Wang Xiao looked at the angry old man in front of him, and the two guards behind him. He didn't remember who this old and dark old man was, he looked at the soldier who led him over, and said sharply, "How can you treat people casually? Bring it here? Don't hide it yet!"

The soldier immediately replied: "General, this is the imperial envoy sent by the emperor, Master Ouyang, Shaoqing of Dali Temple. He said that he came to find the general on the order of the emperor! Our people can't stop him."

People have imperial edicts in their hands!

Dali Temple Shaoqing Ouyang Kun?

This bad old man is the little white face of Shaoqing of Dali Temple?

He doesn't even recognize him!

Wang Xiao remembered what Wennuan said, and suddenly realized: "It turned out to be Lord Ouyang! Lord Ouyang has changed a bit, and the old man didn't recognize it for a while! Disrespect! Disrespect! You take Lord Ouyang back first!"

In Wang Xiao's opinion, the civil officials in the capital are either fair-skinned and sissy, or fat-headed and big-eared, white and fat, so dark, no, so I didn't recognize Ouyang Kun for a while.

Ouyang Kun's heart was full of fire, he made such a ghostly appearance to go out to sea to find him!

"General Wang, you stole the money from the treasury of the previous dynasty. The emperor specially sent this official and the third prince, and the ninth prince to find out about this! Please go back with this official immediately and recruit them in front of the two princes, and then follow us back to Beijing. Rebirth!!"

This is different from what Nalan Jinnian said, the emperor did not let him return to Beijing immediately to recover his life!

Besides, in this situation, how can you go back to Beijing?

He patiently said: "Master Ouyang, King Jin has already told me about the former state treasury silver. I have already explained it to King Jin. Now this old man has something serious to do, which is very important and must not be wrong. Ouyang My lord, this old man has someone send you back to the barracks, and when I settle this matter, I will go back and explain to you!"

Ouyang Kun stared at the blowing beard, and said loudly: "General Wang, the emperor asked this official to find out this matter immediately! This official was ordered by the emperor and ordered you to go back with this official immediately and explain it clearly in front of the third prince and the ninth prince. This matter! Otherwise, you will be disobeying the decree!"

The sound was so loud that the birds in the woods flew up!

Wang Xiao's face changed, he glanced around, and said in a low voice, "Master Ouyang, this is the border of Dongling, the territory of the country of Dongling! If we are discovered here, we will be in big trouble! This general has important military affairs here. The mission is to be completed! I will be outside, and the military orders are not obeying! The general will later write to the emperor and explain it!"

After Wang Xiao finished speaking, he said to the soldiers leading the way, "Send Lord Ouyang back!"

Ouyang Kun was angry when he heard this: "What, this is the territory of Dongling Kingdom? Wang Xiao, what are you trying to do? Uhhh."

Wang Xiao took out his sweat towel and blocked his mouth. He was almost mad at him. Knowing that it was the territory of Dongling Kingdom, it was so loud!

Is this because the soldiers of Tanglin Kingdom don't know that they are ambush here?

"Take it away!" Wang Xiao said to his subordinates.

Two soldiers came out immediately, grabbed him, and dragged him away.

Ouyang Kun, who was gagged, scolded and struggled hard: "Mmmm"

(Bold Wang Xiao, how dare you treat the imperial envoy like this? Why did you bring such a pair of soldiers and horses into the territory of Dongling Kingdom? Do you want to rebel? Or do you want to deliberately provoke war between the two countries!)

"Who is here!" At this moment, a soldier from Dongling suddenly appeared.

Seeing their faces change, they turned around and said loudly, "The soldiers of Nalan have entered our Dongling border!"

Ouyang Kun instantly turned pale with fright!

It's over, it was discovered by the soldiers of the Tanglin Kingdom!

He won't be taken as a prisoner, will he?

Wang Xiao was so angry that he uttered a foul language!


Then Wang Xiao quickly put Ouyang Kun on his shoulders and ran away!

The soldiers hiding in the dark also quickly retreated under the cover of trees.

Thousands of Dongling soldiers chased after them.

Fire arrows at them!

"Everyone run away!"

The soldiers of the Nalan Kingdom quickly rushed into the birds and scattered.

As long as you return to the border of Naran, it will be safe.

Seeing that he could cross the creek and run back to the border of Nalan Kingdom, Wang Xiao ran a little slower because he was carrying Ouyang Kun on his back. He was accidentally hit by an arrow in his calf and almost knelt on the ground. He wanted to put Ouyang Kun on his shoulders. throw out.

He has to clench his teeth and keep running!

The generals led by Dongling Kingdom chased after him with a distance of dozens of meters. He recognized Wang Xiao's back at a glance. He picked up the bow and arrow and shot another arrow at Wang Xiao!

Wang Xiao stepped on the creek with one foot, hit an arrow in the back, slipped the sole of his foot, and fell into the creek.

Ouyang Kun also fell into the water.

"If you don't want to die, run to the woods on the other side!" Wang Xiao pulled out the arrow from his leg and yelled at Ouyang Kun.

Ouyang Kun even forgot the pain when he heard the words, so he quickly got up and ran.

Wang Xiao also got up and quickly ran across the other side.

Then ran into the forest and disappeared in the sight of Dongling soldiers!

Thousands of soldiers from Dongling ran to the side of the creek and were about to wade over to the other side. The general of Dongling immediately stopped him: "Stop!"

The soldiers in Dongling stopped immediately.

Some soldiers looked at him puzzled: "General Liang, don't we pursue the victory?"

"No, go and count how many soldiers of Nalan Kingdom were caught. We will seek justice from the monarch of Nalan Kingdom!"

They fired random arrows just now, and they could injure and kill some Nalan soldiers.

Thinking about how the Nalan Kingdom used their soldiers from the Dongling Kingdom to threaten them, and how the Dongling Kingdom ceded the land to pay compensation, this time, it was Nalan Kingdom's turn to cede land and pay compensation.



Wang Xiao ran into the woods, and after making sure that the soldiers of Dongling Kingdom were not chasing after him, he sat down.

Several soldiers immediately ran to him: "General, are you all right?"

Wang Xiao shook his head: "It's okay, help me pull out the arrow!"

Wang Xiao took out a bottle of Jinchuang medicine from his arms and handed it to a soldier named Dalin.

Then, he pointed to a commander: "Lei Jun, gather our people and count the number and wounded soldiers."

"Yes!" Lei Jun ran away immediately.

Dalin gave Jinchuang medicinal powder to his companion, and then took advantage of Wang Xiao's speech to quickly pull out the arrow from his back.

Blood spurted out, directly spraying his face.

The soldier holding the golden wound medicine immediately sprinkled some golden sore powder on the wound, and then the hurried handkerchief quickly covered his wound!

When the blood stopped flowing, he helped him bandage the wound.

"The general's leg was also injured by an arrow!" said a soldier.

Dalin wanted to sprinkle some golden medicine on Wang Xiao's feet.

Wang Xiao stood up: "Don't worry about it, leave the medicine to the soldier who was hit by the arrow."

He walked directly to the assembled large team.

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