The emperor snorted coldly: "I don't think you dare!"

Minister of Industry: "."

What does the emperor mean?

How dare he say that the emperor is stupid?

The emperor is a rare good emperor, he has to admit that.

But after the emperor finished speaking, he ignored him.

The emperor looked at Wang Xiao and said, "General Wang is resolute and loyal. The king of Huainan has countless properties, and he is rich enough to rival the country. All of them are confiscated! I believe that General Wang is not the kind of person who is greedy for money! General Wang, do you have a way to prove that you did not illicit the treasury of the previous dynasty? silver?"

The silver emperor of the previous treasury decided to make big things small and trivial things into nothing, and directly sent Wang Xiao to guard the border, and forgot the merits!

Wang Xiao cupped his hands and replied: "Wei Chen thanked the emperor for trusting Wei Chen! But Wei Chen has no evidence to prove that Wei Chen spent all his time training troops, guarding the frontier, and nothing else. Now Wei Chen's steward is dead. There is no way for Wei Chen to prove his innocence, he can only ask the emperor to find out the truth and give Wei Chen his innocence!"

The money in the previous treasury was frozen at this moment, Wang Xiao's steward was dead, and there was no proof!

At this time, the Minister of War stood up and said: "Your Majesty, General Wang is a loyal and good generation, brave and loyal, and even the ministers admire it! Now that the imperial court is in turmoil, and all countries are staring at it, why not let General Wang go to the front line and make atonement?"

The Minister of the Household also stood up: "Your Majesty, General Wang can sacrifice a lot for the court, and with the money the Emperor rewarded him, he also bought military rations, medicinal materials and other materials for the soldiers of the court! He is definitely not a person who is greedy for money. The state treasury silver found in the Zhuangzi he bought, this is also his dereliction of duty, and he has to be punished, Wei Chen thinks that it is best to let General Wang go to the front line to atone for his crimes!"

The soldiers of the five cities also came out and said: "Your Majesty, the dog is training in the army, and when he returns to the house, he always mentions how heroic General Wang is in battle, and how he devoted himself to training good soldiers for the court! He has learned nothing in his life. It is reserved to teach the soldiers under his command to eat at the latest, and eat the same food as ordinary soldiers, and never enjoy the treatment of military commanders! The real hard work, worrying about the country and the people!

He also always taught them to be soldiers, without others, to serve the country with loyalty, to do everything in their power, to put the people and the court in the first place! How could such a good general be ignorant of the money from the previous treasury! It must be other countries or scoundrels who deliberately designed to frame me, Chao Zhongliang! We certainly can't be fooled! Can't deal with General Wang! But General Wang was negligent, so he was punished to kill the enemy in the previous dynasty! "

Many officials also agreed:

"General Wang has endured humiliation for half his life, which is really admirable. It is impossible for such a person to smuggle money into the treasury of the previous dynasty. Wei Chen thinks that by punishing General Wang to kill the enemy on the front line, he will atone for his crimes!"

"The minister waits for the second opinion!"

"The minister waits for the second opinion!"

Wang Xiao also stood up at this time: "Weichen is willing to atone for his sins, protect his family and defend the country, and spare no expense for the court's liver and brains!"

The emperor heard the words happily: "Okay!"

This is the best!

The Minister of Industry thought of the explanation of the third prince, but the third prince wanted to take advantage of this time to drive An Guogong and Wang Xiao into the ground, and then he secretly rescued them.

In this way, the three princes are considered a great favor to them, and they must be extremely grateful to the third prince.

To be honest, Wang Xiao and Princess Hui'an are really capable. It would be good if they could be used by the third prince.

Although he is a member of the third prince, no one knows that he can only rely on him in this court.

Who made Wang Xiao do so much?

The Minister of Industry continued: "Your Majesty, General Wang led his troops across the border of Dongling, this matter"

Nalan Jinnian said at this time: "Master Huang, that was ordered by this king. General Wang is just doing what he was ordered to do!"

The Minister of Industry was stunned: "Why did King Jin issue this order?"

Nalan Jinnian turned to look at him: "Why did this king give this order and need to explain it to Lord Huang?"

Minister of Industry: "."

"Understood dare not!"

Nalan Jinnian sneered: "Master Huang also dare not?"

Minister of Industry: "."

That's it again!

What's the meaning?

For a long time, the emperor and King Jin never blamed the ministers who expressed their opinions in the court!

what now


He has a bad feeling in his heart!

Nalan Jinnian ignored him and looked at the emperor: "Brother Huang, my younger brother found out that Lord Wen was imprisoned near the border of Dongling, and ordered General Wang to lead his troops to ambush there at any time. Discovered! But Mr. Ouyang Kun ignored the soldiers' obstruction, took the imperial brother's hand letter, and went to arrest General Wang at the emperor's brother's order, only to alert the soldiers of Dongling, and was discovered by the country of Dongling."

The emperor expressed his innocence, but he did not make Ouyang Kun so ignorant!

The general is outside, and the king is not in compliance. Does he not understand this simple truth?

The emperor looked at Dali Siqing and said angrily: "Master Zhao, you have taught a good subordinate! I have said many times that I am only in this high hall, and I don't know about the front line, so it is difficult to make a correct judgment. Regarding safety and the interests of the court, if my order is in conflict with this, I can disobey it! The interests of the court and the safety of the people are the most important thing! Have you not told him?"

Dali Temple Minister: "."

What's the matter with him?

Ouyang Kun also went to court, and he also heard the emperor say it!

Who knew that he was so stupid, he couldn't see that Duke An's family, and King Jin was the emperor's treasure, more important than the emperor's decree! How dare you hold the imperial decree of chicken feathers!

Dali Siqing confessed his fate and confessed his guilt: "We Chen is guilty, we must investigate this matter thoroughly! Why did Lord Ouyang do this."

The emperor scolded again: "Dongling country is so deceiving, it makes no sense! This is because the wings are hard, and I want to turn the sky!"

The Minister of War also knew about Wen Chun's arrest, and he said angrily: "This country of Dongling is really a thief calling to catch a thief! Are the people who caught us still not allowed us to rescue? He arrested Mr. Wen Chun because he was coveting our per-acre yield. How to plant thousands of pounds of rice and wheat?"

Hu Bu Shang nodded: "Dangling country still wants to get justice? If we want to get justice, it is also our Nalan country to get justice! Your Majesty, how do you want Dongling country to compensate a few more cities and money this time? , I need a little food and grass, no, I need a little more! I can't just need a little! Last time, it was too little, and the flowers." After a while, the flowers ran out.

"Cough cough." The Minister of Housing quickly stopped the conversation and changed his words, "The last time was too little, and the Dongling Kingdom did not learn its lesson! This time, I will not be lenient! Let them dare not again in the future!"

The emperor nodded, the words of the Minister of the Ministry of Commerce always come from the bottom of my heart!

It should be more important!

This matter still has to be handed over to the younger brother of the Seventeenth Emperor and the Hui'an County Master to seek justice. They will need a few more cities, silver, food, grass, medicinal materials, and cotton.

The emperor looked at Nalan Jinnian: "The Seventeenth Emperor."

Nalan Jinnian interrupted the emperor: "There is no evidence to prove that it was the Dongling Kingdom who captured Mr. Wen. Instead, the Dongling Kingdom captured three soldiers from our Nalan Kingdom."


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