The emperor said cheerfully: "I will come to join in the fun."

Well, he was actually here to eat, just to join in the fun.

The food in Nalan Kingdom and the ceremonial ceremony is usually made by the clerk himself.

The things that Hui'an County Master made with his own hands, he is not the emperor who can eat what he wants!

I can't even take a bite until my neck is long 3.

Originally, he just wanted to take a peek at it, but it was too troublesome!

Why is he peeking?

He didn't do anything wrong!

So just sit upright.

The empress dowager doesn't care about the emperor anymore, who doesn't know him, it's fake to join in the fun, and it's true to be greedy!

The Queen Mother glanced at Princess Ning.

Princess Ning immediately said, "Congratulations!"

Wen Jiarui stood up, walked up and spoke to the people who came to the ceremony: "Today is the little girl's warm wedding ceremony, thank you all friends and guests for coming. Now, the little girl's warm adult ceremony officially begins! Distinguished guests."

Wu Jingmei came out first, washed her hands with her hands, and then stood on the west steps to wait.

At this time, Nalan Jinnian held a guqin, jumped onto the roof, sat cross-legged, and gently plucked the strings with her knuckled fingers.

The wonderful and agile sound of the piano poured out from his gentle fingers, like the morning sunlight flowing through his heart, soft and quiet, warm and comfortable.

The beautiful and lively sound of the piano was gently sent into everyone's ears along with the breeze, making everyone's heart tremble.

This sound.

The sound of the sound of nature is reproduced!

Everyone looked up at the roof.

I saw Nalan Jinnian dressed in silver sitting cross-legged on the roof row upon row, stroking the guqin lightly, with a dusty posture and unparalleled elegance!

Many ladies and young ladies have bulging eyes!

"King Jin!"

"Sure enough, it's King Jin!"

"It turned out to be King Jin!"

King Jin actually played the piano again after not playing the piano for many years!

The princess of Hui'an and the performer of the wedding ceremony turned out to be King Jin!

This time the wedding ceremony - amazing!

The queen mother was the guest of honor, the emperor came to watch the ceremony, two princes and concubines, and a prince!

The minimum status of the spectators are the family members of the third-rank senior members!

At this time, Wen Nuan stepped out of the east house with the smart sound of the piano.

Wearing a light blue colored robe, with a plain face facing the sky, those delicate eyebrows and eyes are like a painting, beautiful, agile, and stunning!

Nalan Jinnian's icy eyes retreated from their usual ice-cold water, and they looked at her softly.

The little girl has finally grown up!

At this moment, everyone's eyes fell on the warmth.

The envy in the eyes of so many girls who have already reached her and those who have not reached her is about to flow out.

If they can invite a princess when they are married, it will be very honorable!

Not to mention that both the queen mother and the emperor are here.

Princess Hui'an is really lucky!

The peasant girl was born, but it was more noble than the real daughters of the official family!

The empress dowager looked warmly with loving eyes.

Those eyes are like those of Nalan Jinnian!

The empress dowager said happily: Oh, I finally waited for the day when my daughter-in-law grew up!

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Wen Nuan walked to the venue in a leisurely manner, faced south, and bowed to the guests watching.

Then she was kneeling on the futon facing west.

Wu Jingmei came forward to comb her hair, and then put the comb to the south of the mat.

At this time, Princess Ning said again: "Bing Xian!"

The queen mother got up first, and Wen Jiarui and Mrs Wu got up to accompany him.

The queen mother walked to the washroom under the east steps and put her hand in. Lin Tingya waited for her to wash her hands, and Han Gengyu helped the queen mother dry with a cloth towel.

Wen Jiarui and Mrs Wu bowed to the Queen Mother to show their gratitude.

Then the three of them returned to their places and sat down.

Princess Ning: "Jiajia!"

Hearing the words warmly, he turned around and sat facing east.

Princess Ann came forward with a tray and offered Ropa and hairpin.

The queen mother walked in front of Nuan Nuan, smiled at Nuan Nuan, and then sang a congratulatory message: "On the auspicious day of the month, the first Canadian dollar will serve Futai Ankang."

Then the queen mother began to add hairpins to the warm comb.


The warm hair is really soft and silky, which makes people love it!

What bastard on the cheap roof!

The queen mother scolded her belly while adding a brush to the warm hair, and walked back to the original position after finishing.

Then Wu Jingmei straightened her hair again symbolically.

Done, get up warm.

Everyone congratulated the person in succession: "Congratulations to the Hui'an County Master and his hairpin! I wish the Hui'an County Master a long life and prosperity!"

Wen Nuan blessed everyone, which was considered a thank you, and then she returned to the east room, and with the help of Wu Jingmei and Princess An, put on the plain clothes and skirts that matched the hairpins on her head.

Warm and change into a light pink ru skirt, obviously pink is easy to wear tacky, but she looks refined and moving!

It's like walking out of a peach blossom wonderland!

Concubine Ning was distracted for a moment, and then returned to her senses: "One bow!"

Wen Nuan walked to the middle, faced Wen Jiarui and the Wu family, and bowed respectfully.

Thank you for your nurturing grace over the years.

Next is the second addition, this time the hairpin is added, and the steps are the same as the first addition, and then put on the dark robe matching the hairpin.

Then there is the second worship, this time the second worship is to show the respect of the teachers and seniors.

Then three plus, to hairpin plus hairpin crown!

When Wu Jingmei lifted the red cloth to reveal the hairpin crown on the tray, there were several sounds of inhalation in the air!

Phoenix Crown!

It turned out to be a phoenix crown!

Although it is not a real colorful phoenix, it is a phoenix crown if it is missing one color!

There are several people in the world who are qualified to wear a phoenix crown.

Wen Nuan was also startled when he saw Feng Guan.

Then he cursed in his heart: Come on! Which bastard is trying to hurt her again?

She looked at the queen mother anxiously.

The emperor sneezed at this time.

He rubbed his nose: why is it suddenly itchy?

Everyone's eyes widened: This Princess Hui'an is too bold, isn't it?

How dare you use a phoenix crown?

The queen mother was also a little surprised, but she smiled at the warmth and reassurance: "This is a reward from the emperor."

Her son is a dragon, and her daughter-in-law will have no problem with a phoenix crown!

Wen Jiarui and Mrs Wu were so frightened they almost knelt down!

Hearing this, he looked at the emperor.

The emperor: "I see this thing in the warehouse, it looks very suitable for Hui'an county master! Hui'an county master will look good with it!"

People watching the ceremony: "."


Does the emperor love himself too much?

The phoenix crown is added!


This is to hate yourself!

The future queen will probably hate herself!

After the phoenix crown was added, Wen Nuan went back to the east room and put on the palace costume that matched the phoenix crown.

Dressed in the princess palace costume!

Honoring her as the princess, honoring her as a royal daughter-in-law's honor, honor and favor, it is all right!

How many girls are so complicated that they couldn't be more complicated.

It turned out that I was envious to the depths, it was numb!

The phoenix crown is added!


In the time of the queens of all dynasties, they never had this kind of treatment!

The eyes of the third prince and concubine were dark as deep.

Next is the three prayers!

Originally, he was supposed to bow in the direction of the palace, but when the emperor came, he naturally bowed to the emperor, expressing his determination to inherit civilization and serve the court.

Next is Zhili, Jizi, and then the character Ji.

The queen mother gave warmth a word: Yao.

Yao and Jin are both beautiful jades, a pair of Jin Yao, precious and beautiful!

Next, there is listening and training, thank you, and finally the ceremony is done!

A whole tossing and a warm morning!

It's more tiring than fighting a war!

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