The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1136 Royals should take the lead!

Southern Border, Dongling, and Xihua have lost several cities to Nalan Kingdom in the past two or three years.

For a country to lose its city, it means losing its power and humiliating the country.

Losing power and humiliating the country is a great shame.

This generation of monarchs will also be incompetent monarchs who will be infamous for thousands of years in the annals of history.

Shame on future generations!

No one wants to be an incompetent monarch with a long history of infamy!

Therefore, the monarchs of several countries, who were already eager to find an excuse to leave their dependent countries, will only be more eager to move, at least to regain the lost city.

The Beiming Kingdom was originally ambitious, and it claimed to be the most powerful country in the mainland, and it always wanted to dominate the world.

They are also worried that they will be destroyed by the three countries of the Nalan Kingdom.

It would be better for him to use the thoughts of the Three Kingdoms to fan the flames and sow discord.

It happened that the Three Kingdoms lost the city, and this kind of thinking is strong.

So this little spark, just a little fan will turn into a raging fire.

The reason why they robbed Wen Chun in several countries was to rob Hui'an County Master, to obtain the breeding method of rice and wheat that yielded thousands of kilograms per mu, and to assassinate Nalan Jinnian by the way, breaking the backbone of their Nalan Kingdom! !

From the moment when the production of thousands of kilograms of rice and wheat per mu appeared, the emperor also knew that it was inevitable that he would be attacked by the four countries.

It's just that he hopes to give the Nalan country another time for peaceful development. Even if it is a year or two, the Nalan country will definitely become stronger and stronger, and the four countries will not be afraid to send troops together!

"It's my wishful thinking. Beiming Kingdom sees that our Nalan Kingdom is going to surpass him, how can we just sit back and ignore it? How can the other three countries not be afraid?" The emperor sighed.

Nalan is getting stronger and stronger!

They were afraid and had to unite to fight.

When the seventh prince thought of that Emperor Junxian, he hated it: "The Beiming Kingdom is a scumbag! Especially that Emperor Junxian!"

Prince An: "During the Longevity Festival, it can be seen that all countries are restless!"

Prince Ning: "Now our Nalan country is getting richer and stronger, the county master of Hui'an has produced thousands of kilograms of rice and wheat per mu, as well as healthy ingredients, medicinal materials, seawater smelting salt, and some poor counties around the country. Small workshops have also sprung up, and there are weapons with infinite power. Whether it is food or a different day, what are they afraid of? Attack it! The emperor, the ministers and nephews are willing to take the lead and kill them without leaving a single piece of armor! I might not be able to lead the troops, but it's okay to kill a few ordinary soldiers!"

The Minister of War: "The Beiming Kingdom just wants the snipe and clam to compete for the fisherman's profit! The four countries will definitely unite! Your Majesty, we have to start deploying more troops to the border of the four countries."

Wang Xiao nodded: "Your Majesty, Mr. Cao is right, it's time to mobilize more troops to the border of the four countries. We can go wherever the Emperor tells Wei Chen to go, and Wei Chen will definitely fight his old life to keep us satisfied. The country of Lan! They dare to step into our Nalan country, and if they take a step, Wei Chen will take up an extra 1/3 of their land!"

Seventh Prince: "Father, my sons and ministers can also go into battle to kill the enemy! Although they are not as literate and martial as the Seventeenth Emperor's uncle, they are still enough to deal with emperors and wise men!"

Prince An nodded: "We have practiced martial arts since we were young. Although we can't win against Uncle Seventeen, we will never lose to princes from other countries!"

The emperor was also very annoyed.

He doesn't like fighting, it doesn't mean that he has been bullied and he doesn't know how to resist!

Hearing the words of a few people, he happily said: "Haha. Good! Our Nalan Clan's good man should have such a responsibility! The country is in trouble, it is not someone else who will go up, but our Nalan Clan's man should take the lead!"

In the emperor's view, military generals should defend their families and the country, but their royals should lead the way!

This is how he deserves to be the ruler of the whole country.

Enjoy the admiration of the people.

Therefore, the emperor believed that among the descendants of the Nalan Kingdom, there must be a general who was literate and martial!

"Brother Seventeen, where do you think the three of them should be sent?"

The seventh prince immediately said: "Father, I want to clean up Beiming Kingdom!"

Nalan Jinnian thought for a while: "Then the emperor will send the three of them to deal with Beiming Kingdom!"

Di Junxian has always been arrogant and will definitely look down on the three of them, but Nalan Jinnian is relatively clear about the abilities of the three.

At that time, he will send another military division, plus the generals over there, there will be no problem.

At least it should be able to last until after he and the little girl get married!

The emperor thought about it and nodded: "Yes!"

He looked at Wang Xiao again: "General Wang, you will leave for Xihua Kingdom tomorrow, take the proton of the Fourth Prince of Xihua, and seek justice from Xihua Kingdom!"

Nalan Jinnian opened his mouth and said: "General Wang first asked Xihua for three cities, tens of thousands of taels of gold, and the lions opened their mouths, and they would definitely not agree. When Beiming Kingdom sends troops, you will pretend to be flustered again. The next thing to do is to say that this time we don’t want the city of Xihua Kingdom. You just tell them that they should send 100,000 soldiers and horses to the Beihua Mountains of Beiming Kingdom to prevent the soldiers of Beiming Kingdom from entering from there. Attack our soldiers! If Xihua Kingdom can successfully stop the soldiers of Beiming Kingdom, we will send the fourth prince of Xihua back to Xihua Kingdom safe and sound! Be by example!"

Beihua Mountains?

that place

Wang Xiao immediately thought of something!

His eyes lit up: "King Jin is really powerful! Wei Chen will leave for Xihua Kingdom tonight. But what about Dongling Kingdom?"

He had a hunch that the Tangling Kingdom would definitely fight while he was leaving this time.

Maybe the emperor will receive an urgent report in the next two days!

Nalan Jinnian: "The third prince and the ninth prince of Dongling Kingdom are there to help out, and there is General Liu, and other generals who are stationed in Dongling. We have already discussed it, and if there is no major event, General Wang can do it. Don't worry. Xihuaguo can't live without you!"

Wang Xiao: "."

What can the third prince and the ninth prince do?

But Liu Kai is pretty good!

He can't go to Xihuaguo himself if he doesn't go there!

So he nodded.

Nalan Jinnian continued: "As for Beiming Kingdom, the enemy will not move, we will not move for the time being, and wait for Beiming Kingdom to take action. Now secretly dispatch another 50,000 elite soldiers to the Beiming border. The generals who lead the troops will be handed over to Cao Zihao. I hope that the three of you will study with General Cao."

The Minister of War was overjoyed.

Unexpectedly, Nalan Jinnian would say the name of that stinky boy in his family. So it seems that he was not lazy in the military camp, and at least he was in the eyes of King Jin.

The emperor nodded: "Cao Aiqing's son is not bad!"

A while ago, in the annual generals promotion competition, Cao Zihao performed well among the lieutenants, but he has been too busy recently, and he has not promoted those soldiers with good grades.

The Minister of War shook his head: "That kid is an elm lump! That is to say, it was only after the guidance of King Jin and County Master Hui'an that his brain became more enlightened. The minister thanked King Jin and County Master Hui'an for their guidance."

He smiled warmly: "Master Cao is humble, General Cao is very good!"

Dongling, Xihua, and Beiming all have candidates, and the next step is to discuss some details.

They discussed it until sunset and then dispersed.

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