At sunset, it was time for dinner.

After the warm couple retired from the imperial study, they walked outside the palace together.

After leaving the imperial study, the twilight was like water. At this time, a cold wind blew through. Even though the chrysanthemums in the yard were vying for beauty, it gave people an inexplicable feeling of bleakness.

"The weather is getting colder." Wen Nuan murmured while looking at the plane tree rustled by the wind.

Nalan Jinnian grabbed her warm hand, feeling that her hand was a little cool, so she draped the cloak over her arm.

Looking at him warmly: "I'm not cold!"

"Draped, the sun goes down, it will get colder and cooler."

This cloak was originally prepared by Eunuch Lin because he was worried that it would be warm and cold.

Warmly closed the cloak, thinking of something, and said to the seventh prince, Prince An and Prince Ning, "Seventh prince, thank you two princes for sending the list in time."

The seventh prince waved his hand: "Aunt Seventeen, why are you being polite? We are happy to be able to help Aunt Seventeen and General Wang!"

Prince An: "This is what it should be. If my father, the king, forgot where the list was hidden, General Wang would not have suffered so much grievance."

Wang Xiao waved his hand: "The prince's words are serious. With the trust of the emperor, you can help, and the last will not suffer any grievances!"

Nalan Jinnian expressed the doubts in his heart: "How did you find that bracelet?"

Nuan also thought that the bracelet was given to her by Prince An. She originally found that the bracelet was hollow, and was about to study it, but something was delayed. Then she left the capital, and when she came back, she forgot the bracelet.

It should be aster that helped him put it away. After all, the bracelet is more gorgeous and heavy, and it is not suitable for a little girl of this age to warm up.

When Prince An heard the words, he said: "The mansion of An Guogong was surrounded by heavy troops, and General Wang's steward insisted that it was General Wang who stole money from the treasury of the previous dynasty. In the morning, many officials shouted every day that they wanted to copy the Anguo's mansion. This is a coincidence! I think it is someone from an enemy country who is shooting against the An Guogong family.

Just in case, I was worried that someone in the mansion had been calculated and hid things from the former state treasury without knowing it. I was worried that things would be out of control. All the houses were taken out and inspected. I also reminded Mrs. Anguo that some jewelry, such as hairpins, bracelets, etc., can be made hollow, with a mechanism, and there are some slips of paper hidden in them. Search carefully and do not miss them. Then, the maid next to you, Lord Hui'an, named Ziwan found that the bracelet was hollow, but she couldn't open it. She gave it to me, and I couldn't open it either. I knew it was the bracelet that my father gave you. It is said that this is not something from the former treasury, so don't worry. "

"At this time, the concubine sent someone to send a letter to me, saying that the father remembered where the list was! Said it was in the bracelet he gave to Princess Hui'an! Then we took the bracelet and returned to Prince An's mansion to let my father The king opened it and brought it into the palace!"

Hearing the warm words just feels so dangerous!

Otherwise, you will miss the opportunity to know the list.

Nalan Jinnian gave a rare praise to Prince An's son: "You did a good job."

Knowing to let the people of Anguo Gongfu check it in advance.

The most important thing is that these days, they should all keep Anguo Gongfu.

Of course, the three also had their own selfishness, and Nalan Jinnian knew it too.

But no matter how big the selfishness is, it can't beat the love like giving help in the snow.

Nuan couldn't help sighing: "I didn't expect the list we searched for for a long time, and it's actually in my hands!"

Fortunately nothing happened!

Otherwise, it's no wonder she doesn't vomit blood!

She is rarely so negligent.

Prince Ning smiled and said, "There's nowhere to look if you break through the iron shoes. It won't take much effort to get it."

Hearing the words, Prince An protested: "This prince has spent a lot of time, okay?"

He also wanted to take more credit in front of the Princess Hui'an, and ask her to help him speak nicely in front of Miss Jingmei!


The group returned to Anguo Gongfu for dinner.

At noon, the heavy troops surrounding the Duke Anguo's mansion had already withdrawn, and the Wu family also knew that Nuan Nuan and Nalan Jinnian had returned, so they ordered a sumptuous dinner to be prepared for them to come out of the palace to eat.

This dinner, of course, is the guest and host's enjoyment.

Everyone drank a little wine. Wang Xiao did not drink because he had to rush to the West China border overnight.

Wang Xiao hurriedly ate and returned to the General's Mansion. He met some stewards, explained some things, and then rode away directly.

It was inevitable for Wang to see his eldest brother running around at such a young age, but he knew it was inevitable.

Although Wen Jiarui already knew from Xia Xuan that Wen Chun was fine, he was still worried, and after eating, he called Wen Nuan and Nalan Jinnian to the study to talk, mainly to ask about Wen Chun.

The Seventh Prince, Prince Ning, and Prince An can finally go back to sleep in their mansion tonight. These days, they all live in the An Guogong's mansion to support them.

Wen Nuan sent the three of them out of the mansion, but Prince An walked out of the gate of Duke Anguo's mansion, and excused himself to go to the toilet, and then ran in, letting the seventh prince and Prince Ning go first by themselves.

The seventh prince looked at the back of Prince An covering his abdomen, and said to Prince Ning with an ambiguous expression: "Guess Yichen is going back to the toilet."

Prince Ning was a little drunk, he shook his head, only to feel dizzy: "He must have gone back to find Miss Wu!"

The seventh prince nodded: "Yes, haha. He can't hold back! I'm so envious!"

There is a woman who likes to pursue.

Prince Ning nodded: "We're going to go to Beiming in a few days. If he doesn't settle down sooner, isn't he afraid that the swan meat near his mouth will fly?"

The seventh prince nodded:

"Should we sneak a look around?"

Prince Ning thought for a while and nodded: "Okay!"

So the two went in again.

When Prince An came to Chuihuamen, he asked the gatekeeper to call Wu Jingmei out, saying that he had to ask her about pottery.

During these days, Prince An's heir has been living in the mansion of An Guogong. In order to have more contact with Wu Jingmei, he thought of asking Wu Jingmei to teach her to make ceramics.

People can often see two people learning pottery in the yard.

So the old woman who guarded the door heard that and went to invite Wu Jingmei right away.

Wu Jingmei returned to her yard after dinner, took a bath, and was ready to sleep.

At the moment she is soaking in a wooden barrel full of rose petals.

At this time, a maid knocked on the door and said, "Girl, the old woman who guards the door said that Prince An has something to ask you for advice."

Wu Jingmei was slightly surprised: "Now? What else does he have to do so late??"

The maid replied, "It seems to be about pottery."

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