Chapter 1132 Anzhuo?

Wen Nuan looked at the Minister of Industry up and down: "Whether the county master is looking horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, the Minister of Industry is so anxious that he has ulterior motives! You want to frame Zhongliang! You say that you are loyal to the emperor, loyal to the court, yours Loyalty can be seen from heaven and earth, but what about the evidence?! Could it be evidence of heaven and earth, or is it evidence that God did not strike you with the next lightning strike? Then the loyalty of General Wang can also be seen from heaven and earth! Kill him!"

The Minister of the Household, the soldiers and horses of the five cities bowed their heads and laughed.

The emperor quickly touched his beard to hide the smile on the corner of his mouth.

He really didn't want to laugh!

At such a serious time, the country will be in danger!

Why did he laugh?

The emperor quickly examine himself!

The minister of the Ministry of Industry was speechless by the warmth, and his face flushed with anger: "Hui'an County Master, you, you are just... unreasonable! Arguments!"

Nodding warmly: "You are also talking nonsense, Minister of the Ministry of Industry. You talk nonsense, slander Zhongliang, you are innocent, you are scorpion-hearted, and you are unfaithful! When you move your lips, you want to let the next generation. Zhongliang ransacked his family and exterminated his family, causing Nalan to lose a generation of good generals! This is the real danger to Nalan!"

The minister of the Ministry of Industry was angry: "Hui'an County Master, this official, you are slandering! If you want to add a crime, why don't you say anything! The Guo family used to betray the money from the previous state treasury, so they have the financial resources to train soldiers and cast weapons for rebellion. What is the difference between General Wang and the Guo family in the past? Since the Hui'an County Master said that General Wang was a loyal and good generation and did not have any money from the treasury of the previous dynasty, then he will show the evidence! The current evidence is all human and material evidence. It proves that General Wang stole money from the treasury of the previous dynasty, and he himself betrayed the King of Huainan first, so his character is inherently problematic."

Wang Xiao was angry when he heard the words: "This general is the one who was placed beside the King of Huainan by the first emperor to prevent the king of Huainan from supporting his troops. All the soldiers he leads are loyal to the imperial court! Why did you say that you betrayed the master?! This general has been loyal to the emperor and the imperial court in his entire life, and because of this he has no children, daughters and wives.

The Minister of Industry: "Since General Wang said that you were sent by the emperor, then show the evidence! If you don't have any evidence, you move your lips up and down, saying that you can learn from the world, and that you are loyal and loyal. How can people believe it!"

Wang Xiao: "."

If only he had proof! Which nail maker will keep evidence to prove that he is someone else's person?

Isn't this looking for death?

The evidence is also in the late emperor!

Wang Xiao was thinking, should he go to the Emperor's Mausoleum to look for it, or he would not be able to wash himself if he jumped into the Qinglong River!

Nalan Jinnian spoke at this time: "Brother Huang, only you can get the things left by the emperor, you can take out the list!"


What is the Seventeenth Emperor kidding?

Can't find the list?

The emperor looked at Nalan Jinnian and suddenly understood something. He nodded solemnly: "The late emperor did keep a list, and I have found it! It's just that General Wang is not the only one on the list. There are several other important people who are still in ambush beside some people, and for the safety of others, I cannot take them out! So I can prove that General Wang was sent by the late emperor. He is not a traitor!"

The emperor touched his heart, but there was nothing he could do.

He looked at Wang Xiao, Nuan Nuan and Nalan Jinnian, the three of you must not lose face!

For your sake, I have been regarded by the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty as a foolish and incompetent king!

Seeing that he is about to bear the infamy of the ages!

Manchu civil and military officials: "."

If there is a list, the emperor has already said, why wait until now?

All the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty knew that at this moment, the emperor still believed in Wang Xiao, and wanted to protect Wang Xiao.

It's no wonder that all the memorials about the raiding of the mansion of Anguo's mansion have not been published.

As the saying goes, if the ruler wants the minister to die, the minister has to die!

Similarly, if you want to protect a person, that person will be fine.

Everyone looked at Wang Xiao enviously.

How could this general Wang gain the emperor's trust like this?

Since ancient times, emperors have always been very afraid of generals who hold heavy soldiers.

For a moment, there was silence in the hall.

The emperor is like this, what else did they say?

At this time, outside the hall, a guard came to report: "Your Majesty, the seventh prince, Prince An, Prince Ning, please see! Prince An said that he has found evidence to prove that General Wang is innocent!"

Nuan Nuan and Nalan Jinnian glanced at each other. Did you find the list?

The emperor said happily: "Hurry up!"

The three of them walked in with big strides, and respectfully bowed to the emperor: "My son, see the father/emperor."

The emperor quickly waved his hand: "No gift, where is the evidence? Hurry up and present it!"

Anytime, what kind of ceremony!

With evidence, the world will be clear!

Everyone looked at the three of them.

The seventh prince took out a bracelet from his arms.

Nuan just felt a little familiar, and then thought that this was the bracelet that Prince An gave him that day!


Prince Ann?

Dark bracelet?

Nalan Jinnian supports her forehead!

He thought of his father's words.

So, the emperor's meaning is that the list is with Prince An and hidden in the hidden bracelet?

No wonder I heard two an sounds!

He thought that his father was tortured by illness, and when he was dying, he spoke intermittently, and only made one more sound!

This is simply.

No wonder he smashed the desk and didn't find the list!

Here and there is hidden in the desk!

Eunuch Lin immediately went down to take the bracelet from the seventh prince and presented it to the emperor.

The emperor has seen this bracelet before, it is a hidden bracelet, and it belongs to the empress dowager.

The reward was given to the queen mother. Later, the father asked the queen mother to go. It turned out to be used to hide the list?

This bracelet was given to Prince An by the royal father in front of him, along with the edict!


Dark bracelet.

Prince Ann?

The emperor's forehead!

God, how could he forget such an important thing?

He only remembers the edict!

It's really getting old and going to abdicate!

The emperor quickly opened the bracelet, revealing a scroll of paper inside.

I opened it and took a look. It was indeed the handwriting of the late emperor, and it was also stamped with the late emperor's private seal, a secret seal.

Except for the Chuan Guoyu Seal, this private seal and secret seal have become funerary objects, and they were buried after the seal was smoothed out.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for future generations to forge!

When the emperor saw the first one above, he wrote down the information about Wang Xiao.

Formerly known as Wang Guiyong (Jianghuai Prefecture, Ningyuan County, military position, thousands of commanders, died in battle.) - Huainan Wangfu spy: Wang Xiao!

In addition, Wang Xiao's goals and tasks are also recorded.

Probably to become a general under the king of Huainan, to prevent the king of Huainan from betrayal, and to persuade the private soldiers of the king of Huainan to return to the court and be loyal to the court.

Gather evidence of King Huainan's mutiny.

These Wang Xiao have done it!

I have always planned to let Nuan find the dark bracelet. I have finished writing this chapter, and I am worried that the plot is too long, so I finally changed it. Let others discover it earlier~

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