The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1124 Of course it's rescue!

The number of soldiers has been counted, and there are more than a dozen soldiers who were hit by arrows, and then there are three soldiers who are missing.

It is estimated that he was caught by the soldiers of the Tanglin Kingdom, or was shot to death by an arrow.

The person who was hit by the arrow is currently bandaging the wound on the side.

Luckily, no one was hit by the arrow.

Lei Jun asked: "General, Shito, Guilin, Fugui and the others may have been captured by the soldiers of Dongling Kingdom, what should I do??"

Wang Xiao's face was pale because of excessive blood loss, and his heart was full of guilt and anger: "Of course it is to save!"

Rescue in life and death.

At this time, Ouyang Kun came over with a pale face: "General Wang, look at what you have done! Why did you lead troops without authorization to step into the border of Dongling Kingdom! The three missing soldiers are all your fault! Help! Who is going to save me, isn't this self-defeating?"

"Ah!" Wang Xiao shouted angrily, and kicked a nearby tree with a big bowl.

The soldiers looked at Ouyang Kun angrily, if he hadn't appeared and yelled, how could they have been discovered!

They sneaked in alone in the middle of the night last night, and then lurked there for a long time without being discovered!

Seeing Wang Xiao getting angry, Ouyang Kun was so scared that he shut up.

At this time, Xiao Hei flew down.

Wang Xiao saw Xiao Hei's face soften, and he quickly stretched out his hand.

Blackie landed on his arm.

Wang Xiao took off the note under its wings and glanced at it, heaving a sigh of relief, but he was not happy!

Because Wen Chun was saved, several of his soldiers were captured!

"Xiao Hei, why didn't you come earlier?"

Xiao Hei tilted his head, glanced at the wound on his body, then spread his wings, trying to fly away.

It's going to go back and tell the little sister that the uncle is injured!

Wang Xiao thought of something and grabbed Xiao Hei's feet directly.

Xiao Hei retracted his wings and looked at him.

Wang Xiao took Xiao Hei to the side, avoiding everyone and pretending to write a letter and asking Xiao Hei to take it back.

After all, there are many people and it is not surprising that everyone knows that eagles can deliver letters. If eagles can understand people's words, it will be shocking!

Besides, I don't know if there are any undercover agents among these soldiers.

With his back to the crowd, he blocked Xiao Hei with his body, and said in a low voice, "Xiao Hei, fly to the opposite side to see where those three soldiers from Dongling Kingdom took our three to go."

Hearing this, Xiao Hei shook his head.

It doesn't want it, those soldiers knew it was spying on it and would shoot it to death with arrows!

Then Xiao Hei thought about it, closed his eyes, stretched out a wing, and rested his head on the wing.

I mean, wait till night!

It flew in the sky by itself at night, and those people couldn't find it, so it went to see it.

Wang Xiao probably knew what Xiao Hei was afraid of, and also understood what it meant. When he waited for the night, he couldn't wait, and wanted to know what happened to the three subordinates. He said: "See if you can find a companion, or other birds. Go and see, the injuries of the three of them? Can't you let the magpie go to farm?"

Xiao Hei thought for a while, then nodded, but farming and inquiring about news are different. Other birds can tell who is from Nalan and who is from Dongling!

Wang Xiao tied a cloth strip to Xiao Hei's wings and let it fly away!

If the three soldiers were just wounded, they must be rescued as soon as possible, lest they be tortured and tortured.

After Xiao Hei flew away, Wang Xiao walked back to the assembled team.

When he saw that the wounded soldiers were all bandaged, he said:

"Withdraw, go back to the barracks and discuss in detail!"

Wang Xiao dropped these words without giving Ouyang Kun a look, and ran back directly.

The soldiers also ran away.

Ouyang Kun was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, but when the soldiers ran away, he glanced back and was so frightened that he quickly chased after him: "Wait for me! Wait for me!"


Wang Xiao and the soldiers went deep into the woods and rode back to the barracks.

The third prince and the ninth prince heard that Wang Xiao was back, so they stayed in the third prince's account and waited for him to come to see him, but they didn't wait for a long time, so they sent someone to inquire.

Only then did I know that Wang Xiao and some soldiers were injured and returned, and after Wang Xiao returned, he called a few staff and deputy generals to discuss matters in the big tent.

The third prince heard his subordinate's reply, and said in surprise: "General Wang is injured? Do you know how he was injured?"

"Back to the master, I heard that the soldiers of Dongling Kingdom were shot."

Hearing the words, the third prince was thoughtful. Was General Wang injured by the soldiers of Dongling Kingdom because he went to rescue Wen Chun?

"Has Master Wen been rescued?



Was it because he was not rescued, or was Wen Chun not captured by the people of Dongling Country at all?

If it was the latter, Wang Xiao led his troops to the territory of Dongling Kingdom to save people, but was found again, it would be considered a painful foot for being caught by Dongling Kingdom.

Couldn't the Tangling Kingdom be able to speak to the lions of Nalan Kingdom?

Moreover, in this case, Nalan Kingdom and Dongling Kingdom may have a war.

Even if the war starts now, Wang Xiao will definitely not be able to go to war. Among the military generals who go on the expedition, who is the seventeenth emperor!

In this case, the marriage between him and Hui'an County Master is bound to be postponed.

The Seventeenth Emperor's uncle makes a move, and the Tangling Kingdom is expected to be leveled!

But the recovery of Tanglin is not a matter of one or two months, at least a year or two.

In a year or two, he can plan a lot of things in the court.

But this was just his guess. It had not been confirmed yet. He couldn't help but ask, "Where's Lord Ouyang?"

"Master Ouyang hasn't come back yet."

At this time, someone came to report: "Master, Ninth Prince, King Jin and Princess Hui'an are back."

The third prince heard the words and looked at the ninth prince who had not spoken: "Ninth emperor brother, let's go to welcome the seventeenth emperor."

The ninth prince nodded.

So the two of them went out of the tent and went to greet Nalan Jinnian.

When Nuan Nuan, Nalan Jinnian and the others returned to the barracks, the sun had already set.

As soon as Wen Nuan and Nalan Jinnian got off the carriage, they saw Liang Ziyun, the third prince, the ninth prince and others standing on the side waiting.

When everyone saw Nalan Jinnian, they all saluted.

After Nalan Jinnian was exempted from the ceremony, Liang Ziyun immediately walked over to Nuan Nuan: "Sister Nuan, where is the husband?"

"The carriage at the back. Don't worry, sister-in-law, the eldest brother is just injured a little bit, it's nothing serious!" He said comfortably.

Liang Ziyun nodded randomly, and ran to the carriage behind.

Wang Xiao glanced at the carriage behind him, suppressed the urge to go to see Wen Chun, walked to Nalan Jinnian and saluted, "King Jin, there is something important to report at the end!"

Nalan Jinnian nodded: "Go in and talk."

Nuan Nuan and Nalan Jinnian already knew from Xiao Hei that Wang Xiao and the others had been discovered, and three soldiers had been arrested.

Xiao Hei found an owl, a crow, and a magpie to go to Dongling Kingdom to check the news, and got the news that the three soldiers of Nalan Kingdom were carried back and locked in a room.

In this way, the three of them are not life-threatening.

If you have lost your life, you don't have to lock it up.

They must hurry up and save the three people.

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