There are still several names on the list. The emperor glanced at it roughly, wrote it down, and looked at it carefully later. Then he folded the names of the others, covered them, and said to the civil and military officials of the whole dynasty. : "All the loving gentlemen, this is the evidence that the late emperor sent General Wang to the king of Huainan to supervise the king of Huainan. This list contains the late emperor's handwriting, as well as the late emperor's private seal and secret seal."

Manchu civil and military officials: "..."

Your Majesty, you didn't say that just now!

You said that you have found the list left by the late emperor! Because there are other people's names on the list, it is inconvenient for you to take them out! ! !

Now the evidence sent by the Seventh Prince and others is a list again!

Your Majesty, doesn't your face hurt when you say that?

The Minister of Industry: "Your Majesty, didn't you just say that the Emperor has already found the list, why is this list in the hands of the Seventh Prince? How many lists are there? Could it be someone fake?"


It was the bastard of the Seventeenth Emperor who forced him to say it just now! He was forced to say it out of nowhere!

He glared at Nalan Jinnian.

Nalan Jinnian said with a blushing face and breathless expression, "Brother Huang, did you give the list to the Seventh Emperor Nephew?"

Nalan Jinnian glanced at the Seventh Prince, Prince An and the others, and wanted to know how they found the bracelet from the little girl's boudoir!

The emperor nodded: "Yes! That's it!"

The seventh prince immediately said: "Yes, this prince heard that General Wang was back, so I immediately brought this list!"

Manchu civil and military: "..."

You father, son, uncle, nephew, and brother, just act!

Anyway, your official, what you say is what!

When the emperor saw that all the civil and military officials of the whole court were looking at him with reviewing eyes, he blushed and looked at several old officials in the court: "Gong Huguo, Uncle Anping, Minister of Officials, King Ning, you still recognize the handwriting of the late emperor. Bar?"

Several people hurriedly cupped their hands and replied: "Back to the emperor, Wei Chen recognizes it, dare not forget it!"

"Go back to the emperor, you can recognize it in your dreams!"


The words of the first emperor, that is a good word to describe!

"Haha...Okay! Let's see if this is the handwriting of the late emperor." The emperor gave the folded list to Eunuch Lin.

Eunuch Lin took it over, and then took the list and walked in front of several old officials.

Hu Guojian really glanced at it and nodded frequently: "Yes, it is the handwriting of the late emperor! The late emperor's handwriting is magnificent and elegant, and his posture is elegant, and he can accommodate the world at will! This free and easy, elegant, atmosphere no one can imitate! Yes! The first emperor's words are correct!"

Eunuch Lin showed it to Uncle An Ping again, Uncle An Ping opened his eyes, looked at it several times, and nodded, "It's the words of the late emperor! It's the words of the late emperor! Good words! Good words!"

Then the Minister of Officials and King Ning, both of them nodded their heads when they saw it.

"It's the words of the late emperor! That's right! The dragon and the phoenix dance, so powerful!"

"It's the words of the emperor, no one can write the words of the emperor!"

King Ning slandered silently in his heart. His father, the king, has always liked romantic scenes, danced and written, and did not make much contribution to the court, but it was no fault. The most amazing thing was that his writing was really, really good!

The words he has seen, the only one who can match the late emperor is the eccentric Seventeenth Emperor.

Haven't seen a person who can be like the Seventeenth Emperor's younger brother;? You can learn anything quickly and well!

Eunuch Lin specially gave Wang Xiao a look.

Wang Xiao looked at the words of the late emperor, and his eyes were red.

This paragraph is the evidence that he endured humiliation for most of his life, was sincere and worried, and was worried about the country and the Duke!

Because his name is on this list, who knows what kind of life he lives?

At this time, Nuan deliberately blessed the direction of the emperor's mausoleum: "The minister and daughter Xie Xiandi has a spirit in the sky, so that Nalan's loyalty and good will not be murdered, and bless the long-term stability of Nalan, and the people live and work in peace and contentment!"

Wang Xiao clasped his fists and bowed in the direction of the imperial mausoleum with a long bow, his eyes reddened: "Xiandi, Wei Chen has fulfilled his mission! The disaster in Huainan has been pacified, and no innocent people have been harmed! No national capital has been harmed!"

The emperor's eyes were also a little jerky when he heard the words. He thought of what Wang Xiao said when he first visited the palace.

He said that he was the first emperor to be the most trusted general of the king of Huainan, and to persuade his private soldiers to submit to the imperial court!

Don't beat your own people, you will suffer the people and hurt the foundation of the country.

But the King of Huainan was suspicious by nature, and not the closest people would not trust him 100%, so the King of Huainan made him his son-in-law. The king's most trusted general, secretly let the private soldiers he recruited become soldiers loyal to the Nalan Kingdom.

The chaos of the King of Huainan was solved so easily, no people suffered from the war, no life was ruined, and the country was not shaken, all thanks to Wang Xiao!

He did everything on the list!

For the country, he had no children and no daughters all his life!

For the country, he worked hard all his life!

There are three kinds of unfilial piety, no descendant is the greatest.

But there are always times in the world when there is always a dilemma between loyalty and filial piety.

The emperor has always loved and cherished talent, and was unwilling to let down everyone who sincerely served the court and the people.

Wang Xiao's self-report that day moved him.

Decades of not forgetting the original intention, bearing the humiliation and bearing the burden, the difficulties in it are not what others can think of!

Either Cong Wang Xiao's eyes were too upright, or his words were too sincere and moving, but the emperor believed it anyway.

That's why he has been eccentric and has been protecting Wang Xiao!

Even if he was not sent by the late emperor, he betrayed the king of Huainan and made the world disdain him, calling him a traitor and unfilial, but in the emperor's opinion, he saved the lives of more than 100,000 people in the palace of Huainan and tens of thousands of soldiers!

Even if you really don’t have money from the previous state treasury, this is a great contribution, and you won’t die if you’re guilty!

The emperor "You have worked hard these years, General Wang! For the country, you have no children and no daughters in your life! For the country, you have worked hard all your life! Endure humiliation and bear the burden!

The Minister of the Ministry of Industry couldn't understand why the emperor trusted Wang Xiao and An Guogong's family so much: "Your Majesty, what about the former imperial treasury money? What about General Wang's unauthorized leadership of troops across the border of Dongling? There are many soldiers who were soldiers under the command of General Guo in the past. General Wang paid the money from the former treasury and it was fine. ?"

It's a rare opportunity, and the Minister of Industry really doesn't want to miss the opportunity to weaken King Jin's power.

Warm sneer.

The Minister of Industry is crazy to compare the former Guo family with his uncle!

Sure enough, the emperor's face sank: "Did General Guo exterminate the family because of the money from the previous treasury? In the eyes of Lord Huang, I am so stupid?"

The face of the Minister of Industry changed. The Guo family was guilty of a lot of crimes. He immediately lowered his head and said respectfully: "Wei Chen dare not!"

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