Inside the big tent, Nuan Nuan squatted on the side of the collapse, gave one of the soldiers a pulse, and gave him some purple energy by the way, so that his injury would heal faster.

The injuries of these three people are very serious, the most serious are arrow wounds, and there are several arrows in their bodies, otherwise they would not have been caught by the people of Dongling.

Fortunately, the people of Dongling Kingdom were worried that they would die, so they put some medicine on their most deadly wounds. The medicine should be the health-preserving golden medicine they carried on their bodies, so the blood was stopped, but that's all, it is estimated that The soldiers of Dongling Kingdom were also reluctant to use them, so they left behind all those golden medicines.

Now all three of their wounds are bleeding again, and the military doctor is applying medicine to bandage the wounds.

After warming up, he stood up.

Wang Xiao had been standing by the side and waited. Seeing that Nuan Nuan was finished, he hurriedly asked, "Sister Nuan, how are the three of them injured?"

"The injury is very serious, but it is not life-threatening. You will wake up tomorrow. Don't worry, Uncle!"

Wang Xiao heaved a sigh of relief.

Hearing that the three soldiers were not in danger, everyone's tense mood was relieved.

Liu Kai thought that when they were saving people, because there were too many soldiers on patrol, the guards were too strict, and they made a big noise, but Nuan Wen set the granary on fire, and he was able to retreat without moving. He couldn't help asking curiously. Said: "Master Hui'an, haven't you encountered any soldiers on patrol?"

Nodding warmly: "Yes! The guard is very strict, how could it not have been encountered."

Liu Kai was surprised: "Encountered? Why is there no movement at all? Those soldiers didn't find you? How did you escape?"

Nuan replied casually: "I pretend to be up at night!"

Everyone: "."

Does this work?

It's that simple?

But get up at night, that is.

Liu Kai subconsciously glanced at the warm legs.

How did the Princess Hui'an dress up?

Is this man different from the woman?

Nalan Jinnian's face darkened, he snorted coldly, and slashed Liu Kai with a knife.

Liu Kai was so frightened that he quickly retracted his gaze.

Nalan Jinnian raised his warm hand with a dark face and walked out.

By the way, has this girl seen a man's briefing?

That's why she can learn to be like, hide from the soldiers of Dongling Kingdom, right?

Nalan Jinnian pulled the warmth into his tent with a dark face.

He stared at the warm face.

He felt warm when he saw it: "What's the matter?"

"Who have you seen Xiaojie?"

He decided to arrest the man to be Eunuch Lin as his apprentice!

Looking at the fierceness in his eyes, Wen Nuan almost laughed. She held back her laughter and pretended to recall, and then said with a distressed face: "What should I do? A lot. I forgot!"

Nalan Jinnian couldn't see the playfulness hidden in her eyes, she pulled her into his arms, raised her hand gently, and patted her on August 15th.

"Don't know see no evil?! It's not a peek, right?"

Wen Nuan rolled his eyes: "All the little kids in the village urinate wherever they take off their pants! They run around in open-crotch pants! In summer, there are many people who take a bath and fish in the river!"

Nalan Jinnian thought of the children of the farm family, as if they all grew up like that.

He has seen it before.

I thought it was normal at the time, but now I feel unethical?

No, after returning to Beijing, let the imperial elder brother issue a decree, and the people of Nalan will not be allowed to do these immoral things in the future!

Nalan Jinnian lowered her head and kissed her eyes: "Even so, you shouldn't look at it casually! See no evil! Don't look at it in the future!"

Nuan ignored him, and he didn't know if he saw it later!

Nalan Jinnian touched the top of her hair: "Let's go back to the capital tomorrow! Little girl, you've finally grown up!"

Nuan thought that September 9th was coming soon, and she was about to reach her hairpin, so she leaned in his arms and nodded.

The two hugged each other quietly, and neither of them said a word.

Nuan has not slept all night, and these days, there is not a day where she can sleep well. Her body has long been exhausted, and now she is relaxed. Not long after she leaned against Nalan Jinnian's arms and fell asleep.

Sensing that the person in his arms was taking a long breath, Nalan Jinnian lowered his head and saw that Nuan had already fallen asleep in his arms.

The corner of Nalan Jinnian's mouth was slightly raised, and he directly hugged her and walked towards the slump.

He opened his eyes warmly and confusedly, glanced at him, closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

Nalan Jinnian saw the smile on his face even bigger.

The little girl really trusts herself.

He carefully placed her on his collapse and helped her pull the quilt.

Looking at her sleeping rosy face and her blushing mouth, she couldn't help leaning over and secretly incense on her lips.

Nalan Jinnian reached out and unbuttoned the plate, took off his coat and decided to sleep with Nuan.

Just as Nalan Jinnian took off his coat and shoes and socks, he collapsed when Xia Xuan's voice came from outside.

"Master, there is a letter from Beijing. The third prince... and others are asking to see you."

Hearing the movement, Nalan Jinnian immediately patted her lightly and reassured: "It's okay, I'll take care of it, you can sleep well."

Nuan was too sleepy, nodded dazedly, shrank his head and buried himself in the quilt, smelled someone's cool and charming breath in the quilt and fell asleep dazedly.

Nalan Jinnian collapsed quickly, picked up a clean coat and put it on again, bypassed the screen, opened the curtain and walked out.

The third prince took a look inside while Nalan Jinnian lifted the curtain, but saw no warm figure.

He glanced at the screen again, and the place blocked by the screen was sleeping collapse.

Is Princess Hui'an behind the screen?

The third prince found that Nalan Jinnian had changed his clothes again.

His eyes flashed.

What did the two of them do in the tent?

Lonely and widowed...

Nalan Jinnian walked out and lowered the curtain, blocking the sight of the third prince.

Nalan Jinnian deliberately walked a few steps away from the tent and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter?"

"There is a letter from Beijing." Xia Xuan had already followed him. He handed the letter to Nalan Jinnian and lowered his voice.

Ouyang Kun, the ninth prince also followed.

The third prince looked back at Nalan Jinnian's large tent, and then walked over.

There was a little displeasure in my heart, and I felt that my things were stained!

This Hui'an County Master's background is a bit low, and the female ring has never been studied!

Therefore, there is no Joan of Arc that everyone should have.

Nalan Jinnian took the letter and opened it and looked at it, the chill on her body instantly became a little heavier!

Ouyang Kun waited for him to read the letter, and then said: "King Jin, the lower official must bring General Wang back to Beijing for trial immediately!"

The letter from Beijing, the third prince, Ouyang Kun, and the ninth prince also received.

The content of their letter was to ask Ouyang Kun to bring Wang Xiao back to Beijing immediately.

The third prince and the ninth prince continued to stay here to help out.

The content of the letter Nalan Jinnian received was that Wang Xiao's steward had caught it!

Under severe torture, he confessed that it was the money from the former treasury left by Wang Xiaomei's Guo family.

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