The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1159 Today is really a good day!

After Wen Nuan left Wu Jingmei's yard, she went to the health care garden to grow medicinal herbs.

The war has started, and the barracks need a lot of medicinal materials. The second uncle was unable to come to the capital this time because he went around to buy medicinal materials to supply to the front line.

As soon as Wen Nuan put on the cotton gloves, and was about to harvest the medicinal materials that had been raised with purple qi, Xiao Hei flew down from the sky and landed on Nuan Nuan's shoulders.

Wen Nuan hurriedly took off the cotton gloves, and said happily: "Xiao Hei, you are back!"

Xiao Hei nodded, then flew to Nuan Nuan's eyes and spread his wings. The eyes are a little anxious: Miss sister, hurry up, I'm starving to death!

Nuan Nuan reached out and untied the note under its wings, then took out a bottle of pills from his arms, poured out one on the palm of his hand, and handed it to Xiao Hei: "Hard work, Xiao Hei! Come to replenish your vitality, go find Aster wants meat!"

Little Hei pecked with his pointed eagle beak, took away the palm-warming pill, and then flapped his wings to find Zi Wan to eat!

Nuan Nuan opened the note and glanced at it, then happily went to look for Mrs. Wu.

In the main courtyard, Mrs. Wu was rushing to make cotton-padded clothes. After reading the note that Nuan Nuan handed her, she stood up happily: "Oh, no, I have to tell Princess Ning quickly, she has been waiting impatiently."

After saying that, Mrs. Wu stood up and walked out!

Nuannuan hurriedly pulled her back: "Mother, I'll just ask Chen Huan to go."

Wu waved her hand: "No need! I'll go in person."

Lin Tingya didn't have a biological mother, and Mrs. Wu regarded her as her own daughter, and felt that it would be more sincere to go there in person.

Let the people in Prince Ning's Mansion know that Lin Tingya is protected by Duke Anguo's Mansion.

After marrying in the future, some people who don't have long eyes dare not look at her less.

Seeing this, Nuan Nuan didn't stop her, it was rare for Mrs. Wu to go out.

On weekdays, she hardly communicates with wives from other prefectures. ,

Wen Nuan walked out behind her, and she had to go back to the health care garden to grow medicinal materials!

Mrs. Wu walked out of the yard, only to think of something, then turned to Nuan Nuan who was following behind her and said, "Sister Nuan, you send someone to talk to your second sister! Just say that Ting Xuan has agreed to the favor of the eldest son and Ting Ya." As for the marriage, you ask your second sister to come over tonight and discuss with me about the marriage."

Wen Xin has a big belly now, it's inconvenient to take care of these things, Mrs. Wu plans to let her take care of them!

Nuan nodded: "I see."

After saying this, Mrs. Wu hurried out.

Just in time to see Wen Ling passing by.

Wen Ling called out sweetly: "Fourth Aunt."

Wu Shi smiled and nodded: "Sister Ling! Are you going to visit the garden?"

Wen Ling nodded obediently: "Is Fourth Aunt going out in such a hurry? Let me accompany Fourth Aunt!"

After Wen Ling walked out of the small courtyard just now, she went to the garden to search around, but she didn't see the Seventh Prince and Ning Prince, she walked back with some disappointment, passed by the main courtyard, and happened to hear Wu's words to Wen Nuan.

She was shocked!

The marriage between Prince Ning's son and Lin Tingya?

When did the two discuss marriage?

Fourth Aunt handed Lin Tingya to Prince Ning, so wouldn't she only have the seventh prince left to choose?

With such a high status as the Seventh Prince, Wen Ling felt a little uncertain.

However, she thought that since Wu Jingmei married the prince, she would have no problem marrying the prince.

After all, his father is currently preparing medicinal materials for the army, so it can be regarded as serving the imperial court!

Wen Ling felt relieved when she thought of this.

The Seventh Prince is even better!

Wu waved her hand: "No, no, Fourth Aunt has business to do and is in a hurry! I won't talk to you yet!"

Miss Wu left these words and ran away in a hurry.

I'm afraid that this marriage will run away.

At her age, women like to do this kind of matchmaking work.

Wu is no exception.

Wen Ling couldn't help feeling a little disappointed, Prince Ning and the Seventh Prince came together, maybe they went to Prince Ning's mansion.

She went out with her, maybe she could see the Seventh Prince.

Then the warmth came out.

Seeing Nuan Nuan coming out, she put away the disappointment in her eyes and said with a smile, "Sister Nuan, Prince Ning is going to discuss marriage with Miss Lin?"

Wen Nuan nodded: "Well, Princess Ning came to talk to my mother before, but now the second brother-in-law has replied to agree to the marriage."

Wen Ling laughed when she heard the words: "Really? That's really great! Sister Jingmei married Prince An's son, and Sister Tingya married Prince Ning's son. Just now my sister also said that if General Liu is willing to marry her, she will marry her." Naturally, I am willing to marry. My sisters have good marriages. I am so happy! There are so many happy events today! Hehe"

Wen Ling deliberately reminded Wen Nuan that she was the only one left.

Sister Nuan and Fourth Aunt both found a good marriage for them, so they shouldn't forget about themselves!

And among the young and promising men, there was only one Seventh Prince who was not engaged yet just like himself!

Nuan Nuan smiled: "Really? The third cousin said so! Then today is really a good day! If the fourth cousin's marriage is also settled, then I will be even more happy! Fourth cousin, Zuo Qian Mr. Liang, the son of Du Yushi, is really good, would you like to meet him?"

Wen Ling's face froze when she heard this, and she pulled out a stiff smile: "No, I'm not in a hurry. Hehe. Well, I'm a little anxious, I'm leaving!"

After speaking, Wen Ling clutched her stomach and ran away.

Nuannuan looked at her back, shook his head, and didn't bother to care about her anymore.

Wen Nuan walked towards the health care garden with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, today is really a good day!

When Wen Ling returned to the guest house, she couldn't help being a little sad.

Didn't Sister Nuan ever think that she could marry the Seventh Prince?

Why did you find for yourself a white body who hadn't even passed the exam, and for your sister you found a mere general, but for Jing Mei and Ting Ya's sisters, you found a noble son with royal blood!

Could it be that this cousin is closer than her own cousin?

No, she still has to figure out a way to make the Seventh Prince like her.

Wen Qian saw that her face was a little ugly, and asked concerned: "Sister Ling, what's wrong with you?"

Wen Ling glanced at her: "It's okay! Sister, if General Liu is willing to marry you, are you really willing to marry General Liu?"

The elder sister is a little prettier than herself. If she is not engaged, Wen Ling is worried that the seventh prince will look down on her sister and look down on herself.

Wen Qian nodded when she heard the words: "Well, a man like General Liu is the kind of man I can only dream of for my status!"

Wen Qian has been thinking about this question just now, she thinks this should be something she can meet, no matter the man with the best family background or talent, the Liu family likes her because of the relationship of the fourth uncle's family, otherwise she would not be like this Opportunity.

She is just a woman who has retired from her marriage, marrying a fourth-rank general is simply heaven.

The most important thing is that Wen Qian feels the warmth is very strong, and her eyesight is very good! Seeing that everyone around her is loyal to her, you will know it if you admire her.

Since Sister Nuan thinks he is a good man, General Liu's character is pretty good!

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