The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1138 Are all confessions inherited from ancestors?

Wu Jingmei couldn't help muttering, "It's so late, what kind of pottery do you want to ask? Drink too much!"

Having said that, Wu Jingmei replied, "Let him wait for a while, and I'll go over immediately."


The two have been together for so long and are familiar with each other, and Prince An and the seventh prince, Prince Ning, lived in the Duke Anguo's mansion during this period of time to protect them.

So when he called, Wu Jingmei would not refuse.

Wu Jingmei hurriedly cleaned her body, then dried her body, picked out a favorite dress and put it on, and walked out.


Not far from the study in the front yard, Nuan saw the Seventh Prince and Prince An.

She asked in surprise, "Aren't you going back to the manor?"

The seventh prince made a "shush" gesture, then pulled warmly and said, "There's a good show to watch! Princess Hui'an, let's watch it together!"

Prince Ning's desire to survive was relatively strong, so he hurriedly asked, "Where's the Seventeenth Uncle?"

Nuan pointed to the direction of the study: "I'm talking to my father. Are you looking for him?"

Nalan Jinnian knew that Wen Jiarui just wanted to ask about Wen Chun. He felt distressed that Nuan had been rushing for so many days, and he had not let Nuan go back to rest. He came to tell Uncle Wen about Wen Chun.

Wen Jiarui felt that he was negligent when he heard the words, so he let both of them rest and talk about it tomorrow.

Nalan Jinnian said that he was not tired, and insisted on staying to tell Wen Jiarui about Wen Chun, so that he would not worry.

Wen Jiarui was very happy, Nalan Jinnian was so considerate to himself and warmth.

So the two drove out the warmth directly and asked her to go back to rest quickly.

The seventh prince waved his hand quickly: "No, why are you looking for him? Let's go to see the fun, hurry up! Otherwise, we won't be able to see him for a while!"

Warmly looked at Prince Ning.

Prince Ning: "Prince An has gone to find Miss Wu."

Wen Nuan widened his eyes when he heard the words, and then smiled: "Go! Go and see!"

Then the warmth walked away first!

The two quickly followed.

In the garden of the outer courtyard, Prince An stood by the rockery, looked up at the crescent moon in the sky, and pretended that he was not nervous.


A gentle and melodious voice sounded behind Prince An.

He turned around quickly and saw the woman he liked walking towards him under the hazy moonlight, and his heart was pounding.

"Miss Wu Wu."

"What kind of pottery question does the prince want to ask?" Wu Jingmei didn't notice his strangeness, she came to him and asked directly.

"I want to make two ceramic dolls, can Miss Wu do them?"

"Yes! Then I will teach the prince to make ceramic dolls tomorrow! What dolls does the prince want?"

"I want to do it now."

Wu Jingmei: "Huh?. Now?"

She looked up at the moonlight.

Is it getting late?

Prince An hurriedly said: "Miss Wu also knows that I'm about to go out, and I don't know when I'll be back, so I want to make a ceramic doll for my favorite girl tonight."

For the girl you love?

Inexplicably, Wu Jingmei felt a little gloomy when she heard this.

"So that's how it is! Shizi learned pottery for her, right?"

Prince An nodded: "Well, it's for her! Miss Wu, can you?"

When Wu Jingmei heard this, she only felt more bored in her heart: It's already autumn, why is there such a summer boredom?

She suppressed the annoyance in her heart and nodded: "Okay, then I'll teach you now!"

Prince An smiled: "Okay!"


Anguo Gongfu has a small courtyard dedicated to making ceramics.

Where did the two go together.

Nuan, the seventh prince, and Prince Ning are lying on the roof of this courtyard.

Wu Jingmei held a piece of porcelain clay in her hand and looked at the Prince An: "What kind of doll does the prince want?"

Prince An also held a piece of porcelain clay in his hand: "I want to be like her. Be a pair of dolls, like ours!"

He saw a pair of ceramic dolls placed in Uncle Seventeen's study, exactly like the Princess Hui'an and Uncle Seventeen!

Wu Jingmei: "Does the prince have her portrait?"

Who is the girl the prince loves?

She must be a girl from an aristocratic family, knowledgeable and polite, noble and beautiful!

It's not like you can only play with mud!

Wu Jingmei was very curious.

Prince An looked at Wu Jingmei with tenderness in his eyes and a faint hope: "No, just do as you like."

Wu Jingmei: "."

Wu Jingmei suspected that she had heard it wrong.


Did this Nalan family's man express himself in this way?

Does the confession have ancestral heritage?

The Seventh Prince and Prince Ning glanced at each other: I can't see it!

This stinky bastard will do something!

Wu Jingmei's heartbeat was a little chaotic, and she hinted that she should not think wildly. After a long while, she responded and replied, "Sir, how can you do the doll you gave to the girl you like, how can you do it like me?"

Under the dimly-colored glazed palace lamp, Prince An watched her face gradually stained with red, and couldn't help but climb over a touch of joy. He looked at her with tenderness: "My favorite girl looks like Miss Wu!"

Wu Jingmei's eyes widened, her heart pounding like a deer, she didn't know what to say!

Prince An put down the porcelain clay in his hand, and stretched out his hand to wrap Wu Jingmei's hand: "Jingmei, the girl I love is you."

Wu Jingmei was completely dumbfounded.

Her heart was beating so fast, as if she was about to pick it out.

Prince An was shocked when he saw her, and she looked a little cute and cute.

Wu Jingmei withdrew her hand: "Sir, stop joking!"

How could someone like him like him?

Even if you like it, it's just a temporary novelty.

"Miss Wu, see which woman I'm joking with?"

Wu Jingmei shook her head.

"I never joke about these things, only the Seventh Prince would do this kind of bastard!"

The Seventh Prince on the Roof: "."

Warmly bowed his head and snickered.

Prince Ning also laughed silently.

Damn Seventh Prince, well said!

The seventh prince was so angry that he wanted to roll down and destroy someone's good deeds!

When did he do shit?

It's all those women who put them on the door, okay?

Prince Ning pulled him tightly and covered his mouth.

The show isn't over yet!

Prince An felt that he needed to be careful: "Miss Wu, do you hate me? That's right, no girl likes me when I grow up, so I look at him as an annoying man! It's normal that you don't like me. "

After he finished speaking, he lowered his head.

Wu Jingmei shook her head: "I don't hate it! The prince is very good, not annoying!"

Prince An smiled: "Then Miss Wu likes me! Then I will ask a matchmaker to come to propose marriage tomorrow."

Wu Jingmei's eyes widened: "I didn't."

Prince An directly put his head close, and gently smeared Wu Jingmei's blushing little mouth.

blocked her words.

Wu Jingmei froze as if struck by lightning!

"What are you doing up there?"

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