Nalan Jinnian, Wen Nuan and Wang Xiao strode into the tent.

The third prince pondered for a while, and wanted to go in and listen, but he didn't want to speak by himself, so he looked at the ninth prince.

The ninth prince kicked the yellow sand on the ground with his toes, as if it had nothing to do with him.

Third Prince: "."

Why is this Nine Emperor Brothers like a tortoise with a shrinking head?

Doesn't he want to avenge the eldest prince?

At this time, a carriage came in front of everyone, and Ouyang Kun hurriedly got off the carriage: "King Jin! Please stay! I have something important to say!"

The third prince was overjoyed when he saw Ouyang Kun appear, but he was slightly surprised when he saw Ouyang Kun's embarrassed appearance.

The warm three people stopped and looked back at Ouyang Kun.

Nalan Jinnian looked at the embarrassed Ouyang Kun with no expression on his face: "What's the matter, Lord Ouyang?"

Ouyang Kun hurriedly ran in front of Nalan Jinnian, pointed at Wang Xiao and said, "King Jin, General Wang first paid the money from the previous treasury, and now he leads troops to the border of Dongling, where he was discovered by Dongling soldiers. After a big disaster, Dongling Kingdom may use this as an excuse to send troops to our Nalan Kingdom! Or ask for compensation! It is about the safety of Nalan Kingdom and the interests of the court. The lower officials suspect that General Wang is the remnant of the Huainan King, and take the opportunity to overthrow Nalan Kingdom, the subordinate officials dared to suggest that you immediately arrest General Wang and return to Beijing, and let the emperor execute him!"

Lei Jun and some soldiers who were in ambush just now were angry when they heard this:

"Master Ouyang, we are ambushing there to take the opportunity to save people. If you hadn't run over with the emperor's order and made a fuss, how could we have been discovered by the soldiers of Dongling Kingdom!"

"No, what's the matter with General Wang! It was obviously because of you that we were exposed, and three brothers were arrested and more than a dozen were injured! You are the wicked and report first! We also suspect that you are Dongling. The spies of the country deliberately exposed us!"

Ouyang Kun listened to what the soldiers said, whether they were right or wrong, and he was so angry that he blew his beard and stared: "If Wang Xiao hadn't sneaked into the border of Dongling Country with you, how could he have been discovered! Is it wrong to ask Wang Xiao to ask questions?! Are you saying that the emperor is wrong?!”

"We were also ordered to go to Dongling!"

"Yes, we were also ordered to go to the border of Dongling."

Ouyang Kun: "Whose order are you under? Whose order is the emperor's order!"

Ouyang Kun knew that the emperor was worried that the four countries would attack Nalan at the same time, so he sent Wang Xiao here just in case, not to cause trouble and cause war between the two countries!

The emperor does not like wars!

As for Wen Chun's arrest, he had just returned from the sea, and as soon as he came back, he took the emperor's oracle and threatened the soldiers to take him to Wang Xiao.

Naturally, the news was missed.

On the contrary, the third prince and the ninth prince stayed in the barracks, and it was clear that Wang Xiao was leading soldiers to save people.

Nalan Jinnian's cold voice sounded: "At the order of this king! Do you have any opinions?"

Ouyang Kun: "."

"I don't dare to be an official." Ouyang Kun hurriedly lowered his head and said respectfully.

Nalan Jinnian flicked his sleeves and took the lead in striding towards the big tent.

The wind from the sleeves fanned Ouyang Kun directly.

Nalan Jinnian was in a very bad mood!

Although he was not afraid that Dongling would send troops or something, the soldiers of Nalan Kingdom had been arrested and they had to be rescued as soon as possible. If the trouble they caused had to be dealt with, it might delay his return to Beijing.

To delay his return to Beijing is to prevent the little girl's wedding ceremony.

Stop him and the little girl from marrying as soon as possible!

He didn't even have time to peek at the marriage certificate enshrined in the Guofo Temple, so I'll change it by the way!

It's no wonder that Nalan Jinnian is in a good mood.

Warm, Wang Xiao, and Nalan Jinnian walked into the tent to discuss matters.

He didn't throw Ouyang Kun directly back to the capital, that's because he wasn't strong enough~!


The night is as cold as water.

All around, everything was silent.

Four black shadows flashed by in the woods.

In the army barracks of Dongling Kingdom, there were ambiguous moans and gasps from the generals of the chief generals, and there were occasional crying and begging for mercy.

Except for the patrolling soldiers, almost all the soldiers rested.

Four black figures came outside the barracks and glanced at each other.

Nalan Jinnian whispered to Wennuan, "Be careful."

Nodding warmly: "Don't worry, look at me!"

Then Wen Nuan separated from them by three points and ran to the other end alone.

Warm is responsible for burning the granary.

In Nalan Jinnian, Wang Xiao and Liu Kai were responsible for saving people.

Originally, Nalan Jinnian didn't worry about Nuan Nuan to burn the granary alone, but he was not very happy to let Nuan Nuan save people.

Because saving people means running with people on their backs.

So in the end, I decided to let the warmth burn the granary.

The warm martial arts are high, Nalan Jinnian is still very confident, and there is no big problem with Xiao Hei giving her the wind.

If Liu Kai was asked to burn the granary, Nalan Jinnian would be more worried.

Wen Nuan squatted in the corner, took off his black night clothes, and hid in the grass.

At this moment, she was wearing the same clothes and hat as the soldiers of the Tangling Kingdom, and her appearance had also changed.

Wen Nuan listened to the movement inside, there was no sound, and then looked up at Xiao Hei who was hiding in a tall tree.

It was pitch black, and nothing could be seen.

But Xiao Hei could see the warmth looking at it, so it let out a cry.

Xiao Hei let out a cry, indicating that there was no one nearby. Two calls indicate one person, three calls indicate four people, and so on.

Wen Nuan heard Xiao Hei cry, and immediately jumped up, her hands clinging to the top of the wall, and then she turned over neatly and landed on the other side of the wall.

Wen Nuan ran towards the granary while avoiding the patrolling soldiers.

The location of the granary of the Tanglin Kingdom military camp is very speechless.

It was stored next to the general's tent.

That is really very safe.

Generally, the place where the commander lives is related to the safety of the military aircraft and the commander, so there are heavy troops guarding it every twelve hours.

The granary is next to the place where the main general lives, and the soldiers guarding the granary are also guarding the granary by the way.

Nuan successfully avoided the patrolling soldiers and came to a camp next to the main account.

Two meters away, she heard the discordant voice from the main account.

She couldn't help but tut.

The general of Dongling is so mighty!

"Who's there?" A Dongling soldier came around from the main account. His voice was a little low, because he saw the warm clothes, which were deliberately lowered, and did not dare to disturb the good deeds of the people in the tent.

"It's me!" Warm heart was startled, lowered his voice, replied in a daze, then turned to face the tent in a hurry, lowered his head and pretended to urinate outside the tent.

In the darkness, she held a small bottle in her hand and slowly poured out a special potion.

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