Wu Qihua listened and said subconsciously, "How could this Prince An's mansion like our Jingmei?"

They can only be considered merchants now!

The prince and the prince are also qualified to marry the princess of a neighboring country.

Wu Shi gave her eldest brother an angry look: "Our family Jingmei is so beautiful and has a good temperament, why don't you like it? Brother, how can you be a father like this!"

Warm also said: "Uncle, if you say that, cousin Jingmei will be sad. Cousin Jingmei is such a good woman, if I were a man, I would marry her too!"

Wu Qihua hurriedly said: "I didn't mean that. Our family background is too low."

Prince An's heir, Wu Qihua has also met him. He has neither arms nor legs. He is also gentle and courteous in dealing with people and things, without any playfulness.

He looks a little like King Jin.

Who wouldn't want to marry a daughter to such a man?

Is it just their home?

Besides, it's royal!

There must be more rules.

Sometimes women are either good candidates for marriage or happy.

The man who is married is good, diligent and motivated, and the people in the family are kind and generous, and have a good temperament. Only then can they be happy.

Their family is not short of money now, he just wants his daughter to be happy.

The uncle Ye Shi also nodded: "Is Prince An's residence too high? This is not a good marriage?!"

Although the sister-in-law said to let Wu Jingmei stay in the capital, she found a good marriage for her.

At that time, she just wanted to find the son of a rank 6 or 7 official, or someone from a poor family.

This is already a very good marriage in her opinion.

Now I actually told her that I found a Prince An mansion!

The Prince's Mansion, what kind of door is that?

In addition to the palace, the Prince's Palace is the highest ranking!

Mrs. Zhang also nodded: "Although it is said that the high family is married to a daughter, and the low family is married to a daughter-in-law, the gap between this prince's residence and ours is too big. This marriage is not good! Yuyan, you can find a poor family jinshi for Jingmei. It's okay, you don't need to be so high-ranking, it's all in the sky!"

When Mr. Zhang said that at the end, he shook his head vigorously: "It's not suitable, it's not suitable,"

It was inappropriate to say several times in a row.

Ye Shi asked at this time, "What did Jing Mei think?"

Mrs Wu said, "Jing Mei said she listened to her elder brother and sister-in-law. Marriage matters, the words of the matchmaker ordered by her parents."

Ye Shi was relieved, her daughter was not blinded by the wealth and glory of this capital.

When the daughter said so, she knew that they would not agree.

Mrs. Ye looked at Mrs. Wu: "Little sister, can we refuse this marriage?"

She was worried that if she refused, she would offend Prince An's mansion and make the little sister's family difficult to behave.

After all, Prince An's mansion offered to marry a merchant's daughter, but they dared to refuse.

Mrs Wu nodded: "Of course, I didn't answer, so I asked for your opinion. Prince An's family is not a family that bullies others, if not, they can ask the emperor to give marriage, instead of asking me privately. I asked my brother and sister-in-law for their opinion.”

Mrs. Zhang: "It sounds like this, Prince An's Mansion is a kind family."

Wu Shi: "It's really kind. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to teach a child with such a good character as Prince An. To be fair, if it wasn't for the fact that his family background was too good and his family background was too unattainable, the prince is really a good child who is worthy of entrustment for life. !"

Prince An hiding on the roof: "."

what world is this?

The background is too good, and the family background is too good to be a disadvantage!

Marrying into the royal family is like flying on the branches and turning into a phoenix for many women. If it was another family, they would have jumped for joy.

But it is precisely because of this that Prince An valued Wu Jingmei even more.

A girl raised by such an honest family will have such a good temperament.

Prince An's mansion has a simple population, a warm and loving family, no concubine sons and daughters, no intrigue, and he will definitely not marry a woman who is complicated in heart and mind.

Prince An knew that Nuan's grandfather's house was coming over the past two days, so he specially sent someone to guard outside the city gate. As soon as Nuan's grandfather's home arrived, he received news, estimated the time, and rushed over to eavesdrop on the corner.

Ye Shi sighed: "The prince is very good. But there are many royal rules. Besides, he is a concubine and a concubine. There are a lot of them. After getting married, they are intriguing every day. Playing tricks, you have to get over those people everywhere, and seeing so many Yingyingyanyan beside your husband, isn't it bad?"

Mrs. Zhang: "No, in addition to the many rules, I'm afraid there will be more than one mother-in-law to serve. In addition to the prince and the concubine, the side concubine must also serve. Such a complicated family is not suitable for people like us. I would rather Jing Jing. If you marry a family with a lower door, the husband and wife are loving and loving, and they will grow old, and that will be very good!"

Wen Nuan looked up at the roof and smiled: "Grandma, you are wrong. Prince An has only one concubine in his life, no side concubine, no concubines. If the cousin married, there would be no such problems. As for When it comes to serving the parents-in-law, Princess An is not the kind of person who sets rules for the daughter-in-law, and as for the many people in the other houses, if you really have to wait hard, you won't be able to get the master, as long as you do your filial piety."

Wu Qihua was surprised when he heard this: "Prince An has only one concubine, Prince An?"

Nodding warmly: "Prince An and Prince Ning are two infatuated species, both only have the main concubine, no side concubines and no concubines. There are no concubines and concubines in the mansion, and there are other princes. So uncle, uncle, if There is no intrigue in Prince An's mansion, and the prince of Prince An is willing to only have his cousin as a concubine in the future, without a side concubine or a concubine, so are you willing to marry your cousin to him?"

Ye Shi: "If this is really the case, then Jingmei's marriage to the prince will really be a blessing for several lifetimes. Why would I disagree? My aunt is afraid that Jingmei will marry the prince with multiple wives and concubines. Although she is rich and noble, it's too bad! Auntie hopes that Jingmei can have a husband who loves her wholeheartedly and protects her. No matter whether you are poor or rich, there is nothing that a husband and wife can't live with together."

After Ye Shi finished speaking, she looked at her husband.

She felt that she was very lucky to be married to Wu Qihua. Her in-laws got along well, and her husband was wholehearted and caring for her. She had both children and her family was good, but she suffered a little because of Lei's family. I don't feel sorry, and now I have all the hardships come to me?

Wu Qihua: "That's the truth! Although Prince An has no concubine, the eldest son is not Prince An, and may not be the same as his father. With his identity, it is unlikely that he has no concubine or the like. So let's forget about the marriage!"

Prince An couldn't listen anymore, he jumped down, tidied up his clothes, and asked Aster, who was guarding outside the door, to report to him, and then walked in.

"Uncle Wu, Aunt Ye, I once had a maid in the house, but my mother-in-law has already promised her. I promise here that if you marry Jingmei to me, I will only have Jingmei in my life from now on. A main concubine, no side concubine, no concubines, no open rooms and the like!"

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