Now the emperor has sent a letter and asked Ouyang Kun to bring Wang Xiao back to Beijing to review the matter.

Nalan Jinnian smashed the letter directly, and he said to Ouyang Kun, "You will return to Beijing with General Wang in the afternoon."

The letter was just received, and Wang Xiao was still in the barracks where the three soldiers who were injured just now were recuperating, so he didn't know yet.

Ouyang Kun said immediately: "But the emperor asked the subordinate to bring General Wang back to Beijing immediately. The subordinate dare not delay for a quarter of an hour!"

Nalan Jinnian looked at him coldly: "The things in the army have not been explained yet."

Ouyang Kun subconsciously took a step back: "Xiaguan is just doing what he was ordered to do, King Jin forgives his sins!"

Now Ouyang Kun dare not delay any longer!

Wang Xiao's stewards have all pointed out that he unknowingly paid the money from the previous treasury, which means that there are both human and physical evidence. If he doesn't bring Wang Xiao back to Beijing immediately, if something goes wrong, his head will be lost!

Let Wang Xiao stay in the barracks and explain the affairs of the barracks?

Ouyang Kun suspected that Nalan Jinnian's brain was flooded.

Wang Xiao dared to use the money from the previous treasury, what does that mean?

It means he has rebellion!

King Jin actually asked a person who was rebellious to explain what happened in the army first, and then escorted him back to Beijing for interrogation?

This is not because the brain is flooded, or it is confused by the beauty of Hui'an County Master, and it is incompetent!

Who can guarantee how he will explain what happened in the army?

"If General Wang didn't arrange the affairs of the army, and the Dongling country sent troops to invade, can you afford it, Lord Ouyang? Besides, if it wasn't for the recklessness of Lord Ouyang yesterday, the country of Dongling would have no excuse to send troops. In this way, Lord Ouyang Isn't it more sinful?"

Ouyang Kun was suffocated, he knew that he couldn't argue with Nalan Jinnian, and he couldn't win the argument anyway!

"Xiaguan dare not, Xiaguan just acts according to the order, otherwise, if something happens, Xiaguan can't bear it!"

Who doesn't know that you are the emperor's most favored younger brother, even more favored than his own son, of course you are not afraid!

He is just a small Dali Temple Shaoqing, and it is only by following the emperor's orders and doing practical things conscientiously that he has worked hard for many years to get to this position.

Originally, he wanted to take advantage of this matter to mention it, but now he dared not expect it, and only hoped that he could bring Wang Xiao back to the capital smoothly.

After all, Wang Xiao is a great general with great martial arts. They only have a few guards on their side, and they don’t know if they can successfully bring people back to Beijing!

Wang Xiao ran away halfway, he couldn't eat and walked away!

Nalan Jinnian sneered: "What's the matter, this king is in his pocket!"

Nalan Jinnian left those words and strode away.

When he returns to the capital, he will cure this Ouyang Kun's crime!

Nalan Jinnian asked Xia Xuan to call Wang Xiao while walking, and Liu Kai and several other lieutenants went to Wang Xiao's tent to discuss matters.

The little girl in his account was still sleeping, and Nalan Jinnian wanted her to sleep a little longer.

As for the warm tent, how could it be possible for other men to discuss affairs in her tent?

We can only go to Wang Xiao's camp.

Ouyang Kun was angry and annoyed, but he dared not speak.

He looked at the third prince: "third prince, what do you think about this? Why don't you go and persuade the prince. The lower official thinks that the prince is so fascinated by Hui'an County that he can't tell right from wrong."

Throughout the ages, I have been fascinated by beauty, and there are many ignorant monarchs, princes, ministers, and men.

There are even emperors who love beauty but don't love Jiangshan!

Therefore, Ouyang Kun felt that the once wise King Jin, who was decisive in killing, and wise and resourceful, has changed!

In other respects, he still maintains his decisiveness and strategizing, but once the people and affairs related to the Hui'an County Lord, he will completely favor the Hui'an County Lord, with a gesture of turning big things into trivial things and turning them into nothing. Confused sign!

The third prince shook his head bitterly: "Your lord also knows that Uncle Seventeen, he doesn't even listen to his father's words, and I'm just a little royal nephew, how could he look at me in his eyes."

Ouyang Kun was so anxious: "Do you really wait until the afternoon to return to Beijing? Also let Wang Xiao explain things in the army. If this gives him the opportunity and time to explain things, what if he does some treasonous things ?"

The third prince looked shocked: "Isn't it possible? I think General Wang is probably just greedy for money, so he shouldn't be a rebel. Uncle Seventeen can't be wrong when looking at people. He has always been brilliant, wise, decisive, and unique. Wisdom, you can't see the wrong person."

It means that Nalan Jinnian has already said that if there is something wrong, he will take care of it. Isn't it better?

In this way, whatever happens, they don't care about them!

Originally, the third prince also suspected that Wang Xiao might have actually stole the money from the previous treasury.

It's just that this matter will implicate the Hui'an County Master's family, and to what extent will it be implicated?

The letter also did not say what the current situation of An Guogong's family was, whether they had been raided or surrounded by heavy troops.

Logically, it is inevitable not to raid the house and surround it with heavy troops.

If there is an accident at the Anguo Gongfu

The third prince began to think about how to save Nuan in secret.

Although she didn't follow the rules of women, and so soon had a skin-to-skin relationship with Uncle Seventeen, the Third Prince found that he still liked her and wanted to get her.

Ouyang Kun was impatient and helpless, even if King Jin said he was stubborn, but something really happened, how could he escape.

But now let him take Wang Xiao directly, Ouyang Kun believes that King Jin will cut him directly!

That is a person who is more frightening than the emperor.

It is reasonable for the emperor to kill.

King Jin kills people, it's about mood.

Kill, and then find reason.

"The third prince, the ninth prince, and the two princes are the ones the emperor wants to stay behind to help the army. King Jin summoned several generals and deputy generals to discuss matters, and the two princes should also go to discuss matters! One is short, two are chief, two are The prince will discuss matters together, so that it will be clearer how to deal with Dongling Kingdom, is there anyone who is secretly doing something wrong, right?"

Ouyang Kun reminded them that they should supervise them, so that any conspiracy of Wang Xiao will be discovered as soon as possible.

The third prince thinks about it and thinks it is. Although he has never been involved in military affairs, his father has already asked him and the younger brother of the nine emperors to stay and help out. If he does nothing, he will not be able to find out when something goes wrong. The problem, that makes him seem too incompetent.

"Master Ouyang is right, Brother Jiuhuang, let's discuss matters too! We can't let down the opportunity our father and emperor gave us to experience, especially you, Brother Jiuhuang! You are naturally strong in martial arts and skilled in martial arts, so you will definitely have a place in the army. Fan act, share the worries for the father and the emperor, and make the father look up to him with admiration."

The third prince reached out to put his hand on his shoulder, but found that he was not tall enough, so he retracted his hand angrily and walked forward.

The nine princes followed expressionlessly.

It was just that the two of them wanted to go in to discuss matters, but were stopped by the soldiers outside the tent.


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