Wen Qian didn't have the chance to meet too many men, but she believed in warmth, that the fourth uncle's family would not harm her, and she would definitely put the best in front of their sisters.

Moreover, Wen Qian felt that the fourth aunt and Wen Nuan must have considered whether they were suitable or not when they chose their son-in-law.

Thinking of the son of the censor of Zuo Yudu that Nuan said, she persuaded: "Sister Ling, the censor of Zuo Yu that Nuan said."

She thinks that her sister's temperament is actually better to marry a merchant, but it is also good to be able to marry into an official family, and the children are born tall, so the censor's family style is very good.

Sister Ling just needs someone to discipline her all the time.

Wen Ling's heart was even more congested: "Sister, everyone in the Censor's Desk is bitter and mean! If you marry, you will be criticized all day long? I won't marry! If you want to marry, you can marry yourself!"

She herself knew how to pick a fourth-rank general, and she even persuaded herself to marry the son of a fourth-rank official~!

Sister is crazy!

Wen Qian: "."


That night

A man in black sneaked into the Guofo Temple, looked at the desk in front of the big Buddha, and then his eyes fell on the peach wood box.

When he reached out to get the peach wood box, a voice sounded behind him: "My lord, it's the last night, can't you let Lao Na get a good night's sleep?"

The host of the Guofo Temple paused here: "Who are you? Why did you break into the Guofo Temple at night!"

Depend on!


Why didn't it come from King Jin? !

King Jin, you stinky boy, you big bastard, you are here tonight!

If the old man's life is lost, you are dead!

You don't want to marry a daughter-in-law for the rest of your life.

The host of Guofo Temple cursed his father in his heart!

Totally miscalculated!

Oops, the man in black looked like he was very strong in martial arts, but he couldn't beat him!

King Jin, King Jin, come here quickly!

The host makes a calculation, yes! Nobody is coming!


Isn't this just a piece of paper?

Why do so many people care about it?

After thinking about it, the host of Guofo Temple thought a lot.

The man in black was startled, quickly picked up the peach wood box, and released a sleeve arrow at the host of Guofo Temple. Then, taking advantage of the moment when the host was dodging, he dodged and ran out quickly.

The host waved his sleeves to block the arrows, and then with a flash, he stopped the man in black: "Leave the box!"

The man in black quickly drew his sword and stabbed the host.

"Someone! Someone broke into the Buddhist temple in the country at night! Seal the temple!" The host shouted, and then quickly fought with the man in black.

The monks in the Guofo Temple quickly appeared and surrounded the black clothes and the host.

The man in black didn't expect the monks in a temple to be so strong in martial arts. He took out the mahogany box in his arms and squeezed it hard, trying to crush it, but found that it couldn't be crushed! !

What kind of peach wood is this?

How can it not be crushed?

Seeing more and more monks running out, he directly threw the peach wood box down the cliff!

The master said that as long as the contents are destroyed, the Nalan Kingdom will not be able to take it out for tomorrow's ceremony of offering sacrifices to the heavens.

Left off the cliff, it should be hard to find!

The host saw the peach wood box flying out in the direction of the cliff, his face changed, and his figure flew out in a flash.

The man in black took the opportunity to drop a smoke bomb, and then took the opportunity to run away!


On the second day, the imperial court held the annual ceremony of offering sacrifices to the heaven after the autumn harvest.

Before dawn, there were carriages parked outside the palace gate and people queuing up to enter the city.

The ceremony of offering sacrifices to the heavens after the autumn harvest is a major event in the DPRK. Officials of the fourth rank and above and women of life should participate except for the reason of physical inconvenience.

The purpose is to pray for good weather in the coming year.

But Nalan Jinnian doesn't care about this. He believes that if the sacrifice to the sky is not sacrificed to the sky, it will still rain when God wants to rain.

He felt that today was important because today was finally the day when he and the little girl got married.

Before dawn, Nalan Jinnian climbed over the wall and went to the warm courtyard.

Wen Nuan just woke up, and before he got up from the bed, Nalan Jinnian came in.

Wen Nuan sat up, rubbed his eyes, his expression was a little confused, and his voice was vague: "Why is it so early, Brother Seventeen?"

Nalan Jinnian lifted the gauze curtain, sat down on the edge of the bed, and looked at her confused appearance. Although it was not the first time she had seen her, she just thought she was very cute.

He pinched her pretty nose: "Little lazy pig, it's getting late! I have to go to the Guofo Temple to pick up the host. You and Uncle Wen will enter the palace with my token. Stop queuing."

Nalan Jinnian took out a token from his arms and placed it by the pillow.


Nalan Jinnian stood up, took out a cloak, and put it on warmly: "It's a bit cold today, so wear an extra layer of clothes inside. After entering the palace, go to Kangning Palace to accompany your mother and talk to her! Don't wait outside. on."


After the general ministers entered the palace, they had to stand in the open space below the altar and wait for the start of the ceremony.

Usually a stop is an hour or two.

"I'm leaving!" Nalan Jinnian told her, kissed her forehead, then strode out of the house, climbed the wall and returned to Prince Jin's mansion, and rode straight out of the city.

After half an hour, Nalan Jinnian came to the foot of Guofo Temple Mountain and greeted the peach wood box in person.

Ahem, that's not right, it was to welcome the host of Guofo Temple to enter the palace to participate in the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven.

It's just that Nalan Jinnian came to the Guofo Temple, but found that the Guofo Temple was empty.

Where have all those monks gone?

His face changed, and he quickly ran into the hall where the mahogany box was enshrined.

Sure enough, the mahogany box on the desk was gone!

Nalan Jinnian quickly turned around and ran out, just in time to see an old monk walking out.

"Master, what about the host?"

The old monk squinted and looked for a long time before realizing that he was King Jin.

"Amitabha, the poor monk has seen King Jin!"

Nalan Jin Nianxu helped him: "Master is too polite, where have all the people in this temple gone?"

The old monk shook his head, he didn't know, he couldn't see anyone when he woke up.


At this time, Nalan Jinnian's ears moved, and then the figure disappeared in a flash.

Old monk: "."

At this time, under the cliff, Guofo Temple presided over and instructed the monks in the temple to look around.

"Quick, look around!"

"Did you find it there?"

Nalan Jinnian watched a group of monks holding branches and looking around, and had a bad premonition in her heart.

He dodged and came to the host of Guofo Temple: "Master host, what happened?"

The host of the Guofo Temple was fiddling with the fallen leaves on the ground with a branch as thick as a thumb, rummaging around.

Seeing Nalan Jinnian's anger, he swung at Nalan Jinnian's calf with a stick: "Stinky boy! Why didn't you come last night!"

Nalan Jinnian: "."

Nalan Jinnian jumped back and quickly dodged.

The host of the Guofo Temple didn't reach Nalan Jinnian, so he chased him and swung it branch by branch.

"Stinky boy, stand still."

"You bastard! You stop"

"You bastard, don't hide!"

Nalan Jinnian dodged quickly.

Under the cliff, the little monks who were looking for peach wood boxes in the woods were stunned!

Is this still their host master?

Why are you talking dirty?

What about the image of the bone fairy?

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