In the evening, the grandfather's family came over.

This time they came, and they were going to open another ceramic workshop near the capital.

Then, because they didn't know when the wedding was due to the warmth and the queen, they heard that the Wu family's internal affairs office had already prepared everything for the big wedding.

So the whole family came over.

I was worried that it would be too late to rush over when I knew the date.

Outside Anguo Mansion

The family greeted him outside the gate.

With the people getting on and off the carriages, the family greeted each other lively.

Seeing Wu Qiye carefully helping Wen Jiamei to get out of the carriage, Nuan Nuan looked at her flat stomach, could she be overjoyed?

Wu Jinghuan got off the carriage with Xiao Xier in his arms, and said happily: "Mother has another baby! This time I have a younger brother!"

The chubby little Xi'er happily patted her little white hand in her brother's arms: "I have a younger brother! I am an older sister, not a younger sister!"

The whole family laughed, and then everyone's eyes fell on Wen Jiamei.

Wen Jiamei blushed with embarrassment when so many people looked at her.

Wu Jingzhi hurriedly said, "Don't talk nonsense."

Wu Jingzhi is a little older. He once heard that the child can't say it before the upper body is three months old.

Wu Jinghuan thought of something and quickly covered Xiaoxier's mouth.

He forgot to say no!

Isn't his brother gone?

Wu Jinghuan looked at Wen Jiamei's abdomen nervously.

Xiao Xi'er shook her head, unable to get rid of her brother's claws, she opened her mouth and bit down.

Wu Jinghuan quickly let go: "Little sister, why are you biting again!"

Wu Jingzhi hurriedly took over his sister: "You deserve it!"

Xiao Xier pouted: "I won't bite you, I won't be able to breathe anymore, I'm going to die!"

Wu Jinghuan's face turned pale with fright: "I'm sorry, come here, little brother, I'll let you bite again."

All the way, the eldest brother and the second brother hugged the little sister, and he just held it for a while!

"Don't!" Xiao Xi'er wrapped her arms around Wu Jingzhi's neck, turned her head, and put her head on Wu Jingzhi's shoulder.

The little brother's shoulders are too thin, making it uncomfortable to hold.

And he has little strength, and he always falls down.

Wu Jinghuan's heart is broken, why does the little girl just don't like to hug her?

Wu Jingmei also hadn't seen her cousin for a long time. She stepped forward and extended her hand to Xiao Xi'er: "Xiao Xi'er, can you give me a hug?"

Xiao Xi'er turned to look at her, reached out and fell into her arms: "I want big sister to hug!"

Xiao Xier was so heavy that Wu Jingmei almost didn't hold her.

How did Xiao Xier gain so much weight!

Nuan quickly took over: "Cousin, let me hug Xiao Xi'er!"

"Xi'er, will the third cousin hug you?"

"Okay!" Xiao Xi'er's big round eyes stared at the warmth curiously, without blinking.

Beside her, Mrs Wang didn't have time to care about her granddaughter. She looked at Wen Jiamei nervously: "Jiamei, really?"

Wu Shi and Wen Jiarui asked nervously.

Wu Qiye nodded happily: "Well, I only found out the night before yesterday, otherwise we should have arrived yesterday."

Wu Shi: "Oh, that's right, is Jiamei okay?"

Wen Jiamei smiled and said, "It's okay, it's okay, the doctor said it's okay."

Wang Shi couldn't help but be startled. She suddenly knew on the road that something must have happened. She hurriedly said to Wen Nuan, "Sister Nuan, show your sister-in-law!"

Nuannuan hugged Xiaoxier and nodded: "Okay, let's go into the room and talk about it."

The third cousin is still looking at the warmth, the third cousin is so beautiful!

Her face was as slippery as egg whites, as if it was delicious.

So Xiao Xi'er kissed her warm face: "The third cousin is so beautiful!"

He smiled warmly and kissed Xiao Xier: "The mouth is so sweet! My cousin gave you delicious candy!"

The three brothers of the Wu family: "."

So envious!

Apart from her parents, Xiao Xier and her grandparents don't kiss anyone!

The family entered the house in a mighty manner, and Wen Jiamei gave Wen Jiamei a pulse: "There is nothing wrong, but my body is a little tired. It has been two months. Mother and child are healthy. Just pay attention to rest."

In the end it is a long journey, after so many days, it is normal to be tired.

The family breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhang clasped his hands together and recited, "Bless the Bodhisattva!"

Wang glared at Wen Jiamei: "Fortunately, it's all right, it's too careless. It's not the first time for you to be a mother. It's been two months, don't you know?"

Wen Jiamei touched her abdomen and felt that she was too careless: "I was too busy, so I ignored it for a while."

In addition to the ceramic workshop, she also took care of the food for the three children herself. Wen Jiamei also made several sets of clothes for Wennuan, embroidered a large screen with many children and blessings, and some purses, handkerchiefs and the like. Really busy forgot.

Wu Qiye hurriedly said, "Mother, don't scold Jiamei, it's my fault!"

He happened to go to the neighboring county to check the shop in the days of Jiamei's childhood. When he came back, he thought she was clean, so he didn't expect to ask.

Unexpectedly, Jiamei was so busy that she forgot that her little days did not come.

Or the day before yesterday he said how the day did not come two days late.

Jiamei's day is very accurate every month.

Jiamei just remembered that she didn't seem to be here last month!

At that time, Wu Qinye almost broke out in a cold sweat when he thought of his hard work this month and the madness just now.

In the night, the people at the station asked for a doctor.

Surprised the whole family.

Mrs. Zhang also said, "It's not your fault, you don't even know if your daughter-in-law is happy!"

It's not easy for Wang to say anything about Wen Jiamei.

Mrs Wu hurriedly said: "It's fine, it's okay, I've been hungry all day! People with this body are the most hungry! Does Jiamei feel happy? Is there anything that makes me want to vomit?"

If there is something that makes her unhappy, Mrs. Wu asks the servant not to bring it to the table.

Wen Jiamei shook her head: "No, this child is very good and must not be noisy. It's because I don't feel anything, eat well, sleep well, and the whole person is so comfortable that I will forget it."

Speaking of which, she was embarrassed.

Hearing the words, Wennuan smiled: "Then he must be a healthy and well-behaved child!"

Zhang Shi smiled and said, "This child knows how to love his mother."

The old man Wu was holding his little granddaughter at the moment, and Xiao Xi'er was playing with his beard. He smiled and said, "It's good! Don't be so mischievous like Xi'er, and strip off grandpa's beard!"

Xiao Xi'er pouted when she heard the words: "Grandpa is too bad! There are still many beards, where is the light?"

The whole family laughed.


After dinner, Wen Jiamei was helped by Wu Qiye to go back to the room to rest.

Mrs Wu took the opportunity to tell Wu Qihua and Mrs Ye that Prince An’s mansion wanted to marry Wu Jingmei for Prince An’s heir.

Take people's money and help them eliminate disasters. This morning, Prince An owed a huge sum of 300,000 taels and left, so Nuan also came to listen.

Knowing that she might not be able to convince her elder brother and sister-in-law, Mrs Wu said nothing.

Originally, this kind of thing is not suitable for unmarried women, but warmth is not an ordinary woman.

On weekdays, the Wu family is also somewhat dependent on her daughter.

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