The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1141 The golden matchmaker in the capital dare not ask for such a price!

If it was a few years ago, Princess Ning and Princess An had high requirements for the candidates for their daughter-in-law!

In addition to family background, it is necessary to look good, to have a good temperament, to learn well, to have a good figure, and to have a good character.

In short, there are many requirements, and everything must be perfect in order to be worthy of his son.

So at that time, the daughters-in-law they chose were all selected from the scholarly families of the noble family like Lin Dashu, or the girls in the palaces of the Dukes and Earls and the first-rank officials.

At that time, the two never looked down on Lin Tingya and Wu Jingmei, but in the past few years, Prince An and Prince Ning had no intention of marrying a wife.

Because they demanded more, their sons demanded more. For them, Prince An and Prince Ning did not have a crush on them, and they were very picky. They said that such a woman was like a cake mold, and it was extremely boring! Might as well marry a man!

Later, there were rumors that the two were very masculine!

Almost scared the two princesses to death.

Although the two promise, absolutely not!

But there is no wind and no waves, and it may not be fake.

Therefore, Princess An and Princess Ning now feel that as long as they marry a woman, they will have children, and their net worth is innocent.

Anyway, they are already princes, and there is no one who can compare to the entire Nalan Kingdom on the portal!

Besides, King Jin is married to a peasant daughter, Hui'an County Master, isn't it?

And there is nothing wrong with this peasant girl!

Wu Shi was very happy to see Princess Ning's polite and unassuming attitude. She smiled and said, "Sister Nuan, my sister-in-law will rush over from Jianghuai Mansion. It is estimated that she will arrive today and tomorrow!"

After hearing this, Princess Ning smiled: "That's really great! It's good to have Mrs. Wu speak kindly to Prince An in front of your sister-in-law. And you also know that Princess An is a kind person, and neither am I. A picky person, Miss Lin and Miss Wu joined the palace, we will definitely treat them like our own daughters!"


Then Princess Ning talked to Wu for a while, and then left.

Wu Shi sent Princess Ning away, and went to Wennuan to talk about it.

Warm then jumped off the roof.

Wu Shi was startled: "You girl! How did you climb so high? What if you fall down and get hurt?"

"Mother, no, this height is nothing to me. Mother to go to my cousin?"

Wu Shi rolled her eyes at her: "Have you heard? What do you think of these two marriages?"

Nodding warmly: "Prince An and Prince Ning are very good, and they are people who deserve to be entrusted for life. Princess Ning and Princess An are also kind-hearted people, and cousin and sister Tingya are also good-natured, they should be able to get along with each other. They get along well. In my opinion, it is the best marriage that the two sisters can meet!"

Wu Shi nodded and married the prince!

Can you please?

"Good or good, I'm just worried that the two princes will have a group of wives and concubines in the future, and it will be a mess."

The Wu family was also worried about a lot of concubines and concubines after Nalan Jinnian.

But the emperor could not refuse the marriage.

Now she sees that Nalan Jinnian is more careful and attentive to Nuan than they are parents, so she doesn't have to worry so much.

Wen Nuan took Wu's arm and said, "The future is unpredictable. The relationship between husband and wife depends on two people. No matter who cousin and sister Tingya marry, that person may have a group of wives and concubines. . Even if you marry into a poor family, when you get rich, if this man changes his mind, ten cows can't hold him back! Master Wen is an example, isn't it?"

Mr. Wu glared at Wen Nuan, and even took the old man Wen to talk about it!

No matter what, that is her grandfather, and if someone listens to it, they will feel that she is unfilial!

"Don't say this in front of grandma, lest she be sad."

Nodding warmly: "I know that. I'm just giving you an example with my mother, so that you don't think too much. Besides, you have to look at the meaning of cousin, sister Tingya, brother Lin and uncle. Bar!"

"Let's go, let's go and ask Jingmei. Tingya and your second sister should be here soon. Also, ask Xiaohei to send a letter to Tingxuan to see if he agrees?" Wu Shi also figured it out. There is a good marriage in front of you, of course you must seize it.

"Okay. Mother, let me go and talk to my cousin! Let's all go, so that she won't be embarrassed." Wu Shi thought that Wu Jingmei might be embarrassed to say something in front of her, and she was warm and her peers, so she had no scruples in speaking.

"Okay, then you can ask. I'll go to your second sister, let her check Tingya's tone, and ask your second sister to write a letter to Tingxuan." He hurried out of the house to find warmth.


Wen Nuan came to Wu Jingmei's yard, and saw Prince An's heir apparent from Prince Jin's mansion over the wall.

Warm mouth twitched, this place has become the Nalan family's backyard!

She walked over with a stern face: "Sir, why didn't I know that the gate of my mansion was opened here!"

Prince An said with a look of flattery: "This is not an example! Princess Hui'an, don't be angry, I don't want to meet Miss Jingmei in private! And you don't mind me when you peeked last night. Is this even an even deal? Yes? No, please help me to ask what Miss Jingmei means, how about I give you a big gift when I look back on the birthday of Princess Hui'an?"

He gave him a warm white look: "Ten thousand taels of silver matchmaker fee!"

"Deal, as long as Princess Hui'an can make Miss Jingmei agree to marry me, there is no problem with 100,000 taels!" Prince An said generously.

"A word is settled, then one hundred thousand taels!"

Prince An: "."

No, isn't the 100,000 yuan matchmaker fee a bit too much?

The golden matchmaker in the capital would not dare to ask for such a price!

He was just joking!

After finishing speaking, Nuan turned around and walked towards Wu Jingmei's yard.

Prince An quickly followed and jumped directly onto the roof of Wu Jingmei's yard.

He gave him a warm look.

Prince An said a cross silently.

Nuan ignored him and walked in directly.

Wu Jingmei is making cotton coats for frontier soldiers.

It's just that her movements are a bit mechanical, obviously distracted, and a needle stabs her finger.

"Ah!" She whispered, regained her senses, and put her fingers in her mouth.

He walked in with a warm smile: "What is my cousin thinking? She is so absorbed that she doesn't even know how to stab her own hand with a needle."

Wu Jingmei looked up at Nuan Nuan, thinking that Nuan Nuan saw everything last night, her face was a little red: "No, I didn't think anything!"

With a warm smile, she sat beside Wu Jingmei: "But your face tells me that you are thinking about the prince!"

Wu Jingmei covered her face instantly when she heard the words: "I don't miss him!"

He smiled warmly: "Young gentleman, a lady is so nice, cousin, don't be embarrassed. Cousin, do you like Prince An's heir?"

Wu Jingmei blushed even more when she heard the words, she lowered her head, continued to pick up the needle and thread, and denied, "How could I like that Dengzi! His mouth is so bad!"

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