The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1142 The point hasn't been said yet!

Prince An: "."

Why is he an apprentice?

His mouth is not bad!

"The prince sent someone to propose marriage just now. Since my cousin doesn't like it, then I told my mother to put it off." Wen Nuan said and stood up.

Prince An on the roof couldn't see Wu Jingmei's expression and was anxious.

Wu Jingmei quickly reached out and grabbed the warm hand when she heard the words: "Wait!"

"Hey!" Wen Nuan gasped: "Cousin, I was wrong. I don't want to push your marriage, don't stab me with needles!"

Prince An on the roof was instantly happy: Well done! Who told you to retire!

Warmth quickly has ash falling from the roof.

Is someone gloating at this moment?

The needle in Wu Jingmei's hand was directly stuck on the warm arm, so she quickly retracted her hand: "I'm sorry, does it hurt? Let me see!"

Wu Jingmei put down the needle in her hand and grabbed the warm hand.

With a warm smile, she retracted her hand: "It doesn't hurt, I lied to you! Then you agreed to this marriage?"

Wu Jingmei blushed even more when she heard the words. She lowered her head and expressed her worries: "I'm just a peasant girl who can only play with mud, but he is the heir of the prince."

"Identity is not a problem, whether you like him or not is the most important thing! Since he sent someone to propose marriage, it means that he doesn't care about the difference in identity, and neither does Prince An and Princess An. So let's see now. Your heart, you just need to consider whether he is worthy of your lifelong entrustment!"

Prince An on the roof nodded!

It's worth a hundred thousand taels!

"Sister Nuan, what do you think of him?"

Prince An immediately became nervous, he should have said 200,000 taels just now!

Would 100,000 taels be too little for the rich man of Princess Hui'an?

"I think he?!" Wen Nuan saw that the water in the teacup on the table was a little more ash.

Get nervous!

She smiled: "200,000 taels!"

Prince An: "."

Is Princess Hui'an the roundworm in his stomach?

How did she know that she had silently increased the price in her heart?

Wu Jingmei looked surprised: "What two hundred thousand taels?"

Wen Nuan picked up the teacup, turned it around, and said with a smile, "I mean, Prince An is a good person. When I was short of money, I asked him to borrow 200,000 taels, and he agreed without hesitation! Moreover, because of the money in the previous state treasury, our mansion was surrounded by heavy troops, and everyone kept away from it. He and Prince Ning and the seventh prince lived in without hesitation. What is this for?

Prince An nodded: 200,000 taels is 200,000 taels!

Isn't his true love worth 200,000 taels?

His true love is worth 500,000 taels!

No, his true love is priceless!

Five hundred thousand taels is too little, although he doesn't have it.

All the money was eaten up in Tao Ran Residence and Health Building!

Wu Jingmei thought that he always reassured herself not to worry during that time, saying that with him, the An Guogong family would never be slandered. From this, it can be seen that he is a good person. She replied softly: "That's true, he is indeed a good person."

Prince An smiled.

Jingmei also thinks that she is a good person!

Yes, he is a good man!

The only good man in the world!

"Cousin, do you agree with this marriage?"

Wu Jingmei is not a person who dares not say it if she likes it: "To be honest, half of me, I want to agree but dare not agree. Besides, my parents don't know whether to agree or not. The threshold for Prince An's residence is too high. "

"You don't have to worry about this! If they don't agree, the prince will convince them! He wants to marry you, can't he solve this problem?"

If it can't be solved, then it's up to her to make the money, right? Warmth added silently in his heart.

Wu Jingmei also thought about it, if he was sincere and sincere enough, her parents would not disagree.

If he is not sincere to his parents, then he looks down on their family and proves that the door is still a problem between them. Now he may feel that this is not a problem because of a temporary heartbeat, but after a long time, these subconscious minds , it will become a big problem, and you will not be happy if you marry.

Wu Jingmei lives in the village, and it is not that she has never seen a richer person in the village. She married a poorer daughter-in-law and came back. How did the man's family look down on each other, how to humiliate each other with some cold words, and humiliate the other's family.

At that time, women could only secretly wipe away tears.

So sometimes the right match is very important.

When it's not important, it proves that both families are more educated, they don't value these things, they only value character.

But there are very few such people in this world.

Therefore, Wu Jingmei liked Prince An a little in her heart, but she did not dare to let go of her heart.

Because she had seen it before, she knew that she liked it a little, but it was no match for the cold and violent discussions over the long years.

Prince An: "."

How to be sincere to your father-in-law and mother-in-law?

How did Uncle Seventeen do it?

Going to my father-in-law's house every day for a meal?

Nuan then asked, "Cousin, why do you dare not agree?"

Prince An raised his ears.

Why does Miss Jingmei dare not agree?

Wu Jingmei: "Sister Nuan, you should know that Guilin daughter-in-law from our village, right?"

Wu Jingmei said this, and Nuan understood.

What Wu Jingmei was afraid of was that Prince An's family looked down on their family in their bones.

Just because of a temporary liking, ignore this problem, but some things will always happen in the future.

Love is beautiful, but it comes and goes.

It's all there for a reason.

It's not modern here, don't like it, don't fit, you can get a divorce, it's no big deal.

If she were to marry the prince, it would be almost impossible for her to reconcile.

It seems that Wu Jingmei also thought a lot.

Know what you want.

Not being carried away by love or anything.

Warm will not say more.

A man who knows what he wants has nothing to persuade.

Because other people's words are opinions, what you think is the most important!

Prince An: "."

What does this have to do with that Guilin daughter-in-law?

Prince An put his head on the back of the tile, not wanting to miss a word.

This is the key to Miss Jingmei's refusal to agree to the marriage!

"I understand! Then I won't bother my cousin, let's wait for my uncle and aunt to come and talk about it!"

Wu Jingmei nodded.

She likes the prince, but she will not make herself humble because of this love, and make her family who have worked hard to raise her humble.

Prince An on the roof is in a hurry!

Don't say it?

The point hasn't been said yet!

He didn't know what Miss Jingmei was worried about and how to show sincerity?

Warm out of the house.

Seeing the warmth coming out, Prince An quickly jumped down from the other end.

Wait outside the yard for warmth.

As soon as the warmth came out, he walked towards him and stretched out his hand: "200,000 taels of sincerity!"

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