The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1135 The emperor jumped up from the dragon chair in shock!


What does the Seventeenth Emperor mean?

Does it mean that Dongling Country can ask Nalan Country for a city, money, grain, medicine, and cotton?


The Ministry of Accounts: "."


So this time it is the turn of the Tanglin Kingdom to ask them for the city and money?

He didn't!

Absolutely no money to give!

Don't ask him to collect money!

The emperor said angrily: "Brother Seventeen, have you rescued Lord Wen?"

You won't lose money, and the city will lose its troops again, right?

He thought that the Seventeenth Emperor's younger brother and Hui'an County Master had returned, and Master Wen must be all right!

Nalan Jinnian raised the corner of his mouth: "Saved!"

The emperor breathed a sigh of relief, and was almost scared to death by this bastard!

The Seventeenth Emperor will not let such a cruel thing happen! ! !

Warm and speechless looking at the sky, why does Brother Seventeen like to play with the emperor so much.

Although the Tanglin Kingdom arrested the three of their soldiers, the three soldiers did not reveal anything at all, which means that the Dongling Kingdom had no evidence to prove that the people who crossed the border of Dongling were their soldiers of the Nalan Kingdom.

Is it not allowed to be from the southern border country?

Or from Beiming?

Even from Xihuaguo?

They had clearly thought of a countermeasure.

Nalan Jinnian deliberately made the emperor nervous, this is a bad taste!

The emperor pointed at Nalan Jinnian and said, "After you go to court, come to the imperial study!"

He didn't even call his beloved Seventeenth Emperor Brother!

After the emperor finished speaking, he looked at the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty and said, "Aiqings, do you have any opinion on General Wang's redemption of merits?"

Atonement of merit is not atonement for sin, that is to say, Wang Xiao has no sin, only fault.

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty could not help but sigh in their hearts, it is good to win the Sacred Heart!

I have lost the money from the previous treasury and exchanged it for any other person in this hall. Don't think about it better today.

But Wang Xiao was only sent to guard the border or kill the enemy on the front line. What kind of punishment is this?

As a general, that was his job.

This world belongs to the emperor, and the money in the treasury of the previous dynasty belonged to the imperial court. The emperor said that he did not care, and everyone did not dare to have an opinion. Even if someone had an opinion in his heart, he had to hold back at this moment. After all, the imperial court really needs good generals now.

Under the nest, how can there be no eggs!

If the four kingdoms besiege the Nalan Kingdom, and the Nalan Kingdom will deal with a brave and resourceful general at this time, it will really make matters worse.

Therefore, officials who sincerely considered the current situation of Nalan Kingdom said: "The emperor is wise, and General Wang has endured humiliation for many years, and his merits outweigh his demerits, as it should be!"

"Your Majesty is wise, Wei Chen feels that it is very good to redeem the merits!"

"The emperor is wise, and the ministers and others agree."

"The emperor is wise, and the ministers and others agree."

Almost all the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty made a sound, only the Minister of Industry and some officials did not speak.

But at this moment, it doesn't matter if they speak or not.

When foreign enemies invade, it is the wisest choice to be consistent with the outside world.

The emperor showed the brightest smile in the past few days: "Okay! Then the matter is settled! General Wang, Minister of War, Princess Hui'an, and the seventeenth emperor, you will go to the imperial study to discuss matters after you go down to the court. Seventh, the two of you. Son, you too."

"Yes!" Several people responded in unison.

Eunuch Lin immediately said: "If there is something to play, I will retreat!"

No one speaks.

Eunuch Lin announced: "Retreat!"

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty saluted one after another: "Congratulations to the emperor!"


Imperial study room

The emperor gave several people seats.

The emperor looked at Wen Nuan and said with a gentle face: "Hui An County Master, is Sir Wen all right?"

Wen Nuan stood up and blessed a blessing: "Your Majesty is concerned, the elder brother is fine, he just suffered a little skin trauma, and his life is not in danger."

The emperor clapped his hands: "The Princess Hui'an can just sit back and answer. Why are you being more polite?"

The emperor also knew that the skin injury was definitely not an ordinary skin injury. After all, when they caught people from other countries in Nalan, they would not let it go easily.

"Thank you, the emperor. I haven't seen the emperor for a long time, so I want to greet the emperor!" Wennuan smiled and sat down.

When the emperor heard the words, it was indeed higher: "It's still the Princess Hui'an who has my heart! It's not like someone!"

The emperor glared at Nalan Jinnian, who was leisurely leaning on the back of the chair and drinking tea.

He was the only one in the audience who dared to sit like this!

He is still sitting upright when he is the emperor!

Nalan Jinnian put down the tea bowl, raised Erlang's legs, how to sit comfortably, he started to straighten the silver-gray robe: "Brother Huang, we didn't sleep much when we came back all the way, if you have anything to discuss, hurry up! "

The emperor was angry, turned his head without seeing it, and looked at Wennuan with a kind face: "Master Hui'an, who kidnapped Lord Wen?"

"Your Majesty, we have captured the fourth prince of Xihua Kingdom."

The emperor was surprised when he heard the words, and he frowned: "Xihua Kingdom?"

It turned out that Xihuaguo caught Wen Chun?

Southern Border Country, Dongling Country, and West China Country!

Ouch, the emperor suddenly felt a dull pain in his temples.

The three countries have joined forces!

Wen Chun was arrested, and Zhuangzi, who was bought by Wang Xiao, discovered the money in the former treasury. If there was no conspiracy here, he would really be the emperor in vain.

At this time, Nalan Jinnian made a sword: "Beijing Kingdom also has a share, this king directly sunk the Beiming Kingdom's military ship!"

"What?!" The emperor jumped up from the dragon chair in shock!

The Minister of War was also stunned.

Something happened!

Heaven is changing!

How much silver is there in the Minister of the Household for military pay?

Nalan Jinnian said lightly, "That's what the emperor heard and thought. The emperor is ready to fight against the Four Kingdoms!"


He's going to abdicate!

Is it too late now?

This bastard, why is this stinky boy not married at a young age, otherwise he would have been the emperor of the mountains and waters!

"Tell me, what the hell is going on! You sit down for me!" The emperor's words were roaring!

The tiled roof of the imperial study was almost lifted by the emperor!

The Minister of Military Affairs, who only dared to sit on half of his butt, fell from the chair in fright.

Eunuch Lin and the guards who were guarding outside were startled.

It was the first time in so many years that the emperor was so furious!

The Seventh Prince and Prince An, Prince Ning was so frightened that he straightened his back and his expression was serious. How serious is it to sit in the middle?

Only Nalan Jinnian still had that leisurely look, her face not changing as the sky fell.

"We arrived at the border of Dongling,..."

Nalan Jinnian explained what happened in a succinct manner.

How did he meet Liang Ziyun, and found that Zhuangzi had a warm and honest aura, how did he divide his troops into two ways to save people, and then Xiaohei found that Emperor Junxian's boat waiter moved by chance, and finally directly captured the third prince of Xihua alive and attacked him. The ship of Beiming State sank.

After hearing this, the emperor felt that this incident had nothing to do with Di Junxian: "This matter has nothing to do with Beiming Kingdom! The royal family of Beiming Kingdom likes to do this kind of unreliable thing!"

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