After the warm ceremony and the wedding ceremony, the host and guests entered the table.

There is nothing that you don't expect when you have eaten the banquet in the An Guogong's mansion.

Wen Nuan made some clever fruits last night. The shapes of various small animals were colorful and looked very beautiful. Every table was sold out all of a sudden.

The sisters of Wen Wen made a very large cake for Wen Wen together, with a total of six floors. When it came out, everyone was amazed.

This cake, each share a small plate.

Mrs. Hubu Shangshu tasted a golden-yellow carp-shaped one. It was sweet but not greasy. It melted in the mouth. After a little aftertaste, the plate was empty.

She smiled and said, "Oh, it's too fast to eat! Princess Hui'an's hands are clever, and the queen mother will be blessed in the future, so she can eat it often."

The queen mother smiled when she heard the words: "The seventeenth child did the most filial thing in his life, was to find a good daughter-in-law for the Ai family!"

Mrs. Masi of Wucheng Bing happened to have a bite of the cake, she heard a move in her heart and said with a smile: "If only my stinky boy was so filial! Mrs. Wu, how did you raise your children like this? All the girls have an exquisite heart, and they are all ingenious! This big cake was made by several girls from the An Guogong’s residence together? It’s delicious!”

As she said that, she glanced at the table not far away, where some young girls were sitting.

Wen Qian was eating quietly with her head down, her demeanor elegant and dignified.

It also looks good.

Listening to her husband, this girl is quiet, sensible, and grateful, she is a good child.

It’s just that there are few words, but it’s okay to talk less, and it’s easy to make mistakes. Their family is in charge of the security of the capital, so making noise is not a good thing.

It's easy to be sniffed out by someone with a heart.

When she comes back, she invites someone to come to the door to find out!

At the same table were Princess Ning, Princess An, the wife of the Sixth Book of Ministers and other wives. Everyone was moved when they heard this.

Yesterday's imperial decree of the emperor's marriage caused a sensation in the whole city!

Silently, Prince An's heir apparent betrothed to the cousin of An Guogong's mansion.

Two of the girls who went out from Duke Anguo's mansion have already joined the royal family!

Now the status of Duke An Guo’s mansion in the capital can be said to be aloof. There is a prince of the country, a general, a county master and a marriage to King Jin, a cousin to the prince of Prince An, and two sons, one in the Yanzheng Division and the other in charge In a city, he also married the daughter of the servant of the Ministry of Industry.

One daughter was married to the youngest general in the court, the other was married to the second son of the Ning family, the richest man in Jianghuai, and the Ning family also had a fourth-rank imperial guard with a sword.

With such a network of connections here, the girls from the Anguo Gong's mansion, even if they are not the daughters of Anguo Gong, have all gone up.

Mrs. Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites took a warm look at her body. She was too young to fully open her eyes, and she took a look at the girls next to Wu Jingmei. General Lin's sister is also good, but Princess Ning has looked at her several times today. Could it be that she is deliberately making her the Prince Ning's concubine?

In this case, the girls in the An Guogong's mansion are probably even more popular!

Not only the lady of the Ministry of Rites, but also many ladies from time to time turn their attention to Wen Qian, Lin Tingya, and Wen Ling.

Princess Ning also noticed that many people were staring at Lin Tingya.

The marriage between Prince An and Miss Wu has been settled, and she is in a hurry!

She couldn't help but put her head to Wu's ear: "Mrs. Wu, what did Mrs. General Lin say?"

Lin Tingya has no parents to call the shots, her eldest sister-in-law is her mother, and General Lin is not here, so she can only ask.

Wu shi said: "I asked, and Sister Xin is naturally very happy, but she is only a sister-in-law, and this matter still has to be discussed with General Lin. She has already written to General Lin, and the flying pigeon is passing the book. Today There should be news!"

When Princess Ning heard the words, she breathed a sigh of relief: "Mrs. Wu, if you have any news, let me know immediately! Even at night."

Even at night, she had to let the prince enter the palace overnight to ask for the imperial decree.

Then she immediately went to Qin Tianjian to set the date for marriage.

After the autumn harvest, isn't it the best time to get married? Marrying a daughter-in-law is a good New Year's Eve.

People in this dynasty, especially ordinary people, liked to get married after the autumn harvest. First, after the autumn harvest, everyone was free. Second, after the autumn harvest, there was more food and more food to greet guests. The third is because most of the newlyweds who get married after the autumn harvest soon conceive children. Probably because the period after the autumn harvest is the most filling time of the year. When you are full, your body will naturally feel better, and you will be able to keep a baby when you are pregnant.

Wu Shi nodded: "Don't worry, I will tell you as soon as possible."

On the other end, Nuan did not ignore everyone's eyes. She looked at Wen Qian and said with a smile, "There is a girl in my family who has grown up."

Wen Qian naturally felt everyone's attention, and she blushed: "What are you talking about, Sister Nuan!"

Wen Ling also felt that many ladies were looking at their two sisters this time, she was a little excited, and glanced at the male guest, who was chatting and laughing with everyone, the seventh prince and Prince Ning.

These two people are the closest to their house.

With a warm and innocent face, he said cheekily, "I didn't say anything! I said my family had a young girl growing up, but I said myself! Third cousin, what did you think of, your face turned red?"

Wen Qian: "."

Wen Nuan couldn't bear to tease her anymore. Wen Qian's face was always thin. She leaned into her ear and whispered, "Cousin three, how about I help you find a good husband?"

Wen Qian's face turned even redder, and she whispered, "Stop joking."

When others heard it, she didn't dare to see anyone.

He smiled warmly and decided to ask again in private, but unfortunately Liu Kai is not in the capital now!

If you are there, you can also find an opportunity to let the two get along and see if you can call.

I didn't miss the warmth. Today, Mrs. Cheng stared at Wen Qian several times.

Wen Qian and Liu Kai?

It would be great if the two of them could be a couple!


On the male guest's side, the emperor asked Prince Ning's son, "Yu Zhao, Yi Chen is already engaged, do you have a girl you like? If there is, I will also give you an order to marry him."

Hearing this, Prince An said proudly, "Your Majesty, Yuzhao has it, but the girl's family hasn't agreed yet!"

Prince Ning glared at the talkative Prince An.

The emperor was surprised when he heard the words: "Oh, who is it?"

Prince Ning is hard to say.

Because of this kind of thing, the other party didn't promise to say it. Besides, he often came to Anguo's mansion, and Lin Tingya often stayed in Anguo's mansion. If any rumors spread, it would be bad for Lin Tingya's reputation.

It will even affect his friendship with Lin Tingxuan.

The emperor looked at Nalan Jinnian.

Nalan Jinnian sat next to the emperor and whispered to the emperor, "General Lin's sister."

The emperor widened his eyes when he heard the words, then smiled and stroked his beard: "Haha. Not bad, not bad!"

Just as everyone happily ate the banquet.

Outside the city gate, a soldier held the token and the letter in his hand high, and said loudly: "Eight hundred miles urgently!"

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