiming Kingdom?"

The Fourth Prince of Xihua? Nalan Jinnian's eyes flashed with coldness, Xihua, Dongling, Beiming, and a southern border!

Oh, very good!

Can't wait!

"Attack!" Nalan Jinnian strode over to the bow, looking at the approaching ship.

He will not let anyone who has hurt the little girl.

They are not wronged to destroy the ship of Beiming Kingdom!

"However, they put up a flag. They showed their identity." Liu Kai hesitated.

"Bow and arrow!" Nalan Jinnian stretched out a hand.

The archer beside him immediately put the bow and arrow in Nalan Jinnian's hand.

Nalan Jinnian picked up the bow and arrow and aimed at the opposite flag.

Draw the bow!

Shoot the arrows!

The crowd only saw the sharp arrow leaving the bow and then disappearing from their sight.

When the sharp arrow entered their line of sight again, they saw that the sharp arrow hit the flagpole of the opposite ship.

The banner with the golden leopard pattern on a black background fell!

The soldiers couldn't help but exclaim in their hearts: Good archery!

One hundred steps to wear Yang is not an exaggeration!

At such a long distance, since it can also shoot down the opponent's flag.

Nalan Jinnian didn't intend to shoot down the flag, so he continued to stretch out his hand: "Rocket!"


The people on the opposite boat were angry when they saw the flag they had just planted falling down.

Dare to shoot the flag of Beiming Kingdom?

I just ate bear heart and leopard gall!

A general of Beiming immediately said: "It's totally unreasonable, we all show our identities, and even dare to shoot down our flag! Bring an arrow! I'm going to shoot down the opponent's flag! Everyone obeys orders and prepares to fight!"

Some soldiers quickly handed him bows and arrows.

Some soldiers hurriedly ran into the cabin and said to the emperor: "Sixth prince, the soldiers of the Nalan Kingdom shot down our flag!"

The others took their places, ready to fight!

When Di Junxian heard the report, he quickly stood up: "What did you do?"

He didn't want to show his face so soon, and let the Hui'an County Lord fight with the people of Xihua Kingdom, and then he appeared as a hero to save the beauty to save the Hui'an County Lord, and won her favor.

After all, he not only wanted her people, but also her heart.

It was already arranged, and when he rescued Hui'an County Master at sea, and then sent her back to the border of Nalan Kingdom, at this time, she happened to hear that Wang Xiaomei had sent money to the former state treasury, that Duke Anguo was punished by the nine clans, There is news about her.

Then he took the opportunity to persuade her to take her away.

But he overestimated the strength of Xihua Kingdom, and underestimated the ability of Hui'an County Master.

A thousand soldiers! When one person dealt with a thousand elite soldiers, in less than two quarters of an hour, the opponent was defeated and the whole ship sank!

His boat was still half an hour away from sailing past.

In all fairness, in less than two quarters of an hour, destroying a thousand-person military ship with one person's power is on his own, and Di Junxian feels that he can't do it.

Princess Hui'an is really amazing!

Make his heart beat wildly.

He finally found a woman who was worthy of him.

However, Hui'an County Master is so powerful, Di Junxian is both excited and helpless!

Her own deliberate and contrived plan failed again because she was too powerful.

Now it is impossible to save the beauty of the warm hero, Di Junxian can only go to greet him as a passerby.

After all, his ship has been exposed to the eyes of the other party, and it is estimated that it will be regarded as an enemy army.

Unexpectedly, Nalan Jinnian dared to shoot down the flag of their Beiming Kingdom, and he simply ignored their Beiming Kingdom!

Di Junxian walked out quickly.

Just halfway through, there was a sudden boom, and the whole ship shook.

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